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This is what attracts the followers of buddhism. And you shall be as gods — Satan told to Eve in paradise, tempting her to sin. Here we find the origin of a desire to be above everyone and rule everyone. This is the fruit of pride from tale, elaborately embroidered. Seduced by such truthful desire, the poor people are under the delusion of a passionate ambition to achieve the feeling of being godlike.

«If there is a person who praises another belief becomes the abuser of his own, — says St. Theodosius. — But if he starts praising continuously his own and another one, such one turns out to be a bi-believer and he is close to heresy. Thus, you, child, beware and constantly praise your own confession. Do not get to know them, but keep away from them and pursue in good deeds of your belief...» 59

Has, by any chance, His Eminence asked himself a question: why Christ came down to the Earth? Why did He go through Crucifixion? If it is all the same how to believe, then Jesus' sufferings were in vain. But the Most Reverend Anthony does not specify that Jesus Christ did come to deliver the truthful teaching in order to bring the sinners to repentance, and there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved60.

In «The School of Prayer» even into a deeper confusion drives the example from the life of Chassids. His Eminence with great admiration writes about a young rabbin Tsussy: «He [Tsussy] could influence other people amazingly, arising repentance in their souls, arising new life»61. Most probably, this rabbin influenced His Eminence the same amazingly, for he praises the repentance of those, who never had real repentance, those, who crucified Jesus, and those who acknowledged the curse of their descendants, stating that His blood be on us and on our children62 and those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan63.

«Repentance should be the soul of a prayer writes St. Ignatius, — without repentance it is dead, it has the fetid smell of an opinion proud and illusionary!... The essence of fulfilling the prayer rule is to fulfill it with attention. For through attention our spirit gains humbleness, and humbleness leads to repentance»64. Humbleness is in regarding oneself the worst of all people, but do we find such opinion among Jews? It would be enough to get to know the teachings of Talmud to see the submissiveness of the Jews. «So said rabbi Shimon ben Jokhay: the world would not survive, if there are less than thirty pious men like Abraham in it. If there are thirty of them, then me and my son are the two of them. If there are twenty of them — me and my son are among them. If ten — me and my son are among them. If there are two of them — these are me and my son. And if one — that is me». (Bereshit raba, 25, 2)65.

«None of the Jews worship God, — says St. John Chrysostom. — That is why I especially hate Synagogue and have repugnance towards it, for having prophets, the Judaists don't trust them; reading the Holy Scriptures, don't believe the evidence given in them, and this is characteristic of the people extremely malignant... So if you respect everything judaist what do you have in common with us? If the judaist belief is important and worthy of respect, then ours is false, and if ours is truthful, and it is in fact truthful, then theirs is full of deceive»66.

His Eminence as well makes reference to the jewish writer of the XII-th century, talmudist Maymonid67, who, speaking about the «secret name» of his god, blasphemously calls Christian names pet-names68. Every Orthodox knows about this «secret» name from the lifestory of St. Sylvester69, who having called the holy name of Jesus Christ resurrected the bull killed by a jewish rabbin. The latter did it by pronouncing the «secret name» of his god, but was not able to bring the bull back to life. And St. Sylvester not only succeeded in that with the help of Jesus, but even made the bull quiet and humble.

St. John Chrysostom brings up such question: «Should we on any account give welcome to the Judaists? On the contrary, we ought to keep away from them as from the infection dangerous to the whole Universe? What kind of evil is there they have not committed? Weren't there all the prophets to expose them? What ill-doing, what unlawful action haven't they eclipsed? Jesus entitled you with the honor to be His brother, and you return ignominy to Him, respecting His killers and crucifiers...»70.

Interest in Judaism fully accords with the spirit of time and the official doctrine of Catholicism, which acknowledges the identity of jewish Mashiakh and «Jesus of the second coming». The Jews are acknowledged to be different from other peoples: they come to be not the result of a historical process, but a unique spiritual phenomenon in the history of mankind. The testament between the Jews and God is accepted as having never been dissolved (in contradiction to the evidence of the Gospels and the teachings of St. Apostles, which fully accords the foreseeing of the ancient Prophets)71.


A doctor’s proficiency is regarded from his ability to give the right diagnosis, and then prescribe certain treatment and hope on God’s help. But if the doctor instead of medicine gives poison to a sick man, then he becomes a killer and not a doctor. Thus a spiritual shepherd should be attentive to all the revelations of he in order to save his flock from the eternal downfall.

My task as a doctor’s one consists in saving the souls from hypochondriac neurosis, i.e. the disease of the nerve system which develops on the background of hypochondriac daydreaming, and as a Christian's — to save the nearest from heretic mislead. «For not all sins demand only advice and exhortation, — says St. John Chrysostom, 72 — no, there are some of them to be undone in the most decisive and urgent putting a stop to them... for some sins have a necessity in long-standing exhortation and some — in strict exposing»73.

In psychiatry there is a term of anosognosic reaction74, when a person doesn’t see, or better doesn't want to see his disease, neglecting the doctors' prescriptions. Suchlike sick are scared to say something justiful, concealing under an agreeable pretext their fears. They consider it beneath their dignity to argue about truthfulness and put themselves above it. It is well known that any disease has a spiritual origin. God created a man, having installed into his mind notions yes, yes and no, no, and all attempts to unite yes and no lead to psychological corruption.

Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!75 — says the Lord. A shepherd must not only know how to heal the sheep, but how to protect them from wolfs as well. And if he unites sheep and wolfs in one flock under the pretext of love, he is not a shepherd, but a wolf under a sheep's skin.

St. Ignatius, as a true shepherd of Christ's flock, warns us, saying that «only those books on religion one is allowed to read, which were written by the Patristic of the Eastern Church. This is what the Eastern Church demands from its children...76 And if you consider differently and find the requirement of the Church less significant in comparison with the considerations of your own and those in accordance with you, then you are not a son of the Church, but her judge... Spiritual and saint teachers of the Church read the blasphemous manuscripts of heretics, forced by the urgent necessity of the whole Christian society. They with a strong, with a spiritual word exposed the delusion, made clear to the children of the Church the concealed danger of heretic writings, which was covered by a seeming gorgeous effect of sanity and piety... Experience proves that the results of unscrupulous reading are ruining. One can come across a huge variety of ideas regarding Christianity, ideas the most irregular, inconsistent and contradicting the teaching of the Church, very often finding faults with this holy teaching, — ideas, implemented by reading heretic books!»77.