“Let’s stay right here.” She pushed up on my hips until I stood,
then guided me down as she pushed the tip of the dildo into me.
“Slow,” I said as she began to thrust a little.
Hailey tilted her head back with a groan as her green eyes
shut. “We can go as slow as you need.”
Watching her excited me more than I could ever imagine,
making it easier for me to take the dildo. She groaned again as
I absorbed its length. She pushed me back slightly and reached
down between us, and I felt a new sensation when she switched
on the twin bullets. “Shit,” Hailey said in an expelled breath. I
laughed as I ground my hips into her, making her squirm.
“I want to be on top of you,” Hailey said as I unbuttoned her
shirt and slid it down her arms.
I pushed into her again and watched with a pleased smile as
her head lolled back. Then I pulled her to me roughly and kissed
her hard as I unclasped her bra. “It was your idea to stay right
here,” I said against her lips. “And I have all the control.”
She pushed me back and caught me before I toppled off her
lap. “You don’t have as much control as you think you have.”
I planted my feet and lifted off her; she followed me to the
floor and kicked the chair out of the way as I tossed her bra after
it. We both groaned when Hailey slipped her hand between my
legs, then guided the dildo into me. “Go slow at first. I’ve never
been on the business end of one of these.”
Hailey’s eyes showed surprise. “Ever?”
“Ever. You’re my first.”
“Well then, this is a first for both of us,” she said before she
kissed me.
It might’ve been Hailey’s first encounter with a strap-on, but
she had it figured out pretty damn well as she moved. Her thrusts
were slow and deep, and she used the positioning to both our
advantages. The variety of sensations was incredible. The feel of
her breasts sweating against mine, her soft thighs moving between
mine, and the muscles in her back as they flexed combined with
the strap-on sent me to heights that I never wanted to come down
Robin Alexander
from. But her loud cry when she came was my undoing and sent
me spiraling fast behind her.
We lay flat on our backs staring at the ceiling as we tried to
catch our breath. “When Kalen asks me what you gave me for our
belated Valentine’s Day, I’m going to tell her bruises on my ass.”
Hailey laughed breathlessly. “If you’re crazy enough to tell
her that, then you may as well explain how, but I don’t want to be
around when you do.”
We made a half-ass effort to clean up dinner and went into the
bedroom where I gave her the necklace, and she gave me a silver
charm bracelet that she would add a heart to every Valentine’s
Day until she ran out of room. Though we didn’t discuss it, I went
to sleep that night wrapped in her arms thinking that this day
would be our anniversary.
Pitifully Ugly
“Hailey, if you have any more stuff, we have to burn it.” I
flopped down onto the floor next to her, feeling like every muscle
in my body was on fire.
“That’s the last of it,” Hailey said with a groan. “Did we bring
“She’s in the backyard chasing squirrels. When we put in a
garden, we won’t have any problems with those guys.”
The Healys weren’t particularly thrilled that we wanted to
break the lease on Hailey’s apartment. Mine had long expired
since I lived there for what felt like forever. Mrs. Healy did give
us a break when we offered a replacement tenant—Marvin, who
was recently promoted to manager of the Rampart salon.
Hailey and I bought a house two blocks away from Kalen and
Toad’s and spent the last two weeks painting our new place and
moving. Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. The
catalyst for all the change occurred one hot night when Hailey
burned our dinner and I ruined one of her shirts while doing the
laundry. It was our first fight…
“Why?” Hailey exclaimed as she held what was left of her
favorite silk shirt in her shaking hands. “Why on earth would you
wash something like this with the towels?”
“Because you put it in the hamper with the towels.” I slammed
the lid down on top of the pan of fettuccini Alfredo to stifle the
smell of it as it fried. “I asked you to watch this. If you hadn’t
been so busy bitching at me, then we’d have something to eat
besides molten lava.”
“Did you use an entire gallon of bleach on that load of towels?”
Hailey tossed her spotted shirt at the trash can. “If I weren’t so in
love with you, I’d choke the shit out of you right now.”
We both froze and stared at each other. “Do you mean that?”
Robin Alexander
“Yes, I want to choke you.” A sliver of a smile tugged at
Hailey’s lips.
“I love you, too, Hailey, with all my heart.”
We started house hunting the next day.
“I just want to shower and go to bed.” Hailey sat up and
looked at me. “Or we could skip bathing and sleep right here on
the floor.”
The sound of tires screeching and a horn blowing had us on
our feet in an instant. I know we both had the same thought—
Fuzzy escaped the backyard and had gotten into the street. Hailey
threw the front door open with me on her heels and stopped short.
I nearly ended up on her back. Mom’s head was hanging out the
back window of Kalen’s car. “The baby’s coming.”
Toad burned rubber backing out of our driveway, leaving us
to stand bewildered in a cloud of exhaust fumes.
“He’s going the wrong way,” Hailey said as she followed me
back into the house.
“Lived here all his life, too.” I found my car keys and pulled
on my shoes. “Guess sleeping is going to be delayed a while.”
Hailey was moving ninety miles an hour around the house as
she brought in Fuzzy and set up the DVD player. We were on the
road in less than ten minutes, which in hindsight was stupid. We
could’ve taken ten showers and slept until three in the morning
because that’s when Brianna Page Cavanagh made her arrival
into this world.
While Mom and Dad argued over holding the baby and Toad
and Hailey slept despite sitting straight up, I sat on Kalen’s bed
holding her hand. “She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,”
I said as I wiped my eyes.
Kalen smiled up at me wearily. “She is. Has all ten fingers and
toes.” Kalen looked past me to Dad, who had won the argument
and was sitting in a chair holding his granddaughter. “He’s crying.
He never cries.”
I sat for a long time watching Kalen drift in and out of sleep.
She’d open her eyes, look for the baby, and smile, then drift off.
Her hair was a mess, makeup smeared from crying, and I thought
Pitifully Ugly
she looked lovelier then than she ever had. My big sister was a
In the wee hours of that morning when Hailey and I drove to
our new home, we decided to start a family of our own. The next