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Talenthia was suddenly at Ren's side, casting a healing spell on the knight. His wound was instantly healed, his mind quickly cleared.

Andoralson stood behind his cousin, casting a strange illusionary spell that created great sparks and blasts of fire flashing in the sky above the crowd. The people moved away in fear and awe. The guards froze. The sorceress was staring at the three strangers. She had produced a magical staff and was obviously ready for any type of action. Her companion's lips were curled in a hiss, but he stood his ground.

The druids each cast a spell of protection as they separated and hurried to either side of the troops. Ren smiled in spite of himself. It was almost as if they had been fighting with him for years.

"Enangusfusisus!" Andoralson cast another spell. Suddenly there were five duplicates of him, moving toward the guards.

The confused watchmen were trying to look everywhere at once. Druids casting spells, a sorceress zapping their leader, and a barbarian ready to cleave them apart-it was all just too much. They looked at each other as if to say, "I'll surrender if you will!" To further complicate the matter, a former hero of Phlan was against them. They knew when they were beaten.

Lord Wainwright had completely lost control of the situation, and he knew it. He struggled to regain what little dignity he could. "Never mind the illusions, troops. Mistress, I admit I shouldn't have touched you, and I apologize."

The spellcaster sighed, giving him a nod in acknowledgement of his apology.

Wainwright cleared his throat. "But your barbarian friend will please sheath his weapon and you will take your horses to the corral. If you don't comply, I can't take responsibility for the blood that will spill."

The sorceress sized up the troops, knowing they could never stand up to her magic and Gamaliel's sword. "This should have never gotten this far," she responded evenly. "If you insist, I'll stable my animals. Where is the corral, please?"

When the barbarian sheathed his weapon, Ren nodded to the druids. They turned to slip out of the crowd.

The sorceress maintained her composure, but smiled to herself as the throng opened to let the three strangers by. She observed looks of respect on the faces of the people as the ranger passed.

As she prepared to leave the raft, the spellcaster made an attempt to be gracious to the knight. "Good warrior, you have my apology for my hasty actions. Can you tell me who that ranger was?" She flashed her friendliest smile at him.

Pleased by this change of attitude, Lord Wainwright spoke up. "Oh, that was Ren 'o the Blade. He's famous throughout Phlan. He and his friends discovered the pool of radiance ten years ago and killed the dragon that guarded it. They made Phlan a safer place to live-until the thrice-damned gods took our city away, that is."

The knight steeled his courage and added, "You know, mistress, the marketplace will be closing, it nearly being dark and all. I have a large tent you could sleep in, and my squire could make room for your man."

The sorceress's smile faded. "What a kind offer. But I am afraid Gamaliel and I will have to refuse. We will corral our horses as you have instructed. Thank you, Sir Knight."

Evaine and Gamaliel passed through the parted crowd, the stares of the villagers following them. Wizard and barbarian led the animals toward the corral.

"Gamaliel, you heard that oafish knight. That warrior knew of the pool of darkness before-when it was a pool of radiance. Of all the pools we've hunted, I've seen only one pool of radiance. I must learn how this one was changed into a pool of darkness. We have to find that Ren fellow and ask him some questions." Her companion listened to her words, but said nothing.

A crowd surrounded the corral. The fence was ringed with torches, making it easy to approach in the fading light. As the pair approached with their mounts, some of the watchers opened the gate and a stable hand hurried over to help with their equipment. The woman correctly guessed that the story of the raft incident had already made its way to the corral. Every effort was being made to be cordial to the sorceress.

Gamaliel, Evaine mentally communicated to her friend, the druids and that warrior are here. Try to keep the druids busy while I talk to Ren. I won't be long.

Careful, Evaine. I smell powerful magic on all of them.

She scowled at the barbarian. Gamaliel, you worry too much. I need to talk to him, to get information. Now get going.

"Druids," Gamaliel called out, "would you be so kind as to look at our horses? I think they may have the fever."

Evaine smiled at her clever companion, so smart for a cat. She knew her horses were healthy, but the nature-loving druids would be busy checking them over for at least a short time.

Ren was brushing down the biggest war-horse Evaine had ever seen.

"Ranger, my name is Evaine. I want to thank you for stopping what could have been an ugly situation."

"Think nothing of it, my lady. I am called Ren by my friends. What brings you to New Phlan?"

An uncomfortable silence hung between them for a moment. "Uh, the knight at the raft told me you knew of the pool of radiance. I've always been fascinated by the stories of such waters, but I've always wondered if they really exist."

Ren stopped his work to look searchingly into the eyes of this strange sorceress. "Oh, they exist, all right. Take it from one who's seen a pool firsthand. I had the honor of freeing this city from the corrupted dragon that was using the pool of radiance."

"I'm interested for study purposes only," she said, noting the ranger's stare. Evaine was glad he wasn't a spellcaster; she figured her chances were good that he couldn't see through her lie. "I had to come to Phlan when I heard there was a pool here. I thought I'd have a look for myself, but the pool is gone, apparently, along with the city. I'd still like to locate it, if there's any chance of doing so."

Suddenly Ren became excited at what Evaine was saying. "Would you be interested in a little quest to find the pool?" She nodded. "Talenthia, Andoralson, come over here! I think we've found someone to join our mission."

The druids hurried over, followed by the lanky barbarian. Ren introduced Evaine, and she in turn introduced Gamaliel. They all started talking at once, but Evaine stopped them. "Let me guess" she insisted. "It's a little hobby of mine. Let me see. You, Ren, are a ranger at heart but you also know the ways of the thief. You admire women but haven't settled down with one yet. You're a hero in Phlan-but that was easy to guess, because the knight told me most of the story. You've been away from the city for a long time, and you have returned only recently.

"Talenthia and Andoralson. You're both druids, but Andoralson also commands the magic of illusions. You're related-let's see, not brother and sister. How about cousins? You were sent to Phlan by your god. You travel by means of your shapechanging abilities. And you only met Ren within the last few days. How did I score?" the sorceress asked.

The trio looked at her, dumbfounded. "You've used your magic to spy on us!" Andoralson accused her.

Evaine was amused. "Don't be silly. Until a half-hour ago, I'd never seen any of you."

"Mind magic. You can read our thoughts," Talenthia suggested.

"Nope. Trying to read the three of you at once would give me a terrific headache."

"Well, maybe you're just plain smart," Ren offered. He hadn't a clue about this woman's abilities, but he didn't want to be left out of the game.

Evaine touched her finger to the tip of her nose. "The ranger wins. I observed you carefully and made some simple deductions. Ren for example, walks with a light step-as if he's walking in the woods-but he's agile and quick and has the moves of a thief. The way he speaks to Talenthia and myself, it's obvious that he respects women and enjoys their company."