As the legal-positivist position, whether Kelsenian or Hartian, became the dominant view among philosophers of law in the 20th century, there developed alongside it an influential but very different approach to thinking about law, now usually described as legal realism. The two most-important figures in this regard were the Dane Alf Ross (1899–1979) and the American Karl Llewellyn (1893–1962), though they were very different theorists. Ross was a systematic philosopher who taught in a law faculty, Llewellyn a philosophical novice but an extremely accomplished and influential lawyer and professor. Both kinds of realism, Scandinavian and American, were skeptical of the idea that written laws really explain the behaviour of judges, and both depended upon a naturalistic worldview in which reality was presumed to be as the sciences described it. Alf Ross
For Ross, the latter, naturalistic assumption was explicit: influenced by logical-positivist theories of the 1920s and ’30s (which were unrelated to legal positivism), Ross accepted the view that the only things that really exist are those described by the various empirical sciences, from physics to biology to psychology. Because the empirical sciences do not explain natural phenomena in terms of norms—they make no reference to obligations, duties, rights, or justice, for example—naturalists like Ross concluded that such norms do not really exist. As a law professor, however, Ross certainly did not want to extend this conclusion to laws and legal systems themselves. Instead, he suggested that legal judgments of the form “Mr. Smith has a contractual obligation to pay Mr. Jones $5,000 for those widgets” could be interpreted as meaning something like “I [the judge] feel very strongly that Mr. Smith should pay Mr. Jones $5,000 for those widgets, and if he does not, I will sanction him.” Although Hart famously criticized such “prediction theories” as not adequate to the ordinary concept of law (after all, the judge who decides whether Mr. Smith owes money to Mr. Jones is not trying to predict his own behaviour), Ross was not interested in the ordinary concept of law. Rather, his goal was to offer an interpretation of legal terms, including “contractual obligation,” that would be compatible with a naturalistic worldview. By means of such interpretations, Ross hoped to explain the phenomenon of law in a world naturalistically conceived. Karl Llewellyn
The founding figure of American legal realism is often said to be the jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841–1935). His 1897 lecture “The Path of the Law” (published in the Harvard Law Review) sounded many of the major themes of realism: the difference between law and morality (a theme also associated with legal positivism), the claim that law is often on its face indeterminate in its application to particular cases, and the suspicion that in deciding cases judges are often influenced by nonlegal considerations—for example, their views about economic policy or fairness. Those themes received their most-extensive development in the work of Llewellyn, who had been influenced by the late-19th and early 20th-century German free-law movement, a protorealist school of jurisprudence. According to Llewellyn, in most cases that reach the appellate level of review (where they are heard by an appeals court), the law is generally indeterminate in the sense that the authoritative legal sources (such as statutes, precedents, and constitutions) do not justify a unique decision. Indeterminacy, according to Llewellyn, arises primarily because of the existence of conflicting but equally legitimate canons of interpretation for these sources, so the very same legal source could be read in at least two different ways. For example, Llewellyn demonstrated that U.S. courts had endorsed both of two contradictory principles of statutory construction, namely: “A statute cannot go beyond its text” and “To effect its purpose, a statute may be implemented beyond its text.” If a court could properly appeal to either canon when faced with a question of statutory interpretation, it could legitimately arrive at least two different interpretations of the meaning of the statute in question. Regarding such cases, the question posed by the realists was: Why did the judge reach the conclusion he did, given that law and principles of legal reasoning did not require him to do so? Llewellyn made a similar argument about conflicting but equally legitimate ways of interpreting precedent, which he called the “strict” and the “loose” views of precedent. According to Llewellyn, a judge almost always has the latitude to characterize a decision in an earlier case in either a highly fact-specific way, so as to distinguish it from the present case, or in a way that abstracts from the specific facts of the earlier case, so as to make it binding in the present case. Thus, according to Llewellyn, judges are never really constrained by precedent.
Like most American realists, however, Llewellyn nonetheless believed that judicial decisions fall into predictable patterns (though not, of course, the patterns one would predict just by looking at the existing rules of law). Focusing primarily on disputes in business law, Llewellyn argued that what judges really do in such cases is attempt to enforce the uncodified but prevailing norms of the commercial culture in which the dispute arose. In one famous example, Llewellyn identified a series of New York cases in which the courts had applied the rule that a buyer who rejects a seller’s shipment by formally stating his objections thereby waives all other objections. Llewellyn noted that the rule seems to have been rather harshly applied in these cases, since either the buyer may not have known of other defects at the time of rejection or the seller could not have cured the defects anyway. A careful study of the underlying facts, however, revealed that in each case in which the rule seemed to have been harshly applied, what had really happened was that the market had gone sour, and the buyer was seeking to escape the contract. The judge, being “sensitive to commerce or to decency” (as Llewellyn put it), applied the unrelated rule about rejection to frustrate the buyer’s attempt to escape the contract. Thus, the commercial norm—buyers ought to honour their commitments even under changed market conditions—was enforced by the courts through a seemingly harsh application of an unrelated rule concerning rejection. It is these “background facts, those of mercantile practice, those of the situation-type,” according to Llewellyn, that determine the course of such decisions.
By calling attention to the role of nonlegal factors in judicial decision making, Llewellyn and the realists initiated an interdisciplinary turn in American legal education and made clear the need for lawyers to draw on the social sciences in understanding the development of law and what judges do. Much contemporary political science literature on law and the courts takes its inspiration from realism by seeking to explain decisions not by reference to legal reasons (which are assumed to be indeterminate) but by reference to facts about the politics, background, and ideology of judges. Conclusion
Law, as a central feature of most developed human societies, has been an object of philosophical reflection since the beginning of Western philosophy in ancient Greece. In the 21st century, its concerns continued to be shaped by the major figures of the modern era—especially Hobbes, Bentham, Hart, and Kelsen—and the schools of realist jurisprudence. Whether new paradigms in legal philosophy will emerge, marking a break from the themes of the modern era, will ultimately depend on how law and legal institutions evolve in the future. Brian Leiter Michael Sevel