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А — Anthropos

АА — American Anthropologist

AJPA — American journal of physical anthropology

AP — Asian perspectives

APAMNH — Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History

APAO — Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania

APAS — American and Pacific Archaeology Series

BAIM — Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum

BEFEO — Bulletin de l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient

BIEAS — Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology. Academia Sinica

BMFEA — Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern antiquities

BPBMB — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin

BPBMM — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Memoir

ВPBMOP — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Occasional Paper

ВPBMSP — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Piblication

BSEI — Bulletin de la Société des Etudes indochinoises

BSGI — Bulletin du Service Géologique de l’Indochine

CA — Current authropology

CMB — Canterbury Museum Bulletin

DMB — Dominion Museum Bulletin (Wellington)

DMM — Dominion Museum monograph (Wellington)

EM — Etudes mélanésiennes

FMJ — Federation Museums journal

JEAS — Journal of East Asiatic studies

JFMSM — Journal of the Federated Malay States Museum

JHKAS — Journal of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society

JMBRAS — Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society

JPNGS — Journal of the Papua New Guinea Society

JPS — Journal of the Polynesian Society

JPAI (JAI) — Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

JRSNZ — Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

JSO — Journal de la Société des Océanistes

MSGI — Mémoir du Service Géologique de l’Indochine

NZAAM — New Zealand Archaeological Association Momograph

NZAAN — New Zealand Archaeological Association Newsletter

NZJS — New Zealand Journal of Science

OUMPA — Otago University Monographs in Prehistoric Anthropology (ранее — Studies in Prehistoric Anthropology, Departament of Anthropology, University of Otago)

PAR — Pacific Anthropological Records

PJS — Philippine Journal of Science

PPS — Proceedings of Prehistoric Society

RAM — Records of the Australian museum

RAIM — Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum

RCM — Records of the Canterbury Museum

RFM — Records of the Fiji Museum

ROMA — Records of the Otago Museum, Anthropology

RPNGM — Records of the Papua New Guinee Museum

SMJ — Sarawak Museum Journal

SWJA — Southwestern Journal of anthropology

TNZI — Transactions of the New Zealand Institute

TRSNZ — Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand

UISPP — Union International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Proto-historiques

WA — World Archaeology

WBKL — Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik

ВДИ — Вестник древней истории. М.

ВИ — Вопросы истории. М.

НАА — Народы Азии и Африки. История, экономика, культура. М.

Сб. МАЭ — Сборник трудов Музея археологии и этнографии. М.—Л.

СВ — Советское востоковедение. М.

СЭ — Советская этнография. М.—Л., М.

ТИЭ — Труды Института этнографии АН СССР им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая


В настоящем издании библиография приводится в том виде, в каком она дана в оригинале.

1. Adkin G. L. Horowhenua. Wellington: Polynesian Society, Memoir. 1948, 26.

2. Adkin G. L. An adequate culture nomenclature for the New Zealand area, JPS. 1960, 69.

3. Aigner J. Pleistocene archaeological remains from South China, AP. 1973, 16.

4. Aigner J. S., Laughlin W. S. The dating of Lantian man and his significance for the analysing trends in human evolution, AJPA. 1973, 39.

5. Aitken R. Ethnology of Tubuai, BPBMB. 1930, 70.

6. Akerblom K. Astronomy and navigation in Polynesia and Micronesia. Stockholm: Ethnographical Museum Monograph. 1968, 4.

7. Alexander Coursey D. G. The origins of yam cultivation, in: Ucko P. and G. W. Dimbledy (eds.). The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. London, 1969.

8. Alkire W. H. Cultural adaptation in the Caroline Islands, JPS. 1960, 69.

9. Alkire W. H. Lamotrek atoll and inter-island socio-economic ties. Illinois Studies in Anthropology. 1965, 5, Urbana.

10. Alkire W. H. An introduction to the peoples and cultures of Micronesia. Addison-Wesley Modular Publications. 1972, 18.

11. Allen B. Wet field taro terraces in Mangaia, Cook Islands, JPS. 1971, 80.

12. Allen J. Prehistoric agricultural systems in the Wahgi Valley — a further note, Mankind. 1970, 7.

13. Allen J. The first decade in New Guinea archaeology, Antiquity. 1972, 46.

14. Allen J. Nobira 4: an early Austronesian site in central Papua, APAO. 1972, 7.

15. Allen M. Rank and leadership in Nduindui, northern New Hebrides, Mankind. 1972, 8.

16. Almeida A. de., Zbyszewski G. A contribution to the study of the prehistory of Portuguese Timor lithic industries, APAS. 1967, 1.

17. Ambrose W. Further investigations at Kauri Point, NZAAN. 1962, 5.

18. Ambrose W. The unimportance of the inland plains in South Islands prehistory, Mankind. 1968, 6.

19. Ambrose W. Archaeology and rock-drawings from the Waitaki gorge, central South Island, RCM. 1970, 8.

20. Ambrose W. 3000 years of trade in New Guinea obsidian, Australian Natural History, September 1973.

21. Ambrose W., Green R. C. First millennium B. C. transport of obsidian from New Britain to the Solomon Islands, Nature. 1972, 237.

22. Anell B. Contribution to the history of fishing in the southern seas. Uppsala: Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia. 1955, 9.

23. Anell B. The Polynesian cities of refuge, Orientalia Suecana. 1956, 5.

24. Apple R. Hawaiian archaeology: trails, BPBMSP. 1965, 53.

25. Arkell A. J. Cambay and the bead trade, Antiquity. 1936, 10.

26. Armitage G. C., Reeves R. D., Bellwood P. S. Source identification of archaeological obsidians in New Zealand, NZJS. 1972, 15.

27. Armstrong W. E. Rossel Island. Cambridge, 1928.

28. Ashton P. S. The Quaternary geomorphological history of western Male-sia and lowland forest phytogeography, in: [29[152]].

29. Ashton P. and M. (eds.). The Quaternary era in Malesia. University of Hull, Department of Geography, Miscellaneous series. 1972, 13.

30. Audley-Charles M. G., Hooijer D. A. Relation of Pleistocene migrations of pygmy stegodonts to islands arc tectonics in Eastern Indonesia, Nature. 1973, 241.

31. Austen L. Megalithic structures in the Trobriand Islands, Oceania. 1939, 10.

32. Avias J. Contribution à la préhistoire de l’Océanie: les tumuli des plateaux de fer en Nouvelle Calédonie, JSO. 1949, 5.

33. Avias J. Poteries canaques et poteries préhistoriques en Nouvelle Calédonie, JSO. 1950, 6.

34. Ayres W. S. Radiocarbon dates from Easter Island, JPS. 1971, 80.

35. Badner M. The protruding tongue and related motifs in the art styles of the American Northwest Coast, New Zealand and China, WBKL. 1966, 15.

36. Badner M. Some evidences of Dong-Son derived influence in the art of the Admiralty Islands, in: [43], 1972, vol. 3.

37. Ball S. C. Jungle fowls from the Pacific Islands, BPBMB. 1933, 108.

38. Bandi H. G. Die obsidianindustrie der Umgebung von Bandung in Westjava, in: Südseestudien. Baseclass="underline" Museum für Volkerkunde, 1951.

39. Barbetti M., Allen H. Prehistoric man at Lake Mungo, Australia, by 32000 years B. P., Nature. 1972, 240.

40. Bard S. M., Meacham W. Preliminary report on a site at Sham Wan, Lamma Island, Hong Kong, AP. 1972, 15, 2.

41. Barnard N. Review article, in: Monumenta Serica. 1963, 22, fascicle 2.

42. Barnard N. The first radiocarbon dates from China. Revised edition. Monograph on Far Eastern History. 1975, 8.

43. Barnard N. (ed.). Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific Basin. 3 volumes. New York, 1972.

44. Barnes J. A. African models in the New Guinea Highlands, Man. 1962, 62.

45. Barnett H. G. Being a Palauan, New York. 1960.

46. Barrau J. L’agriculture vivrière autochthone de la Nouvelle Calédonie. Noumea: South Pacific Commission, 1956.

47. Barrau J. Subsistence agriculture in Melanesia, BPBMB. 1958, 219.

48. Barrau J. Plant exploration and introduction in Micronesia, South Pacific Bulletin. 1960, 10, part 1.

49. Barrau J. Subsistence agriculture in Polynesia and Micronesia, BPBMB. 1961, 223.

50. Barrau J. (ed.). Plants and the migrations of Pacific peoples. Honolulu, 1963.

51. Barrau J. Histoire et préhistoire horticoles de l’Océanie tropicale, JSO. 1965, 21.

52. Barrau J. Witnesses of the past: notes on some food plants of Oceania, Ethnology. 1965, 4.

53. Barrau J. L’humide et le sec, in: [1406].

54. Barrau J. La région indo-pacifique comme centre de mise en culture et de domestication des végétaux, Journal d’Agriculture Tropical et de Botanique Appliquee. 1970, 17, 12.

55. Barrau J. L’Asie de Sud — Est, berceau cultural, Etudes Rurales 53–56. 1974.

56. Barrera W. M., Kirch P. V. Basaltic glass artefacts from Hawaii, JPS. 1973, 82.

57. Barrere D. Revisions and adulterations in Polynesian creation mvths. in: [716].

58. Barrett C. J. Tai Wan reconsidered, JHKAS. 1973, 4.

59. Barrow T. E. Material evidence of the bird-man concept in Polynesia, in: [716].

60. Barth F. The southern Mongoloid migration, Man. 1952, 52.

61. Barthel T. Review of: [709], AA. 1963, 65.

62. Barthel T. 1971 Pre-contact writing in Oceania, in: [1201].

63. Bartlett H. H. Possible separate origin and evolution of the ladang and sawah types of tropical agriculture, Proceedings 9th Pacific Science Congress, vol. 4, 1962.

64. Bartstra G. J. Short account of the 1973 investigations on the Palaeolithic Patjitan culture, Java, Indonesia, Berita Prasejarah. 1974, 1.

65. Bartstra G. J. Notes about Sangiran, Quärtar. 1974, 25.

66. Bartstra G. J. Contributions to the study of the Palaeolitic Patjitan Culture, Java, Indonesia, Part I. Leiden. 1976.

67. Baumgarten A., Giles E., Curtain C. C. The distribution of haptoglobin and transferrin types in northeast New Guinea, AJPA. 1968, 29.

68. Bayard D. T. The cultural relationships of the Polynesian Outlier. Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of Hawaii. 1966.

69. Bayard D. T. Excavations at Non Nok Tha, northeastern Thailand, 1968: an interim report, AP. 1970, 13.

70. Bayard D. T. An early indigenous bronze technology in north-east Thailand: its implications for the prehistory of east Asia. Expanded version of paper presented at 28 Congress of Orientalists. Canberra, January 1971 (mimeo).

71. Bayard D. T. A course towards what? Evolution, development and change at Non Nok Tha, northeastern Thailand. Unpublished Ph. D. thesis, University of Hawaii. 1971.

72. Bayard D. T. Non Nok Tha: the 1968 excavations, OUMPA. 1972, 4.

73. Bayard D. T. Early Thai bronze: analysis and new dates, Science. 1972, 176.

74. Beaglehole E. and P. Ethnology of Pukapuka, BPBMB. 1938, 150.

75. Beaglehole J. C. (ed.).The Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks 1768–1771. 2 volumes. Sydney, 1962.



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