‘Nothing. He asked for a list of David’s friends, that was all.’
‘Was it much of a list?’
She gave a short, brittle laugh, and shook her head. ‘Not really. I gave him three, no, four names to be going on with, but the only really close friend among them was Don Kennedy.’ She looked at me as if she expected me to know him. I looked back at her, blankly.
‘Which Don Kennedy?’
‘You know; the golfer.’
‘Oh, that Don Kennedy.’ I’d heard of him, right enough. He’d won quite a few events in Europe, and one in the States. He was a Ryder Cup player, but he wasn’t exactly a household name. . at least not in any household I’d ever had. The thought of households took me back to Susie, and our conversation that morning.
By coincidence, Alison arrived in the same vicinity at the same time. ‘What did you mean earlier,’ she asked, ‘when you said I wouldn’t necessarily have to change the nameplates?’
‘I meant,’ I told her, ‘that you have the most unlikely fairy godfather you could ever have imagined. . except that I wouldn’t really say he’s a fairy, just a bit arch from time to time.’
I told her all about my encounter with Ewan Capperauld, in detail, piece by piece. When I got to where he agreed without a murmur to open James Torrent’s building, she gasped with surprise, shouted ‘Yes!’ and jumped up and down. When I got to the end, and his offer to buy his cousin’s stake in the business, and put his own name behind it, she looked at me in total amazement for a few seconds then threw herself at me and kissed me. She’d never done it like that in the old days. This was a real tongue-tickling-tonsils job. She didn’t stop there either; there wasn’t an interesting piece of her that wasn’t pressed and writhing against me.
Eventually I peeled her off. . not too soon though, for I was enjoying it, a fact of which she must have been aware. ‘You are the most surprising, wonderful man,’ she whispered. ‘Make love to me.’
I held her away from me. ‘Come on, now,’ I told her. ‘If you want to fuck someone to celebrate, fuck Ewan. It’s only right; he’s the guy making the offer.’
She smiled at me; very definitely Alison Mark Two. ‘Yes, but he’s not here.’ She began to unbutton her blouse. Something made me stop her; Susie’s face in my mind’s eye. . or maybe it was a subconscious image of her and Ricky Ross.
‘Thanks again, but no thanks.’
‘You really are serious about this woman in Glasgow, aren’t you?’
I was, and it was worrying me. ‘No, I just want you to be fresh for your meeting with Ewan tomorrow morning; eight o’clock at my place.’
She was still incredulous. ‘He wants to meet me?’
‘Of course, if you’re interested in his offer.’
‘If I’m what? Of course I’m interested; I’ll jump at it.’
‘Or for it,’ I muttered, but she didn’t pick it up. She was too busy planning ahead.
‘Eight o’clock,’ she said.‘Mmm, that’s early. Oz, maybe I could stay at your place tonight. That would make sense.’
‘Maybe to you, but it might not sound too sensible to me.’
She waved a hand at me. ‘Don’t worry about your virtue; it’ll be safe with me.’ I wasn’t sure; I’d been in that situation before, with Susie, and it hadn’t been. ‘Please,’ she whispered. ‘Last night was awful, really, in that cell. I really don’t fancy being on my own at home, not yet.’
I gave in. ‘Okay,’ I said. ‘But I’m warning you, I’ll be locking my bedroom door!’ I don’t think she believed me.
We did a drive-by of her place and picked up some fresh clothes for the morning, plus her toothbrush and cosmetics. I didn’t notice her packing anything that looked like a nightdress, but I let that pass.
It was going on for nine when we got back to the Mound; when I showed her the spare room and dumped her bag there, Alison smiled in a way that told me she didn’t regard the subject as closed. I still did; I checked my resolve, and found it holding up under the pressure. We were both hungry, but I didn’t fancy cooking that late, so I called the ever reliable Pizza Hut and ordered up a double whopper stuffed crust whatever, no garlic, please, paid by credit card. There were a couple of bottles of Bollinger in the fridge, left over from the afternoon. I opened one, poured two glasses, then settled down to watch some obscure football match on Channel 5, with the sound turned down so that the awful screaming commentator didn’t get on my tits.
The entry buzzer went ten minutes later. Alison jumped up; I thought she was going to answer it, but instead she headed for her room. I picked up the phone myself, and heard a female voice say, ‘Pizza,’ managing to make even those two syllables sound broad Edinburgh.
‘Top floor,’ I grunted, then pressed the buzzer and, as had become my habit, opened the front door, ready for the lift’s arrival. I was looking out of the window as I heard it open, but the voice from behind still took me by surprise. ‘My, who’s the hungry one then?’ Outside, the lift closed again and headed for the street.
I turned to see Rhona Waitrose, with a Pizza Hut carrier balanced on the tips of the fingers of her right hand, and what looked like a script held in her left. It was remarkable that I noticed these things, for she was wearing a pair of black patent shoes, a shiny raincoat, which hung open, and nothing else.
‘I thought we might do a bit of early rehearsing,’ she said, brightly. Then her smile faded as Alison walked back into the room. She was dressed much the same as Rhona, minus the raincoat and the shoes, and she was holding a champagne glass between breasts that did indeed seem to have grown since the last time I’d seen them.
‘. . Only I see you’re auditioning this evening,’ the pizza delivery girl finished. ‘My mistake, sorry.’
‘Hold on,’ I said weakly, ‘it’s no mistake.’
She brightened up. ‘Ah well,’ the actress chuckled. ‘I’m all for improvisation in my work.’ She looked at Alison, who seemed slightly bewildered, but not too bothered by the newcomer. ‘What do you think, dear? Does one go into two?’
‘We take what we can get,’ my ex replied, positively.
I thought through my options; I didn’t fancy any of them. Well, that’s not true; I fancied both of them, but not in the same room, at the same time. ‘Can I just settle for the pizza,’ I suggested, ‘and let you girls sort things out for yourselves?’
They both laughed, in a tinkling harmony; then the bells stopped ringing, as the lift opened again.
‘Someone left the street door open,’ Susie called out, as she walked in through the open door, carrying her overnight bag. ‘Surp. .’
I’ve never seen a volcano erupt, but if I ever do, then like the song says, it won’t impress me much. Not after seeing Susie go instantly ballistic. ‘You bastard,’ she screamed, as she dropped the bag, and advanced on me. ‘You indescribable fucking bastard! I am mug enough to fall for you, and to think that you feel the same way about me. So I come through to bring some joy into your lonely life, and what do I find? You’re waist deep in fucking whores!’
‘Hey wait a minute!’ Rhona protested.
Susie didn’t even turn to look at her; she just threw out a hand behind her with a pointing finger on the end. ‘You shut your mouth!’ she commanded. Rhona obeyed. As for Alison, she just stood there; her mouth was still hanging open, but no sound was coming out.
‘Love,’ I pleaded with her, ‘this is not what it seems.’ I wondered, idly, whether going down on my knees would help, but I decided that it would only make it easier for her to punch me in the mouth.
‘Well, what the fuck is it then? Which scene in your bloody movie is this?’
Behind her the door slammed shut. We all looked towards it. The tall, angular figure of Mandy O’Farrell stared back at us. I was hugely relieved to see that she was fully clothed, even if she was as astonished as the rest of us.
‘Jesus Christ,’ she boomed in her full, rich contralto. ‘Is there no security in this bloody building?’
I took advantage of Susie’s momentary distraction to seize her firmly by the arm and march her towards my bedroom. ‘Mandy,’ I called over my shoulder, ‘get these two out of here, dressed or otherwise.