Maybe, but maybe not. Both this latter possibility and the criticism of Searle’s Chinese room argument highlight a fact that is becoming increasingly crucial to the philosophy of mind: the devil is in the details. Once one moves beyond the large-scale debates between Cartesian dualism and Skinnerian behaviourism to consider indefinitely complex functionalist proposals about inner organization, many of the standard arguments and intuitions of traditional philosophy may no longer seem decisive. One simply must assess specific proposals about specific mental states and processes in order to see how plausible they are, both as an account of human mentality and as a possibly generalizable approach to systems such as computers and the nation of China. Block is right, however, to point out that functionalist theories, as well other kinds of theory in this area, run the peculiar risk of being either too “liberal,” ascribing mentality to just about anything that happens to realize a certain functional structure, or too “chauvinistic,” limiting mentality to some arbitrary set of realizations (e.g., to human beings). Further issues Consciousness reconsidered
The emergence of computational theories of mind and advances in the understanding of neurophysiology have contributed to a renewal of interest in consciousness, which had long been avoided by philosophers and scientists alike as a hopelessly subjective phenomenon. However, although a great deal has been written on this topic, few researchers are under any illusion that anything like a satisfactory theory of consciousness will soon be achieved. At most, what researchers have thus far produced are a number of plausible suggestions about how such a theory might be developed. Some salient examples follow. Executives, buffers, and HOTs
Since the 1980s there has been a great deal of investigation of the neural correlates of consciousness. One much-publicized discussion by Francis Crick and Christof Koch reported finding an electrical oscillation of 40 Hz in layers five and six of the primary visual cortex of a cat whenever the cat was having a visual experience. But however robust this finding may turn out to be, it shows only that there is a correlation between visual experience and electrical oscillation. As noted at the start of this article, it is a distinctive concern of the philosophy of mind to determine the nature of mental phenomena, and a mere correlation between a mental phenomenon and something else does not (by itself) provide such an account. Crick and Koch’s result, for example, leaves entirely open the question of whether animals lacking the 40-Hz oscillation would be conscious. Worse, if taken as a proposal about the nature of consciousness, it would imply that a radio transmitter set to produce oscillations at 40 Hz would be conscious. What is wanted instead is some suggestion of how an oscillation of 40 Hz plays at least the role that consciousness is supposed to play in people’s mental lives.
Francis Crick.Print Collector/Heritage-Images/age fotostock
There are three general sorts of theory of what the role of consciousness might be: “executive” theories, “buffer” theories, and “higher-order state” theories. They are not always exclusive of each other, but they each emphasize quite different initial conceptions.
Executive theories, such as the theory proposed by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896–1980), stress the role of conscious states in deliberation and planning. Many philosophers, however, doubt that all such executive activities are conscious; they suspect instead that conscious states play a more tangential role in determining action.
According to buffer theories, a person is conscious if he stands in certain relations to a specific location in the brain in which material is stored for specific purposes, such as introspection. In an interesting analogy that brings in some of the social dimensions that many writers have thought are intrinsic to consciousness, Dennett has compared a buffer to an executive’s press secretary, who is responsible for “keeping up appearances,” whether or not they coincide with executive realities. Consciousness is thus the story of himself that a person is prepared to tell others. Along lines already noted, Jackendoff has made the interesting suggestion that such material is confined to relatively low-level sensory material.
An important family of much more specific proposals consists of variants of the idea that consciousness involves some kind of state directed at another state. One such suggestion is that consciousness is an internal scanning or perception, as suggested by David Armstrong and William Lycan. Another is that it involves an explicit higher-order thought (HOT)—i.e., a thought that one is in a specific mental state. Thus, the thought that one wants a glass of beer is conscious only if one thinks that one wants a glass of beer. This does not mean that the HOT itself is conscious but only that its presence is what renders conscious the lower-order thought that is its target. David Rosenthal has defended the view that the HOT must actually be occurring at the time of consciousness, while Peter Carruthers has argued for a more modest view according to which the agent must simply be disposed to have the relevant HOT. Both views need to contend with the worry that subsystems of higher thoughts and their targets might be unconscious, as seems to be suggested by Freud’s theory of repression. “What it’s like”
Ned Block has pointed out an important distinction between two concepts of consciousness that many of these proposals might be thought to run together: “access” (or “A-”) consciousness and “phenomenal” (or “P-”) consciousness. Although they might be defined in a variety of ways, depending upon the details of the kind of computational (or other) theory of thought being considered, A-consciousness is the concept of some material’s being conscious by virtue of its being accessible to various mental processes, particularly introspection, and P-consciousness consists of the qualitative or phenomenal “feel” of things, which may or may not be so accessible. Indeed, the fact that material is accessible to processes does not entail that it actually has a feel, that there is “something it’s like,” to be conscious of that material. Block goes on to argue that the fact it has a certain feel does not entail that it is accessible.
In the second half of the 20th century, the issue of P-consciousness was made particularly vivid by two influential articles regarding the very special knowledge that one seems to acquire as a result of conscious experience. In “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” (1974), Thomas Nagel pointed out that no matter how much someone might know about the objective facts about the brains and behaviour of bats and of their peculiar ability to echolocate (to locate distant or invisible objects by means of sound waves), that knowledge alone would not suffice to convey the subjective facts about “what it’s like” to be a bat. Indeed, it is unlikely that human beings will ever be able to know what the world seems like to a bat. In a paper published in 1982, “Epiphenomenal Qualia,” Jackson made a similar point by imagining a brilliant colour scientist, “Mary” (the name has become a standard term in discussions of the notion of phenomenal consciousness), who happens to know all the physical facts about colour vision but has never had an experience of red, either because she is colour-blind or because she happens to live in an unusual environment. Suppose that one day, through surgery or by leaving her strange environment, Mary finally does have a red experience. She would thereby seem to have learned something new, something that she did not know before, even though she previously knew all of the objective facts about colour vision. Qualitative states