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The feminist argument does, however, point toward a deeper issue. Once it is understood that science is a social enterprise, it may be supposed that the institutions that guide the development of the sciences absorb major features of the background society, including the privileged position of men, and that this affects the goals set for the sciences and the values placed on certain types of scientific achievements. This form of the feminist critique is extremely important in bringing into the open issues that were skirted in previous discussions and that have been neglected in traditional philosophy of science. They can best be approached by returning to the unfinished question of the nature of scientific progress. Progress and values

Suppose that scientific realism succeeds in fighting off challenges to the view that the sciences attain (or accumulate, or converge on) truth. Does this mean that there is now a satisfactory understanding of scientific progress as increasing grasp of truth? Not necessarily. For the truths about nature are too many, and most of them are not worth knowing. Even if one focuses on a small region of the universe—a particular room, say, during the period of an hour—there are infinitely many languages for describing that room and, for each such language, infinitely many true statements about the room during that time. Simply accumulating truth about the world is far too easy. Scientific progress would not be made by dispatching armies of investigators to count leaves or grains of sand. If the sciences make progress, it is because they offer an increasing number of significant truths about the world.

The question of scientific progress is unfinished because this notion of significance was not sufficiently analyzed. Many philosophers wrote either as if the aim of the sciences is to deliver the complete truth about the world (a goal that is not obviously coherent and is surely unattainable) or as if there is some objective notion of significance, given by nature. What might this notion of significance be? Perhaps that the truths desired are the laws of nature or the fundamental principles that govern natural phenomena. But proposals like this are vulnerable to the worries about the role of laws and about the possibility of unified science discussed above. Moreover, many thriving sciences do not seem to be in the business of enunciating laws; there appear to be large obstacles to finding some “theory of everything” that will integrate and subsume all the sciences that have been pursued (let alone those that might be pursued in the future). A sober look at the variety of scientific research undertaken today suggests that the sciences seek true answers to questions that are taken to be significant, either because they arouse people’s curiosity or because they lend themselves to the pursuit of practical goals that people want to achieve. The agenda for research is set not by nature but by society.

At this point, the feminist critique obtains a purchase, for the picture just outlined identifies judgments of value as central to the direction of scientific inquiry—we pursue the truths that matter to us. But who are the “we” whose values enter into the identification of the goals of the sciences? To what extent do the value judgments actually made leave out important constituencies within the human population? These are serious questions, and one of the main contributions of feminist philosophy of science is to bring them to philosophical attention.

The main point, however, is general. An account of the goals of science cannot rest with the bare assertion that the sciences seek truth. Philosophers should offer an analysis of which kinds of truths are important, and, unless they can revive the idea of an “objective agenda set by nature,” they will have to conclude that judgments about human interests and values are part of a philosophical account of science. This means that philosophy of science can no longer confine itself to treating issues that relate to logic, epistemology, and metaphysics (questions about the reconstruction of scientific theories, the nature of natural necessity, and the conditions under which hypotheses are confirmed). Moral and political philosophy will also enter the philosophy of science.

Insofar as philosophers have reflected on the ethics of science, they have often regarded the questions as relatively straightforward. Application of virtually any major moral theory will support restrictions on the kinds of things that can be done to people in scientific experimentation; everyday maxims about honesty will generate the conclusions about fraud and misrepresentation that are routinely made when cases of scientific misconduct surface. These issues about the ways in which scientists are expected to behave in their daily work are superficial; the deeper moral and political questions concern the ways in which the goals of inquiry are set (and, correspondingly, in which progress is understood). One might say, vaguely, that the sciences should pursue those truths whose attainment would best promote the collective good; but this, of course, leaves the hard philosophical task of understanding “the collective good.” How should the divergent interests of different groups of people be weighed? How should the balance between satisfying human curiosity and solving practical problems be struck? How should future gains be judged in relation to short-term demands? Philosophy of science has so far said too little in response to these questions.

Many of the philosophical topics so clearly formulated by the logical positivists and logical empiricists are, rightly, still the focus of 21st-century concern. Increased understanding of the history of the sciences and of the social character of scientific practice has set broader tasks for the philosophy of science. In a world in which the power of scientific research, for good and for ill, is becoming increasingly obvious, it is to be hoped that issues about the values adopted in the pursuit of science will become more central to philosophical discussion.

Citation Information

Article Title: Philosophy of science

Website Name: Encyclopaedia Britannica

Publisher: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

Date Published: 31 May 2018

URL: https://www.britannica.com/topic/philosophy-of-science

Access Date: August 26, 2019

Additional Reading Classic texts

Many classic articles in the logical empiricist tradition can be found in Carl G. Hempel, Aspects of Scientific Explanation, and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science (1965); the standard textbooks in this tradition are Carl G. Hempel, Philosophy of Natural Science (1966); and, at a more advanced level, Ernest Nagel, The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation, 2nd ed. (1979). An extremely influential monograph that is now read in many different disciplines and contexts is Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd ed. (1996). Contemporary logical empiricism

The most thorough recent empiricist approach to issues about confirmation is John Earman, Bayes or Bust?: A Critical Examination of Bayesian Confirmation Theory (1992). Scientific explanation is treated in Wesley C. Salmon, Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World (1984), and Causality and Explanation (1998). A valuable anthology of essays on this topic is Joseph Pitt (ed.), Scientific Explanation (1986). Bas C. van Fraassen, The Scientific Image (1980), and Laws and Symmetry (1989), discuss issues about theories and scientific laws. These issues are also discussed from a different perspective in Ronald Giere, Explaining Science (1988). Scientific change and scientific realism