(Said her psychiatrist: "Hostility shows clearly here. What more effective expression of hostility is there than for a child to confess to her parent that she is pregnant with all the resultant heartaches and problems that attend such a pregnancy?")
Jessica's mother remained calm, and with the aid of a pastor of a nearby church, arranged for Jessie to be confined in an out-of-state home for unwed mothers. Here, Jessica first underwent psychiatric consultation. These sessions were also designed to help Jessica adjust to motherhood.
She had just turned fourteen when she gave birth to a healthy boy, who was immediately placed for adoption. She soon returned home, cautious, embarrassed a woman in a little girl's body, in a sense.
She began to date neighborhood boys, but she was cautious on dates, allowing only innocuous kisses. Then she met Ray, who was eighteen, handsome and forceful, and Jessie gave in to his sexual advances on their very first date. She went out with Ray many times, and each time they had intercourse. Eventually she again found herself pregnant. When Ray's parents refused to allow him to marry her, she again went to the home for unwed mothers and prepared to have her second illegitimate child at age fourteen!
Her mother died during the seventh month of her pregnancy. Jessie gave birth to a premature child who lived only a few hours. She returned home to an empty house and a bleak life. The house was sold and Jessica went to live with her mother's younger sister. From here on, her life was one of gross sexual promiscuity. According to her own testimony she made love "to anybody who wanted me or could show me a good time do things to make me laugh and be happy for a few hours." She had no control in following the dictates of her own passions.
At fifteen she quit school and went to work as a car-hop at a busy drive-in restaurant. She met a middle-aged customer who tipped her heavily and constantly asked her out on dates. Jessica finally gave in when the man told her: "I'll pay, and pay good."
Jessica found that there was just as much pleasure for her in haying sex for pay as there was for just the fun of it. The man was a good lover, according to her, and he paid her twenty-five dollars every time they slept together. Without quite realizing what was happening, Jessica had become a prostitute. When her companion pointed it out to her, she realized that a young body like hers could command much higher prices from much older men. Her companion was prepared to put her in touch with several such males, and inside three months Jessica had taken a plush apartment (paid for by her mentor) and was entertaining at least six customers a week. Her earnings eventually reached over three hundred dollars a week!
Jessica cleverly covered up her sexual activities by retaining her job as a carhop. Also, in this position she was able to make addition connections men referred to her by her male customers.
Jessica grew so proficient at prostitution that, at age sixteen, she took in two more working whores both of them under eighteen. She had learned the wisdom of dealing only with older men and had an unwritten rule that no customer under fifty was to be considered or encouraged. This type of clientele provided many advantages they had money, like young bodies, and were discreet.
Jessica's problem was basically one of identity, according to her doctors. Early, she could identify with a good mother, but during her maturing years she could not accept this identity with her mother. She sought her own identity, one that would be her own, remote from her mother. She sought it by a most dramatic reversal turning from the good-girl pattern to the bad-girl pattern that was to dominate her life.
Many deep-seeded emotional problems were evident in her psychotherapy, too clinical and technical to be discussed here. Needless to say, had she had the home environment that can be provided by only two parents, she might have turned out much different.
Denise learned about prostitution at an early age. Born in the slum section of a large city, prostitution, like poverty and crime, was a way of life for the older children in her neighborhood.
She was illegitimate, the third of a four daughter family raised by the mother with the aid of welfare. She grew up hating her poverty so badly that she determined at an early age to do anything to escape from it. She rebelled against it and against her mother, who was the symbol of poverty and failure to Denise.
Sex was not only a hobby in her neighborhood it was a commodity even in her own home. Her mother never denied herself the pleasure of sex. Denise observed at an early age that many men visited their home and that most of them stayed overnight. She also knew that the family had a little extra money right after a man had slept with her mother. Denise's mother was not a whore, but she did solicit or accept money and gifts for her sexual favors.
The small, cramped quarters of the slum dwelling made privacy almost impossible, so Denise saw many displays of sex. She also remembers that many of the men played "grab-ass" with her and her sisters. She didn't understand about sex and she described one incident for her therapist:
"I think I was seven, and me and my sisters were in bed and I heard my mother laughing in the living room. She seemed so happy that I smiled to myself. Then I had a big yearning for a glass of water. I got out of bed and started to go to the kitchen. I had to go through the living room, and when I got to the door I saw my mother with this man and they were both naked. My mother was on her back on the couch and the man was on top of her but not the regular way. He was in the opposite direction. And while he was sticking his tongue into my mother's hairy pussy, she was taking his pecker in her mouth and sucking it hard.
"She had one leg hooked around his neck. It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen. I just had to stay and watch. My mother's head and mouth were bobbing like crazy. She was kind of biting and sucking him, and I remember wondering how she could get all of his big prick in her mouth that way.
"I was eleven when I had my first fuck. A man that ran a garage nearby had a boy working for him, about fifteen, and he offered me a dollar. I went to the garage and he took my panties off and played with my cunt a little. Then he put me in the back seat of a car. He spread my legs wide open and just rammed his cock up into me. When he rammed it into me, I began to scream. It was like a hot, wide poker that was splitting me wide open, and all I could do was scream in pain. He finally shot, but it went all over the outside of my cunt, and I was screaming so loud that he shoved the dollar into my hand and hurried me out of the garage. I left my panties behind. Right after that, I began to menstruate.
"It confused me. I tied it in somehow with that boy shoving his big, ugly prick into me. I made up my mind that I didn't want any part of fucking from then on.
"There was an old man who lived on the same floor as we did. He was always nice to me, giving me candy, or a nickle, or talking sweet to me. One day he asked me if I'd like some ice cream. To me that was really a treat, so I went in and we had a dish of ice cream. While he was eating his, he was rubbing his hand over my pussy, but he was gentle, so I didn't mind. Next thing I knew, he had my hand in his, and was rubbing it over his pecker. He'd taken it out of his pants, and it felt kind of good. It wasn't big, and it wasn't very hard.
"All at once he asked me how I'd like to make five bucks!
"I’d hardly ever seen five dollars, so I said I would.
He took my hand off his prick and waved it around, so I could get a good look at it. He said, 'You've got to take it in your mouth and suck it good.' I remembered seeing my mother do that, and it didn't seem so bad, so I said I would. But I made him show me the five dollars first.