I tried to picture this scene, of Judy or Tom smuggling God knew what out of this building yesterday afternoon when no one else was in the shower room. I asked Dr. Chen, "If it's assumed that everything in here has some degree of contamination, why would you want to put a vial of something in your whatever?"
She replied, "You practice some basic decon first, of course. You wash your hands with the special soap in the rest rooms, you may use a condom to wrap a vial or test tube, or use sterile gloves or sheet latex for larger items. You have to be careful, but not paranoid."
Dr. Chen continued, "As for computer information, it can and is electronically transferred from biocontainment to the offices in the administration area. So it's not necessary to steal disks or tapes." She added, "As for handwritten and typewritten notes, graphs, charts, and so forth, it's standard procedure to fax all of that out of here and into your own office. There are fax machines all around, as you can see, and each office outside of biocontainment has an individual fax. That's the only way you can get notes out of here. Years ago, you had to use special paper, rinse it in a decontaminating fluid, leave it to dry, then retrieve it the next day. Now, with the fax, your notes are waiting for you when you return to the office."
Amazing, I thought. I'll bet the folks who invented the fax never thought of that. I can picture the TV commercial — "Laboratory notes covered with germs? Fax them to your office. You have to shower, but they don't." Or something like that.
Beth looked at Dr. Chen and asked her directly, "Do you think the Gordons took anything out of here that was dangerous to living things?"
"Oh, no. No, no. Whatever they took — if they took anything — wasn't pathogenic. Whatever it was, it was therapeutic, helpful, antidotal, however we want to term it. It was something good. I would bet my life on that."
Beth said, "We're all betting our lives on that."
We left Dr. Chen and the X-ray room and continued our tour.
As we walked, Dr. Zollner commented, "So, as I said before, and as Dr. Chen seems to agree, if the Gordons stole anything, it was a genetically altered viral vaccine. Most probably a vaccine for Ebola since that was the main thrust of their work."
Everyone seemed to agree with that. My own thinking was that Dr. Chen had been a little too pat and perfect, and that she didn't know the Gordons as well as she or Zollner said she did.
Dr. Zollner gave a commentary as we strolled the labyrinthine corridors. He said, "Among the viral diseases we study are malignant catarrh, Congo Crimean hemorrhagic fever, and bluetongue. We also study a variety of pneumonias, rickettsial diseases, such as heartwater, a wide range of bacterial diseases, and also parasitic diseases."
"Doc, I got a C in biology and that's because I cheated. You lost me on the rickshaw disease. But let me ask you this — you have to produce a lot of this stuff in order to study it. Correct?"
"Yes, but I can assure you we don't have the capacity to produce enough of any organism in the quantities needed for warfare, if that's what you're getting at."
I said, "I'm getting at random acts of terrorism. Do you produce enough germs for that?"
He shrugged. "Perhaps."
"That word again, Doc."
"Well, yes, enough for a terrorist act."
"Is it true," I inquired, "that a coffee can full of anthrax, spritzed into the air around Manhattan Island, could kill two hundred thousand people?"
He thought a moment, then replied, "That could be. Who knows? It depends on the wind. Is it summertime? Is it lunchtime?"
"It's like tomorrow evening rush hour."
"All right… two hundred thousand. Three hundred thousand. A million. It doesn't matter because no one knows and no one has a coffee can full of anthrax. Of that, I can assure you. The inventory was quite specific on that."
"That's good. But not as specific on other things?"
"As I told you, if anything is missing, it is an antiviral vaccine. That is what the Gordons were working on. You'll see. Tomorrow you will all wake up alive. And the day after, and the day after that. But six or seven months from now, some pharmaceutical company, or some foreign government, will announce an Ebola vaccine, and the World Health Organization will purchase two hundred million doses to start with, and when you discover who is getting the richest from this vaccine, you will discover your murderer."
No one replied for a few seconds, then Max said, "You're hired, Doctor."
Everyone smiled and chuckled. In fact, we all wanted to believe, we did believe, and we were so relieved that we were walking on air, giddy over the good news, thrilled that we weren't going to wake up with terminal bluetongue or something, and in truth no one was focusing as closely on the case now as we had been earlier. Except me.
Anyway, Zollner continued showing us all sorts of rooms and talked about diagnoses and reagent production, monoclonal antibody research, genetic engineering, tick-borne viruses, vaccine production, and so forth. It was mind-boggling.
It takes an odd type to go into this sort of work, I thought, and the Gordons, whom I considered normal people, must have been considered by their peers as somewhat flamboyant by comparison — which was how Zollner described them. I mentioned this to Zollner and he replied, "Yes, my scientists here are rather introverted… like most scientists. Do you know the difference between an introverted biologist and an extroverted biologist?"
"An extroverted biologist looks at your shoes when he talks to you." Zollner laughed heartily at this one, and even I chuckled, though I don't like it when people upstage me. But it was his lab.
Anyway, we saw the various places where the Gordons' project had been worked on, and we also saw the Gordons' own lab.
Inside the Gordons' small lab, Dr. Zollner said, "As project directors, the Gordons mostly supervised, but they did some work here on their own."
Beth said, "No one else worked in this lab?"
"Well, there were assistants. But this laboratory was the private domain of the Doctors Gordon. You can be sure I spent an hour in here this morning looking for something that was not right, but they wouldn't leave anything incriminating around."
I nodded. In fact, there may have been incriminating evidence at any previous time, but if yesterday was to be the culmination of the Gordons' secret work and final theft, then they would have sanitized the place yesterday morning or the day before. But that supposed that I believed all of this stuff about an Ebola vaccine, and I wasn't sure I did.
Beth said to Dr. Zollner, "You are not supposed to enter the workplace of homicide victims and look around, remove things, or touch anything."
Zollner shrugged, as well as he should under these circumstances. He said, "So, how was I supposed to know that? Do you know my job?"
Beth said, "I just want you to know — "
"For next time? All right, the next time two of my top scientists are murdered, I'll be sure not to go into their laboratory."
Beth Penrose was bright enough to let it go and said nothing.
Clearly, I thought, Ms. By-the-Book was not handling the unique circumstances of this case very well. But I gave her credit for trying to do it right. If she'd been one of the crew on the Titanic, she'd have made everyone sign for the life jackets.
We all looked around the lab, but there were no notebooks, no beakers labeled "Eureka," no cryptic messages on the blackboard, no corpses in the supply closet, and in fact, nothing at all that the average lay person could understand. If anything interesting or incriminating had been here, it was gone, compliments of the Gordons, or Zollner, or even Nash and Foster if they'd ventured this far on their earlier visit this morning.