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St. Apostle Judah writes about them: there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not Spirit (Jud. 18, 19). That is why those who are alien to true Spirit can’t be called New Israel. Then one more question arises: If, as it is said, the Salvation of other denominations apart from the One Holy Catholic and Apostlolic Church which is called the Orthodox Church is doubtful then why is it not openly preached in Russia? The answer to the question is clear and plain. There is certain faith tolerance admitted in Russia. The adherent of different denominations equal to Orthodox occupy important post in the country: the principals of educational institutions are mainly the adherent of other beliefs, the governors of provinces and district towns are often heterodox. The regimental and battalion commanders often happen to be heterodox. Wherever a priest starts preaching openly that there is no salvation apart from the Orthodox Church the ranked heterodox would get offended. Due to this situation the Russian clergy attributed a skill and a voted habit of speaking on the subject evasively. And maybe for the same reason and because of constant communication with the heterodox and moreover reading their compositions, some of the clergy began to think more condescendingly in relevance towards the hope of Salvation and other faiths. Many educated orthodox reading compositions by the Latin authors in French and not reading their own one in Russian on the subject of dogmas can easely be involved in the artful design of he instead of cognizing the truth they do not know. For those who wish all the details of reasons why the Pope adherents deviated so much from the Orthodox it is advisable to read the recently published work on the attitude of the Roman Church to other Churches by Abdias Vostokov. In this book, especially its second part, one should pay attention to some remarkable places concerning the oath of allegiance of the Latin Bishops to their Pope and the slender of the papists about the Orthodox, pp. 49, 60, 137». St. Ambrosy of Optina. Letters.

24. Losev A.F. Essays of antique symbolism and mythology. M.: «Thought», 1993, pp. 884-885.

25. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, p.10.

26. The Ladder. Word 7. About happiness-creating crying, p. 57.

27. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Vol. IV, p. 485.

28. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, p.136.

29. The Ladder. Word 28, ch. 17.

30. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Vol. I, p. 147.

31. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, p.6.

32. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Vol. I, p. 129.

33. Jean Bernanos (1888-1948). A French writer and a publicist. In his novels criticizes the modem state of the world from the standpoint of Catholic mysticism.

34. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, p.16.

35. Sir. 10, 7.

36. Ps. 51, 17.

37. Proverbs 23, 26.

38. Jean Danielue (1905-1974), a Catholic cardinal.

39. Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963). An English writer, a publicist. «When I entered the University», — recollects C.S.L. — «I was as close to an absolute absence of virtue as it was possible for a nasty boy to be... I knew not more about chastity, truthfulness and sacrificing than an ape about a symphony». It is known that his favorite writer since his young days had been Chesterton who could not but influence his outlook on life. C.L. didn’t make it a secret that he belonged to the Anglican Church, but as he grew aged he married a Judaic woman, announcing that he completely shared her views. He is especially estimated by the Ecumenists for his saying that* Christianity is an immense house consisting of many rooms-confessions, which is a blasphemy to Holy Spirit. Lewis called himself a «dinosaur» and a sample of the Past time, though his «fantasy» could be attributed to the sphere of New age. The opinion that besides Paradise and Hell there exists a so-called way (a created world of your own fantasies) was reflected in the works of his friend J. R. R. Tolkien, who shared this view. The fairy-tales by Lewis depict Christ in a blasphemous way n the image of a lion and unite some heathen characters as mermaids, centaurs, etc. They lead you astray to the sphere of dreaming to the false way which ends up with blasphemy to God.

40. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, sp.37.

41. Robert Moffat, a professor of a Protestant seminary in New York. «The Word was divine», — thought Moffat and Goodspeed. But in the Greek original the word «Θεός» (God) is used and not «θείος» (divine) though «θείος» is used in other places of New Testament (Acts 17, 29 and 2-nd Peter 1, 3). The Jehovah witnesses translate into English the last words of John 1, 1 this way: "The Word was a God" — i.e. one of the gods. This is clear twisting of the words in the Gospel. The absence of definite article in the Greek original doesn’t mean anything for the defying norm in this case usually is used with out an article.

42. St. Athanasius the Great. Works. TSL: 1902. Vol. 1, p. 275.

43. Synthagmum of Aphines. Σύνταγμα των θείων καί ίερων κανόνων κτλ. υπ о Г. Α. 'Ράλλη καί Μ. Ποτλή. Sympheropole: 1892, ρ. 252.

44. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. «About heresy and schism»/ «Orthodox readings», 1992, 5-6, p. 5.

45. Kuhn, Luther, sa vie et son oeuvre, 1883, II, 94.

46. De Wette, Ш, 83, Op., ed. Eriang, LIII, 364, Febvre, 269.

47. The Church Times. 1972, August, the 4-th, p. 9.

48. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, p.413.

49. Dissenters — from dissent in opinions.

50. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, p.53.

51. 1 Tim. 5, 8

52. Ancient Patristic, M.: 1899, p. 240.

53. Mark Gabriel by 12 years of age knew Koran by heart and was the second best student of 6000 ones. Studying history he came across many dark spots in the history of Islam. Gabriel could not account for many contradictions in Koran. «I was never allowed to ask anything, — he recalls. — Nobody is ever allowed». His searching brought him to resignation and serving a term in prison. On being given freedom he left Islam and became a Christian.

54. John. 14, 6.

55. This is how St. Rev. Maximos the Greek narrates about Mohamed, the founder of Islam: «This is the most detestable flatterer and the forerunner of the most impious antichrist, who had nothing to do with either piety, or wisdom, neither had he any scientific education, which is clearly proved by the story which I heard from some worthy men who knew every detail concerning him. They narrated that he used to be a laborer of a rich Israely in Arabia and was engaged in a carrier’s trade thus being often hired to go to Palestine and Syria together with the merchants. When his master died, his former mistress, having fallen in love with him made him her lover and the heir to all her estates. Having received great fortune and wealth he began to wish to establish a new law and rule his Arabian tribe, which worshipped idols, this was to become a would be pious faith which would destract them from their idols. When he began to speculate on the subject the sourse of all evil, devil who always strives against the pious Christians delivered him an appropriate tool — a Jew from Jerusalem, Elias by name, who had been driven out of Jerusalem by his countrymen due to his heretic views. So the man, having been received by Mohamed taught him every heresy, taught him to know one God, and not the Holy Trinity, to circumcise, to wash off daily sins by water, not to eat pork, to take as many wives as one wishes so that only he can provide for them. As well devil brought to him another teacher — a monk from Constantinopole, who had been turned out of the monastery for his arian heresy and other blasphemous things. The latter reaffirmed him in everything having been taught to him before, and added to that to worship Jesus Christ not as God but as a Man exceeding all men in piety and all previous prophets in holiness, not as God or Son of God, but as a slave to God and God’s creation and not the Creator. He taught him to warship the Holy book of Testaments and regard it as having descended from Heaven and some other ideas of the kind. When his countrymen asked him to produce a miracle to prove his words, he proudly answered: "Moses and those who came after him and Christ were sent by God with different miracles and omens, and I was sent with a sword and I have a commandment to kill those who do not submit to my words". From this rude reply and from some of his other actions it is clear that this foul wasn’t sent by good God, Who doesn’t induce anything but by theomachistic and hateful devil for the eternal ruin of his followers». St. Maximos the Greek. Works, part 2. TSL, 1996, p.42-46.