mal people. They will be the ones monitoring scientific papers
for their “proper ideology” and attempting to ensure that a
good specialist will be denied the scientific literature he
Controls are exceptionally malicious and treacherous in the
psychological sciences in particular, for reasons now under-
standable to us. Written and unwritten lists are compiled for
subjects that may not be taught, and corresponding directives
are issued to appropriately distort other subjects. This list is so
vast in the area of psychology that nothing remains of this sci-
ence except a skeleton picked bare of anything that might be
subtle or penetrating.
A psychiatrist’s required curriculum contains neither the
minimal knowledge from the areas of general, developmental,
and clinical psychology, nor the basic skills in psychotherapy.
Due to such a state of affairs, the most mediocre or privileged
of physicians become a psychiatrist after a course of study
lasting only weeks. This opens the door of psychiatric careers
to individuals who are by nature inclined to serving the
pathocratic authority, and it has fateful repercussions upon the
level of the treatment. It later permits psychiatry to be abused
for purposes for which it should never be used.114
113 Based on many reports of the past 5 years, it seems that the United States
is well on its way to having a similar system. In fact, careful analysis indi-
cates that such a system has been in place for some time now. [Editor’s note.]
114 In Ukraine brain surgery is being performed on schizophrenics. “Ukraine
is confronted with a lack of money, which means no money to buy medi-
cines, so they look for alternative methods of treatment. Then there are psy-
chiatrists in Dnepropetrovsk who think: suppose we cut away a piece of
brain, then we can get rid of schizophrenia cheaply.’ Van Voren imagines
what they might think: ‘Maybe we’ll even get the Nobel prize! One can never
“ ‘On the other hand’, he continues, ‘they know just as well that this kind of
operation is not really accepted. So these schizophrenics become supposedly
epileptic, since in extreme cases of epilepsy surgery might be performed.
Under this pretext they cut away pieces of brain.’ The Institute of Neurosur-
gery in Kiev goes even further: there, brain tissue of aborted embryos is
Since they are undereducated, these psychologists then
prove helpless in the face of many human problems, especially
in cases where detailed knowledge is needed. Such knowledge
must then be acquired on one’s own, a feat not everyone is able
to manage.
Such behavior carries in its wake a good deal of damage
and human injustice in areas of life which have nothing what-
soever to do with politics. Unfortunately, however, such behav-
ior is necessary from the pathocrat’s point of view in order to
prevent these dangerous sciences from jeopardizing the exis-
tence of a system they consider the best of all possible worlds.
Specialists in the areas of psychology and psychopathology
would find an analysis of this system of prohibitions and rec-
ommendations to be highly interesting. This makes it possible
implanted in the brains of mentally disabled people. ‘They say they can cure
disabled people that way. Of course nothing happens or their situation even
worsens, but they ask thousands of dollars for it.’
“In Ukrainian psychiatry insulin is being used as a tranquillizer, i.e. it is
administered in such doses, that the patient lapses into a coma. ‘A kill or cure
remedy. It is being applied in high doses, while diabetics are dying because
there is not enough insulin. Nonsense, absolute nonsense.’ He continues:
‘Electroshocks, on large scale.’ In the Central Psychiatric Institution in Kiev
they are given a dozen a time, without anaesthesia or muscle-relaxant drugs.
Once patients have been given a clean bill of health, they can get another
dozen of shocks on the day of departure: ‘something like a severance pay.
And all of this is happening now’, concludes Van Voren, ‘it is happening
today, at this very moment.’
“In Russian newspapers one can freely write about the political abuse of
psychiatry. But officially the doctrine of Snezhnevsky was never revoked.
Most psychiatrists in Moscow still even believe in it. ‘As a consequence, no
structural change is possible in Moscow. Even now people who hold a posi-
tion at one of those institutes and who want to talk in public about the abuse
of psychiatry are being told that they should better shut up or find themselves
a job elsewhere. This way much of the old power is maintained.’
“Under the pretext of ‘progressing schizophrenia’ dissidentss are still being
locked up in the former Soviet Union, but mainly in the provinces and it is
not so ‘easy’ to do anymore, says Van Voren.
People who are unwelcome to the local authorities might land in an institu-
tion, but nowadays there are organisations for human rights and media who
can get them out. In Turkmenistan it still happens officially. ‘That is a mu-
seum of the old Stalinist Soviet Union and there the theory has been re-
stored.’” “A Mess in Psychiatry”, an interview with Robert van Voren, Gen-
eral Secretary of Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry, published in the Dutch
newspaper De Volkskrant on August 9, 1997.[Editor’s note.]
to realize that this may be one of the roads via which we can
reach the crux of the matter or the nature of this macrosocial
phenomenon. The prohibitions engulf depth psychology, the
analysis of the human instinctive substratum, together with
analysis of dreams.
As already pointed out in the chapter introducing some in-
dispensable concepts, an understanding of human instinct is a
key to understanding man; however, a knowledge of said in-
stinct’s anomalies also represents a key to understanding
Although used ever more rarely in psychological practice,
dream analysis shall always remain the best school of psycho-
logical thought; that makes it dangerous by nature. Conse-
quently, even research on the psychology of mate selection is
frowned upon, at best.
The essence of psychopathy may not, of course, be re-
searched or elucidated. Darkness is cast upon this matter by
means of an intentionally devised definition of psychopathy
which includes various kinds of character disorders, together
with those caused by completely different and known causes.115
This definition must be memorized not only by every lecturer
in psychopathology, psychiatrist, and psychologist, but also by
some political functionaries with no education in that area.
This definition must be used in all public appearances
whenever it is for some reason impossible to avoid the subject.
However, it is preferable for a lecturer in such areas to be
someone who always believes whatever is most convenient in
his situation, and whose intelligence does not predestine him to
delve into subtle differentiations of a psychological nature.