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"Ho!" I heard Boots call, suddenly. "Who is there?"

I was suddenly alert. It was a bit late now. The performances had been over for some hours. I was not at all sure that villagers or travelers would be about at this time.

"What is wrong?" asked the girl, sensing the change in me.

"Be silent," I said.

"Who are you?" called Boots. There was no answer. Whoever it was had not identified themselves.

I slipped into my tunic and picked up my sword, in its scabbard, the belt looped about the scabbard.

"Come forward," called Boots. "I know you are out there. Do not be afraid. Identify yourselves. Come into the light."

"If they wish to know if one was with you," I said to the girl, "tell them that he fled."

"What is going on?" she said.

I cautioned her to silence, holding my finger across my lips. This is a very natural gesture. I do not know if the gesture, considered as a Gorean gesture, had an independent development, or if, specifically, somewhere in the remote past, it had an Earth origin. There are many Gorean gestures, of course, some of which are very similar to Earth gestures and some of which are not. Another way of warning an individual to silence, incidentally, is to touch the fingers twice, lightly, to the lips. The origin of that gesture, as far as I know, is uniquely Gorean. I looked back at the female. Her lip trembled. She was frightened. She wanted desperately to speak. She could not speak, of course. She was a slave. She had been silenced. I lifted up the back of the tent, and inspected the terrain behind it. I would take my leave in this fashion. I looked back once more at the girl. She was kneeling, looking after me, frightened. She would remain, of course, exactly where she was. The chain on her ankle would see to that. How beautiful they are in collars. I then slipped from the tent.

8 I Make Myself Useful to Boots Tarsk-Bit; I Will Also Show Him What I Have Found in the Woods

"Release us!" demanded Boots Tarsk-Bit, on his knees, near the campfire, his arms roped to his sides.

The leader of the brigands, a bearded fellow, with a cloth wrapped about this head, lashed him across the mouth with the back of his hand. This was inappropriate as Boots was a free person.

"Your conduct," sputtered Boots, "is deplorable. I am Boots Tarsk-Bit, actor, promoter and entrepreneur. Doubtless you have heard of me. I am not a slave. I demand to be treated with civility and courtesy."

"Shall I cut his throat?" asked one of the brigands, taking Boots by the hair and pulling his head back.

"Not yet," said the leader of the brigands.

"Where are the keys to the ankle rings of your tent sluts?" inquired the leader of the brigands.

Boots grunted as his head was jerked farther back. The blade of the fellow's knife pressed against his throat.

"You had only to ask," said Boots.

"Where are they?" asked the leader of the brigands.

"On a nail, inside of the door of my wagon, the large wagon with the red roof, on the left," said Boots.

"Bring the two tent sluts here, bound, to the edge of the fire," said the leader of the brigands. "We shall then see if they are worth keeping or should be left here, with the others."

"What are you going to do with us?" asked Boots.

I saw two of the brigands exchange glances, grinning at one another. I saw another fellow start toward Boots's wagon, presumably to fetch the keys to Bina's and Rowena's ankle rings. I gathered if they were found sufficiently beautiful, or sufficiently desirable, they might be spared. It is in the modality of slavery, on the terms of masters, that females historically have sought, and sometimes have been granted, at least provisionally, their survival.

"Do you call this money?" asked the leader of the brigands, shaking the coin kettle under Boots's nose.

"Why, yes," said Boots, looking into the kettle.

The leader of the brigands again struck him.

"There is scarcely a silver tarsk here," snarled the leader of the brigands.

"I agree," said Boots. "It is a piteous sum, not even worth taking. Leave it, if you wish." He then shrank back, but the chief of the brigands lowered his hand, angrily.

The fellow who had gone to fetch the girls no2 returned. He had the two girls with him. The hands of each, by a cord knotted about their waist, were tied before their bodies. He drew them after him, in leading position, each bent over, by the hair. He then twisted them about and flung them to their backs in the dirt, by the fire. The leader of the brigands then took a flaming brand from the fire and holding it over the girls passed it back and forth, over their bodies, scanning them, examining them in the dancing light. He tossed the brand back into the flames. "We will keep them," he said.

The girls shuddered with relief. They had been found acceptable.

"Tie them," said the leader of the brigands, "kneeling, left ankle to right ankle, right ankle to left ankle."

In a moment this was done. They were knelt, back to back. Two cords are used. One cord fastens the first girl's left ankle to the other girl's right ankle, the same cord looped tight about both ankles, binding them closely together. The other cord, similarly, fastens her right ankle to the other's left ankle. It is a lovely, efficient tie, fastening both girls helplessly in a posture of submission. In this tie they will not leap to their feet and flee away. They will remain, waiting, where they have been placed.

"What moneys are there here?" demanded the chief of the brigands of Boots.

Boots was silent.

The chief of the brigands looked down, near the fire. There the other male members of Boots's company lay on their stomachs, bound, sly, agile Chino, simple Lecchio, Petrucchio, the tall, doleful "captain," and Publius Andronicus, supposedly the most famous actor in the company, saving perhaps the incredible Boots Tarsk-Bit himself. I had not yet, as a matter of fact, seen Publius Andronicus act. I supposed that he was capable of doing so. He was quite impressive, in a ponderous way, rather like a mountain range, in figure and visage. He also had a deep bass voice, which, when he wished, he could make boom like thunder. Boots was quite impressed with him. He was apparently holding himself in reserve for major leads, such as those of tragic statesmen, tormented poets, confused ubars, and such. I thought that perhaps he was in the wrong company. AT any rate it did not seem that the repertory of Boots's company, as I was familiar with it at least, was richly or unusually endowed with roles of such a nature. Too, bound, still hooded, the player, he called the "monster," lay with the others.

"Take what you want," said Boots. "Then be gone."

"That one," said the chief of the brigands, indicating Chino, "kill him."

"No!" cried Boots. "Hold! You cannot be serious! Such an act would desecrate the theater! That is the finest Chino on all Gor!"

"I do not like the idea either," said Chino, "on independent grounds."

"If only I had my sword!" cried Petrucchio. I really doubted that Petrucchio's huge, clumsy wooden sword, no more than a comic theatrical prop really, would be likely to turn the tide of battle. Still his courage I found admirable.

"Cut his throat," said the leader of the brigands.

"No," said Boots. "In my wagon, in the right-hand corner of the tray in my trunk there is a knotted sock which contains coins and there are some coins, too, thrust in the toe of a slipper at the side of the trunk."