It was like this. The tree which sprang from the Apple that Digory planted in the back garden, lived and grew into a fine tree. Growing in the soil of our world, far out of the sound of Aslan’s voice and far from the young air of Narnia, it did not bear apples that would revive a dying woman as Digory’s Mother had been revived, though it did bear apples more beautiful than any others in England, and they were extremely good for you, though not fully magical. But inside itself, in the very sap of it, the tree (so to speak) never forgot that other tree in Narnia to which it belonged. Sometimes it would move mysteriously when there was no wind blowing: I think that when this happened there were high winds in Narnia and the English tree quivered because, at that moment, the Narnia tree was rocking and swaying in a strong south-western gale. However, that might be, it was proved later that there was still magic in its wood. For when Digory was quite middle-aged (and he was a famous learned man, a Professor, and a great traveller by that time) and the Ketterleys’ old house belonged to him, there was a great storm all over the south of England which blew the tree down. He couldn’t bear to have it simply chopped up for firewood, so he had part of the timber made into a wardrobe, which he put in his big house in the country. And though he himself did not discover the magic properties of that wardrobe, someone else did. That was the beginning of all the comings and goings between Narnia and our world, which you can read of in other books.
[874] When Digory and his people went to live in the big country house, they took Uncle Andrew to live with them; for Digory’s Father said, “We must try to keep the old fellow out of mischief, and it isn’t fair that poor Letty should have him always on her hands.” Uncle Andrew never tried any Magic again as long as he lived. He had learned his lesson, and in his old age he became a nicer and less selfish old man than he had ever been before. But he always liked to get visitors alone in the billiard-room and tell them stories about a mysterious lady, a foreign royalty, with whom he had driven about London. “A devilish temper she had,” he would say. “But she was a dem fine woman, sir, a dem fine woman.”
English source.
Date: Сказка
Clive Staples Lewis
Book title: The Magician’s Nephew
Digory and Polly discover a secret passage that links their houses, and are tricked into vanishing out of this world and into the World of Charn, where they wake up the evil Queen Jadis. There, they witness the creation of the Land of Narnia, as it is sung into being by the Great Lion, Aslan.
English years: 1900
Narnian years: 1
Date: 2007-11-19
sequence name="The Chronicles of Narnia" number="1"
Русский источник.
Date: Фэнтези
Клайв Стейплз Льюис
Book title: Племянник чародея
«Хроники Нарнии» – это избранная книга, сравниться с которой может разве что «Властелин Колец» Дж. Р. Р. Толкиена. Символично и то, что Толкиен и создатель «Хроник Нарнии» Клайв Льюис были близкими друзьями, а теперь их книги ежегодно переиздаются и соперничают по популярности. Так же как и «Властелин Колец», «Хроники Нарнии» одинаково любимы и детьми, и взрослыми. Суммарный тираж «Хроник Нарнии» превысил 100 миллионов экземпляров. Дядя Дигроя, Эндрю, обманом вовлекает Дигроя и Полли в рискованный эксперимент. В процессе его они касаются волшебных колец Эндрю и оказываются в Лесу Между Мирами, проходы из которого ведут во множество миров. Пытаясь спасти Лондон от злой Королевы Джейдис, они попадают в Нарнию.
Date: 12.02.2005
sequence name="Хроники Нарнии" number="1"
Переезжая в поместье, семья Керков захватила с собой и дядюшку Эндрью. «Старика надо держать в узде, – сказал папа Дигори, – и хватит ему висеть на шее у бедной Летти». Дядя навсегда забросил чародейство. Урок пошел ему на пользу, и к старости он стал куда приятней и добрее, чем раньше. Но одно он любил: уводить гостей поодиночке в бильярдную и рассказывать им о даме королевского рода, которую он некогда возил по Лондону. «Вспыльчива она была невыносимо, – говаривал он, – но какая женщина, сэр, какая потрясающая женщина!»