“And Deuce?”
“I’ll have papers prepped and ready for him when he comes in.”
She read everything to make sure there weren’t any hidden issues. The agreement seemed pretty straightforward.
McElroy held out a pen. “You can sign at the bottom.”
She didn’t take it.
“Is there a problem?”
“I haven’t said yes yet.”
He stared at her for a moment, then reached for the contract, but she kept her hand on it.
“I don’t have time for games, Ms. Poe. If you’ll please move your hand so we can be on our way.”
“I didn’t say no, either. I need a little time to think.”
“Time is something we don’t have.”
“You said she wasn’t going anywhere.”
McElroy frowned. “For now, but that won’t last forever.”
“How much time do you need?” Cooper asked, his tone considerably more understanding than his boss’s. “Would the end of the day be enough?”
McElroy didn’t look very happy, but he kept his mouth shut.
Alex thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “End of the day.”
Chapter Five
“Problems?” Emerick asked.
Alex had no idea what she must look like, but the moment she walked back into Ackerman’s, the old man seemed to sense that something had changed.
She answered him as honestly as she could. “I’m not sure.”
With a shrug, he tilted his head toward the gym door. “Shall we finish your workout?”
“Not today, Hans. I’ve got some things I need to do.”
She showered, dressed, and was on the road fifteen minutes later. She headed south out of the city, along the same highway she’d driven at least once a week for years now. Passing Riverdale, she caught glimpses of water to the left, where an offshoot of the Chesapeake Bay wrapped its way along the shore. Just before she reached Annapolis, she hopped onto Route 50 and took the Bay Bridge across to Kent Island.
The house was on a quiet road in Stevensville, north of the highway. Like many of the other homes in the area, it was set back from the road on a large parcel of land. Where it differed from its neighbors was the fence that surrounded the property. Most of the homes had none.
Alex pulled up to the gate, and pressed the button on the intercom box.
“May I help you?” a female voice asked.
“It’s Alexandra Poe.”
The woman said nothing for a second, then, “I don’t have you on the schedule, Miss Poe.”
“Last minute thing.”
“One moment.”
With a sudden whine, the gate swung open. Alex drove through and parked next to some other cars, then got out and headed toward the house. Before she reached the front door, it opened, and Mrs. Thornton stepped onto the porch.
“Alexandra. Good to see you.” She held out a hand as she always did, and the two women shook. “This is unexpected. Is there something wrong?”
“No,” Alex said. “It’s…well, I might be going out of town and I’m not sure how long I’ll be away, so I wanted to come by first. Just in case.”
An understanding smile creased Mrs. Thornton’s face. “Of course. But I wish you would have called first.”
“Is there a problem?”
“No. But Danny isn’t always good with surprises.”
“I know how Danny is,” Alex said. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Mrs. Thornton slipped a motherly arm around Alex’s shoulders. “I’m sure he will be.”
Alex tensed under the woman’s touch, but she knew Mrs. Thornton only had the kindest of intentions. The woman couldn’t help herself; it was in her nature. She was old enough to have a dozen grandchildren but had none. Ryan, her only child, had been born with cerebral palsy and died as a teenager from complications due to his condition. He had been the inspiration behind Ryan’s House, the name Mrs. Thornton had given her home when she’d turned it into a group facility for disabled adults.
She led Alex through the front doorway into the family room that had been converted into a lounge/activity area. Several of the residents were there, working at the table or watching TV.
Alex’s brother was sitting on the couch, his attention glued to the SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon on the screen. His lips moved as he mimicked every line, mostly silently, but with the occasional mumbled word slipping out.
She saw the ever-present watch on his wrist, the watch that had belonged to their father, and suddenly knew she had no choice. If she had been alone in the world, she might’ve convinced herself she didn’t need to see her father again, and turned down McElroy’s offer.
But she wasn’t alone.
“Danny,” Mrs. Thornton said. “Look who’s here.”
Danny’s gaze stayed fixed on the television screen, his mouth still moving.
“Danny, you have a visitor.”
Alex’s brother had always been able to tune out the world when he wanted to, especially when SpongeBob was on. If there had been a channel that showed nothing else, he would have been just fine with that.
Mrs. Thornton glanced at Alex. “Would you like me to turn it off?”
“No,” Alex said. “I’m not in a hurry.”
She stepped over to the couch and sat down. “Hey, buddy. I remember this one. SpongeBob and his bubble friend.”
It took Danny a moment to process her voice, but when he finally recognized it, he looked at her. “Aleck.”
His smile was broad. She opened her arms, and he hugged her.
“Hi, Danny.”
“Aleck. You here. Make me happy.”
“Make me happy, too.”
Danny had been born with Down syndrome. While he was physically two years older than Alex, mentally he was still a small child. Even at a young age, Alex had seemed to sense that it was her job to take care of him, and she’d watched after him ever since. This sense of protectiveness had only increased when their mother was killed and their father, who used to call Danny his “little lieutenant,” disappeared.
It had taken their relatives nearly a year to convince Alex to find a place for Danny to live without her once she reached eighteen. Seven years later, she still felt guilty for making that decision. Almost as guilty as she felt for joining the army and leaving him for two long years. But that was something she had to do. She needed to show the military that enlistees from her family, which had a long history with the army, were good soldiers, and by doing so, prove that they had to be wrong about her dad.
Thankfully, Danny never seemed to blame her for anything. His excitement was the same every time he saw her, whether the absence was a day, a week, or several months.
He turned now, suddenly remembering the TV, and started mumbling along again. Alex was happy just to be next to him, happy to have his hand in hers, happy to see him happy.
When the cartoon finally ended, she said, “You want to go outside?”
“French fry?”
“You want French fries?”
He nodded, and half laughed. “Yeah.”
After letting Mrs. Thornton know they were going out, Alex led her brother to her car. Danny lived at a pace different than most people’s. By the time Alex circled around to the driver’s side, climbed in, and belted up, Danny was only pulling his seatbelt on.
She resisted the urge to help him, and watched as he slowly fastened himself in.
“All set?” she asked.
He smiled. “All set.”
Dairy Queen was their usual stop. They arrived right before lunchtime, so there were only a couple people in line in front of them.
“You want ketchup with your fries?” Alex knew the answer, but she always asked.
“Three ketchup,” Danny said.
“You got it. And to drink?”
“Root beer,” he said, almost singing the words. “Root beer. Root beer. Root beer.”