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"You could always teach her to act," I said.

"That is true," said Boots. "And fortunately I am a master teacher. And if she should prove sluggish in her lessons, I will unhesitantly encourage her with the whip."

"Exactly," I said.

"Where is she?" he asked.

"One advantage to getting her," I said, "is that I think that she, being a relatively new slave, may be fairly cheap. I doubt that she would cost you, at the most, even given her beauty, more than two silver tarsks. You would then have three silver tarsks left over."

"Where my I find this slut?" he asked.

"She is for sale, I believe, at this very fair," I smiled.

"This is the Fair of En'Kara," he said. "There are thousands of girls for sale here, in the care of hundreds of owners."

"I know the very platform on which stripped, and in her collar and chain, she awaits her first buyer," I said.

"Perhaps you would be so good as to impart this information," said Boots.

"It would probably be difficult for you, by tomorrow evening, by which time, I gather, you may be taking y our leave from the fair, to locate her."

"Particularly," said Boots, "if we are attempting to get in an extra performance or two.

"Precisely," I said.

"What do you want?" asked Boots.

"You have a fairly regular itinerary in your travels, do you not?" I asked.

"Sometimes," said Boots, warily. "Sometimes not. Why?"

"Surely you have some notion of your plans for the next few months," I said.

"In what way?" asked Boots.

"You have some notion of the villages, the towns, the cities you plan to visit," I said.

"Perhaps," said Boots.

"I am interested particularly in one given city," I said, "a port on the coast of Thassa, one south of the Vosk's delta."

"Yes?" he said.

"Brundisium," I said.

"She is a staunch ally of Ar," he said. "We will be visiting her late in the summer."

"Good," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I am interested in joining your company," I said.

"What could you do?" he asked.

"Odd jobs, heavy work," I said.

"Security at Brundisium is very tight," he said. "They have become, in the last two years, for some reason, very suspicious of strangers. It is difficult to get access into the city, other than her closed-off wharves and trading places."

"A troupe such as yours might do so, however," I speculated.

"We have performed in the main square," he admitted, "once even in the courtyard of the palace itself."

"Let me join your company," I said.

"You are merely interested in obtaining admittance to Brundisium," he said.

"Perhaps," I said.

"Where might I get my chain on this female," he asked, "she whom you think might be found acceptable as a 'golden courtesan'?"

"Among the hundred new slaves of Samos of Port Kar," I said, "chained on the Shu-27 platforms in the southwestern sections of the Pavilion of Beauty."

"Has she a name?" asked Boots.

"Probably not now," I said. "But she had been given a name, or at least a house name, in the house of Samos, in Port Kar."

"What was it?" asked Boots.

"Rowena," I said.

"Thank you," said Boots. "You have been very helpful."

"Now, what about my proposal," I said.

"What proposal?" he asked.

"About my joining your company," I said.

"That?" he said.

"Yes," I said.

"Out of the question," he said.

7 The Tent; I Slip from the Tent

"Oh!" she wept, clutching me, squirming, helplessly pressing her imbonded flesh against mine. "Yes! No, don't let me go!" she cried. "Don't spurn me, I beg you. Hold me! Hold me! Please!" Her creamy flesh was hot. She was covered with sweat. Even her long blond hair, cut somewhat shorter now, half covering her face, was wet. Her body, broken out and mottled, was like a map, one recollective of my attentions. It was covered with an intense, irregular geography of scarlet patches, the capillaries near the surface of the skin swelled with blood, the red color suffusing upward as though from a light within her, as though fires raged within her, just beneath her exposed, yielding, eager softness, witnessing her excitement and arousal. She clutched me, helplessly. "What you can do to me!" she cried. "what men can do to me! I love it! Please, Master, do not stop!" She threw back her head, her lips parted, her eyes closed. "Ohh!" she gasped. "Yes! Ohhh! Yes! Yes! Oh! Oh! Yes, Master! Yes Master! Continue, I beg you, with all my heart! I plead with you not to stop! Oh, Master! Yes, Master! Yes, Master!" I heard the sound of the chain on her ankle. "Oh, Master! Yes, Master!" she said.

The chain was about a yard long. It ran between the ankle ring, locked snugly on her ankle, and a long, heavy stake. The stake was driven deeply into the ground. About five inches of it showed above the surface. It was placed about a yard within, and to the left of, facing outward, the entrance to the small, striped tent. The girls was stripped, save for her ankle ring and collar. She lay on a mat, spread on a blanket, spread over the grass. She awaits within, to see who will open the flaps of the tent. That will be he who has paid her current use fee, that set by her master. We were some two hundred pasangs west of the fairgrounds, at the edge of the woods of Clearchus, just off the road of Clearchus.

"Oh, yes," she wept, clutching me. Her collar was a simple one. It read, "If you find me, return me to Boots Tarsk-Bit. Reward." Boots used such collars for all his slaves. "Aiii!" she cried, suddenly. My touch had been light. I saw that she was ready for more. She was in a condition of slave arousal. She looked a me, wildly. "Yes," I said. "There is more." She began to squirm and shudder. "We now begin again," I aid. "How can I feel more?" she wept. "You have not yet even experienced the fullness of a slave orgasm," I said. Then, in moments, building on her earlier sensitivity, I conducted her perforce to a height where she might sense, but not yet experience, a new horizon. I held her there, on the brink, for a time, as it pleased me, sometimes permitting her to subside a bit, and then again, when I wished, with the cruelty of the master, almost as though beckoning her, a command she could not refuse, bringing her back to the edge, where, almost in madness, she quivered and pleaded for release.

"Not yet," I told her.

"Yes, Master," she wept. The decision was mine. She was totally in my power. She was a slave.

"In any event," I had said to Boots Tarsk-Bit, a few days ago, "let me show you the girl."

"That would be very nice of you," he had said.

"Perhaps, too," I said, "you will change your mind."

"Never," he had said.

I had then conducted Boots to the area where the agents of Samos had his hundred girls on sale, sent out from Port Kar for vending during the Fair of En'Kara. I had checked the location earlier in the afternoon. It was among the southwestern sections of the Pavilion of Beauty, more specifically on the Shu-27 platforms. The girls were all on their hands and knees on the long, narrow platforms, uniformly positioned, facing outwards, a short chain on the neck of each, running down to individual rings anchored in the thick planks. They had been forbidden to speak among themselves. Agents of Samos walked here and there among them, with whips. "There is the girl," I said. She had not yet been sold. A white "holding disk" was wired to her collar. Some of the collars which had held women near her earlier were empty.

"You!" she had said, earlier, around noon, when I had first seen her there.

"You remember me?" I had said.

"A girl never forgets the first man who puts the whip to her," she had smiled.

"How are the sales going?" I had asked her.

"I do not really know, Master," she had said, "as we are kept in separate slave boxes, and are usually brought forth only to be exercised or exhibited. I myself was first put on display only this morning."