by pressure from pathocratic rulers, who are none too fastidi-
ous as to their methods, not even with regard to their own ad-
herents. How should the degree of penal mitigation then judge
them fairly?
For instance, if essential psychopathy is virtually 100% pre-
dictive concerning attraction to and inclusion in pathocratic
activity, should a judgment recognize similar mitigation of
punishment? This should also be applied to other hereditary
anomalies to a lesser extent, since they too have proved to be
primary factors in the selection of attitudes.
We should not fault anyone for having inherited some psy-
chological anomalies from his parents any more than we fault
someone in the case of physical or physiological anomalies
such as Daltonism. We should also stop blaming people who
succumbed to traumas and diseases, leaving brain tissue dam-
age behind, or those who become the object of inhuman peda-
gogical methods.
In the name of their good and that of society, we should use
force with regard to such people, sometimes including forced
psychotherapy, supervision, prevention, and care. Any concept
of blame or guilt would only make it more difficult to behave
in a way which is not only humanitarian and purposeful, but
more effective as well.
In dealing with a macrosocial phenomenon, particularly one
whose life is longer than an individual’s active life, its perma-
nent influence forces even normal people to adapt to a certain
degree. Are we, whose instincts and intelligence are normal
and, according to the criteria of our moral world view, in the
position to evaluate the guilt of these others for actions they
performed within pathocracy’s collective madness? Judging
them in accordance with traditional legal regulations would
constitute reverting to the imposition of normal man’s force
upon psychopathic individuals, i.e. to the initial position which
engendered pathocracy to begin with. Is subjecting them to
vindictive justice worth prolonging the duration of pathocracy
for even a single year, let alone an unspecified time? Would
eliminating a certain number of psychopaths significantly di-
minish these anomalies’ burden upon society’s gene pool and
contribute toward a solution to this problem?
Unfortunately, the answer is no!
People with various psychological deviations have always
existed in every society on earth. Their way of life is always
some form of predation upon society’s economic creativity,
since their own creative capabilities are generally substandard.
Whoever plugs into this system of organized parasitism gradu-
ally loses whatever limited capacity for legal work he might
have had.
This phenomenon and its brutality are actually maintained
by the threat of legal retaliation or, even worse, of retribution
on the part of the enraged masses. Dreams of revenge distract a
society’s attention from understanding the bio-psychological
essence of the phenomenon and stimulate the moralizing inter-
pretations whose results we are already familiar with. This
would make it more difficult to find a solution to the present
dangerous situation and would similarly complicate any possi-
bilities of solving the problem of burdening society’s gene pool
with psychological anomalies with a view to future genera-
tions. These problems, however, both present and future, can
be solved if we approach them with an understanding of their
naturalistic essence and a comprehension of the nature of those
people who commit substantial evil.
Legal retribution would be a repetition of the Nuremberg er-
ror. That judgment upon war criminals could have been a
never-to-be repeated opportunity to show the world the entire
psychopathology of the Hitlerian system, with the person of the
“Fuehrer” at the head. That would have led to a faster and
deeper disabusement of the Nazi tradition in Germany. Such
conscious exposure of the operations of pathological factors on
a macrosocial scale would have reinforced the process of psy-
chological rehabilitation for Germans and the world as a whole
by means of the naturalistic categories applicable to that state
of affairs. That would also have constituted a healthy precedent
for illuminating and stifling other pathocracies’ operations.
What actually happened is that psychiatrists and psycholo-
gists succumbed all too easily to the pressures of their own
emotions and political factors, their judgments giving short
shrift to the actual pathological properties of both the majority
of the defendants and of Nazism as a whole. Several famous
individuals with psychopathic features or other deviations were
hanged or sentenced to prison terms. Many facts and data
which could have served the purposes adduced in this work
were hanged and imprisoned along with these individuals. We
can thus easily understand why pathocrats were so eager to
achieve this precise result. We are not allowed to repeat such
errors, since the results make it more difficult to comprehend
the essence of macrosocial pathological phenomena, and they
thereby limit the possibilities of stifling their internal causation.
In today’s real world situation, there is only one scientifi-
cally and morally justified solution which could remedy our
current plight of nations and also furnish a proper beginning for
solving the problem of societies’ genetic burden with a view to
the future. That would be an appropriate law based upon the
best possible understanding of macrosocial pathological phe-
nomena and their causes, which would limit pathocrats’ re-
sponsibility to those cases alone (usually of a criminal sadistic
nature) in which it is hard to accept the inability to discern the
meaning of such an act. Nothing else could enable the societies
of normal people to take over power and liberate the internal
talents which could ensure a nation’s return to normal life.
Such an act of forgiveness is in fact justified by nature,
since it is derived from a recognition of the psychological cau-
sation governing a person while committing evil, both within
the scope of our cognition and outside the area we have been
able to understand. This scope accessible to scientific cognition
increases along with progress in general knowledge; in a
pathocracy, however, the image of the phenomenon is so
dominated by causality that there is not much room left for free
We shall in fact never be in the position to evaluate the
scope of free choice with which an individual person has been
endowed. In forgiving, we subordinate our minds to the laws of
nature, to a basic extent. When we withhold judgment regard-
ing the scope of the remainder unknown to us, we subject our
mind to the discipline of refraining from entering a domain
barely accessible to our mind.