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“I’m so sorry,” I said, kissing my fingertips and pressing them lightly to his gravestone.

It wasn’t until that moment I felt his presence behind me. Or maybe I’d detected the vibrations of his irritation. Because when I glanced over my shoulder and shaded my eyes from the sun, Cowboy was standing there, holding his white Stetson in a death grip, and frowning at me like I’d just slapped his mother.

“What are you doing here?” he growled.

I pushed myself off the ground and straightened, dusting my hands together to remove any loose debris. “Just paying my respects.”

“Oh, really?” He nodded to Chief Swanson’s grave. “Thought you’d only been in town for a few weeks? Last night, you failed to mention you knew the chief.”

“That’s because I didn’t know him.” Not really, anyway.

He gave me a strange look, one I assumed meant he wasn’t buying it. “I just saw you kiss the man’s grave and tell him you were sorry.”

Christ, how long had he been standing there? “I am sorry. Sorry something so tragic happened to him. Is that a crime?”

Cowboy’s brow raised in suspicion. “No, but do you normally visit the graves of people you don’t know?”

“When I feel it’s necessary, yes.” I moved past him, heading in the direction of my car. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go home and change my clothes before I go to work.”

His stride was much longer than mine, so it didn’t take him more than a second to catch up to me. “If you know anything about this case, you need to tell me.”

I kept walking as he slowed his pace to match mine. “I told you already. I didn’t know Chief Swanson.”

“Yet I still find it odd that you’re at a cemetery visiting a man you claim you didn’t know.” Cowboy placed his hand on my arm to still me. “I’m looking for his brother, Anna.”

“Good for you.”

“I’m serious, damn it!” His grip tightened, and my gaze lowered to his hand clasped around my elbow. With a frustrated sigh, he released me and ran his fingers through his thick sand-colored hair before slapping the white Stetson back onto his head. “Look, I promised the chief if something ever happened to him I would find Ned Swanson and hand deliver a letter to him. If you know anything—”

I scowled at him. “I told you I don’t. I don’t know this Ned guy, and I didn’t know Chief Swanson. Why do you keep pushing me? I have no reason to hide anything from you.”

“Oh, yeah? You didn’t show up at the station this morning like I’d asked.”

I rolled my eyes and started walking again with him on my heels. “That’s funny, since I don’t recall being asked. I believe it was more of a direct order.” I gave him a nonchalant shrug and silently thanked my lucky stars I had a good reason for not showing up. Answering his questions wasn’t something I looked forward to. “I was busy. Sorry.”

“Don’t seem all that sorry,” he stated, just as we reached the entrance to the cemetery. Our vehicles were parked in the grass of the circle drive, his massive pickup bullying my tiny Cavalier from behind. “If anything, I’d say you look relieved.”

His accusatory tone sent my frustration swarming like bees fresh out of a fallen hive. “And you, Captain, shouldn’t be so surprised I didn’t show up. You knew I had to fix the tire on my car.” I stopped when I reached my driver’s side and cocked my head at him. “Am I right?”

“You are,” he agreed.

“Then you know why I didn’t show.”

Cowboy glanced down and gave the new front tire a light kick. “Well, it’s fixed now, it seems.” He circled around me from behind, then leaned against the rear door next to me, allowing his mere proximity to smother me. “Who took care of it for you? One of the guys from Tony’s shop over on Main Street?”

“Not exactly,” I said, shaking my head. “I called Bobbie Jo to give me a ride into town, but she was already at the pediatrician’s with Austin. So she called Jake and asked him to help me. He took the old tire off and drove me into town to buy a new one. Even put it on the car for me.”

“Is he okay?”

My eyes widened. “Now you’re accusing me of doing something to Jake?”

He grinned with amusement. “I imagine Jake’s a big enough boy that he can take care of himself. I was talking about my godson,” Cowboy clarified. “Austin’s not sick or anything, is he?”

Oh. Right. “No, I guess not. Bobbie Jo said it was just a well-baby exam.”

“That’s good.” But Cowboy’s words didn’t match his expression as his brows knitted together. “Last night I gave you a card with my cell phone number. Any reason why you didn’t call me instead of Jake?”

I shook my head again. “I didn’t call anyone. Bobbie Jo did, remember?”

“Well, why didn’t she call me?”

“I don’t know. I guess that’s a question for Bobbie Jo.” I pulled my door open and moved closer to get in.

His arm shot out across the doorway, blocking me from sitting down. I turned my head to look at him and watched another grin tug at the corner of his mouth. “You have a little something…” He lifted his free hand and swept his calloused thumb across my bottom lip. “Right there.”

My mouth fell open involuntarily at the intimate gesture. At first, I thought he’d made the whole thing up—possibly trying to charm me once again—but then I remembered touching my fingers to my lips at the gravesite. I glanced at my hands, which were still dirty from pulling weeds and picking flowers.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a tissue and dabbed at my lips. “Um, thank you.”

He dropped his arm and straightened his posture, suddenly looking very official. “We still need to go over what happened last night so I can add it to the report.”

Guess he was trying to charm me, after all. I glanced at the thin gold watch on my left wrist. “I can’t right now. I’m going to be late for work.” I slid into the driver’s seat of my car and closed the door, looking back at him through the open window.

“It’s only going to take a few minutes.”

“Sorry,” I said, starting my car. “The director is only covering for me until noon, and I still have to go home and change.” The denim overalls I wore were comfortable, but way too casual to be deemed professional work attire.

He huffed out an irritated breath. “That fire happened only minutes after you put something in the dumpster. I have questions that need answers.”

“No, what you’re really saying is you think I started the fire last night.”

Cowboy’s jaw tightened as he gritted his teeth. “No, that’s not what I’m saying.”

“But I am your number one suspect, correct?”

His eyes burrowed into me and a muscle twitched in his jaw. “Look, this isn’t some sort of witch hunt. I’m just doing my damn job.”

“Fine. I’ll get in touch with you…after I’ve spoken to a lawyer. In the meantime, I’m going to work so that I can do my job. Good day, Captain.”

As I pulled away, he cursed under his breath, but I sighed with relief. At least he hadn’t called me Sparky again. How did he even know about that terrible nickname, anyway?

After driving home to change and grab a quick sandwich, I made it to the library right on time. The director had a meeting at City Hall she needed to attend, so the moment I arrived, she made a beeline for the door.

Only ten minutes passed before Cowboy stormed into the library, hands fisted at his sides and a sour expression on his face. “Would you quit running away from me while I’m trying to talk to you?”

“As far as I was concerned, we were done talking. I told you I had to change and get to work.”

His hard gaze immediately lowered, taking in the sight of my calf-length yellow sundress and white canvas tennis shoes, before darting back up to my face. “Do you always dress like this?” The way his eyes widened told me he hadn’t meant to verbalize his thoughts and he was just as surprised by the unintentional insult as I was. “I mean…er, sorry.”