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GALINA: So he asked about me…

Galina looks away, confused.

MASHA: yeah…

They shake their heads.

MASHA: you Know what he's become … oops… I would have a crush on him, honestly. But because I have Victor.

GALINA: I have Stasik. So let's do this… without this all right?

MASHA: all Right.


GALINA: What is he like now? The same blond?

MASHA: No. Dark. But he's better off that way. Straightened up, statuesque.

They both shake their heads in absurd reverie.

GALINA: Clearly. Well, we met and met. They exchanged a word and ran away. What's wrong with that?

Galina takes her Cup, starts to drink, but Masha as always manages to say a weighty word in time.

MASHA: He said that he would also stop by in half an hour for a short time.

Galina blows out with her mouth all that she managed to get there, looks with anger at her friend.


MASHA: What? What's that got to do with me? Why are you looking at me like that? He asked if you lived at the same address or not. I replied that it was there. Well, he said he'd drop by.

GALINA: what about you?

MASHA: what about me?

Masha throws up her hands…

GALINA: What do you mean?"

Galina repeats the gesture of spreading her hands.

GALINA (at the limit of restraining emotions): What did you say, bitch!!!

MASHA: I said you'd probably be happy to see me…

GALINA (in a rage): Oh, you…

Galina grabs her friend's throat with her hands, but then the doorbell rings.

Masha points to the door.

The doorbell rings again.

Galina waves her head negatively, making it clear that she does not intend to open the door, and continues to strangle Masha.

MASHA (with a strangled choking cry, loudly): I'm COMING!!!

Galina angrily jumps up from her seat, throws her hands up, spreading her fingers, finally freeing her friend's throat.

GALINA (not holding back emotions): As if she did! (she swings one hand at her friend)

Masha tries to catch her breath, taking advantage of the opportunity…, runs to the door and opens it.

Galina stands with her back to the door. She's pretty nervous.

A quiet lyrical composition is playing.

Enter Herman.

It's beautiful. Tall, broad-shouldered, well-groomed. In a white jacket and white trousers. A pleasant, inviting smile.

Herman carefully closes the door behind him, looks at Galina, then looks at Masha.

Masha signals that Galina is not very well disposed to this meeting. But this doesn't bother Herman at all. He winks at Masha and gives Her a large chocolate bar. Masha thrilled.

Herman confidently, but humbly coming to Galina.

She doesn't turn around. She feels that he is standing behind her, gets even more nervous, bites her lips, looks at the ceiling, sighs languidly, but does not turn around.

Herman turns around, walks away slowly, and Galina turns around. Herman stops.

It's like they can feel each other. Their actions are very well coordinated.

Masha looks at him fondly.

Herman stands with his back to Galina, slowly turns his head in half a turn, Galina abruptly turns her whole body, again stands with her back to Herman.

Herman nods knowingly, turns back, takes a couple more steps toward the door.

Galina turns to him, holds out her hands, takes a step toward him, and freezes. She's all on edge, she's insecure. She doesn't know what to do or how to behave.

Herman stops. Doesn't turn around.

Galina looks at his back, puts her hand on her elbow, and covers her face.

Herman unbuttons his jacket and takes out a small but very beautiful bottle of cognac. He holds it out at arm's length to the side, without looking at it. It is not clear to whom or for whom.

No one understands except him and Galina, who pays attention to this gesture. Her gaze changes. The shyness disappears. She looks at the bottle with genuine interest and admiration. Coming closer… closer… Takes the bottle in his hands, Herman lets go, cognac, lowers his head, does not look at Galina.

Galina hugs the bottle to her chest, comes up behind Herman and gently hugs him.

Masha doesn't understand anything at all. Looks at the whole situation, being in complete confusion.

MASHA: Can you explain? I'm something… understand nothing. What does it all mean?

GALINA (affectionately, continuing to hug Herman tremulously): You just don't know what this bottle is, friend…

MASHA: As far as I understand alcohol, I dare to assume that it is cognac!

GALINA (lets go of Hermann, coming to her friend): This is the bottle we bought on our first date. In order to drink it on the second. (He pauses a moment, savoring the memory) But, on the second date, she somehow didn't get around to it. (He pauses a moment, savoring the memory) It all happened so fast, so fast… In short, it was not up to that. Then… Then a third, a date, a fourth… And the cognac just stood there, waiting for the right moment.

HERMAN (looking up at Galina): And this moment has come!

Galina smiles, looks at the bottle in awe, and holds it tenderly in her hands.

MASHA: Yes, right… Well… it may be the same bottle, the gesture is clear, but this fact is not the same cognac, so much time has passed…

Galina shakes her head.

GALINA (looks at the bottle): This is the cognac… We put our own paintings on it, here they are.

Galina shows the paintings on the bottle to her friend. My friend is delighted.

Galina turns to Herman.

GALINA (gently): You kept it for so many years… You … you waited, you hoped, you believed that there might be something else… Am I right?

Herman looks down.

GALINA (gently): I'll get the glasses.

Galina puts the bottle on the table and goes to the kitchen.

Masha pushes back the chairs and invites Herman to sit at the table.

Herman passes and sits down.

Masha sits down next to me and opens the chocolate bar that I gave her.

MASHA: So… You still love her…

GALINA: Mash … well, look at her yourself, how can you not love her?

Masha clears her throat, rubs her hand over her throat, and strokes the places where her friend has just strangled her.

MASHA: Well… so Yes…

Herman looks longingly in the direction of the departed Galina.

MASHA: what is really the same bottle?

Herman nods in response.


Galina returns with three glasses.

Her husband's torn part of her dress is hanging down, but she does not remember it at all.

HERMAN (To Galina, noticing the torn dress): Looks like I'll need to bring a new dress next time. What's yours? Forty-two?


Galina suddenly understands what we are talking about and draws attention to herself.

GALINA: A...., this…, no, it's simple… I am now.

Galina runs out of the room, leaving the glasses on the table.

Herman turns a questioning look at Masha, who in response throws up her hands, shrugs her shoulders, and plays with her facial expressions in sympathy.

HERMAN (Mung): She hasn't changed at all…

MASHA: a Jackdaw?

HERMAN: Well yes.

MASHA: Well… I don't know. We often see each other, and when we see them all the time, it is difficult to judge the changes. But you've changed a lot, I can tell you that with complete confidence!

HERMAN: Yes… I won't argue. Moreover, I deliberately changed my image. Change everything.

Herman sighs languidly, takes the bottle, and begins to open it.

HERMAN: After we broke up, I..... At first I tried to forget everything, then pour alcohol over everything. This particular bottle almost got handed out, but I managed to stop myself. There were attempts to forget themselves in women, of course… Everything was, but…

In the room quietly enters Galina, she is in a beautiful dress. Herman does not see her, continues to pour out his soul to Masha.

Masha sees her friend, but does not give her away.