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Life Without This Change

Life without going through this change would be pretty tough now! Such a simple way of reflecting my insecurities can be immensely powerful.

Life With This Change

Now, I’m less likely to get caught up in invalidated wallowing and am more likely to strive on, battle through, and find an active solution.

5 Minute Breaks

Why Will This Help Me Become More Positive?

How often do you find that your mind is shot but you try and work on? I’ve wasted many hours of my life doing this. Simply stopping for a 5 minute break can help you avoid this problem.

Applying The Action For Increased Positivity

The break is easy to apply – shut the screen, lock the PC, and close your eyes. If you work physically, just take a brief moment to close your eyes and work out what’s next.

How Often Should I Practice?

I used to do this most days, and it eventually became a habit. For every hour that you work a quick five minute resting of the eyes allows you to recalibrate before continuing.

Life Without This Change

You’ll likely find yourself working at half capacity when you feel tired, which is a common reason why we all feel o negative.

Life With This Change

If you make this change, you’ll be far less likely to actually continue making mistakes and will be more accurate when working.

You Are What You Eat

Why Will This Help Me Become More Positive?

Many of us look to blame our bodies for putting on weight. Accepting that our food plays a critical role in life is a simple starting point for positive thinking.

Applying The Action For Increased Positivity

The idea here is simple – look at what you eat, and realize how much it plays a part in how you feel. What we eat determines how we feel during the day, after all!

How Often Should I Practice?

Take a note of what you eat for two weeks, as well as brief nots on how you felt. Record how your food appears to be affecting or limiting your emotions, and whether it may have to change.

Life Without This Change

Life without putting this change in place can be quite tough to come to come to terms with. Your lack of mobility and your overall quality of life will be reduced as you never address why you feel that way.

Life With This Change

Life becomes easier when we eat right – simple! If you give your body the right kind of nutrition and help, then it’s bound to get through the day better. If we feed our bodies right, then problems and negativity will be less of a burden to fix. If there is one part you should introduce into your life, it’s diet planning!

Handling Negative Emotions

Why Will This Help Me Become More Positive?

Handling negative emotions and confronting why they exist is better for the mind and the soul than just letting them fester. Remember these emotions are only temporary.

Applying The Action For Increased Positivity

Every time you feel yourself going down this kind of mental path, remind yourself it only lasts for a while. Sadness is never permanent; especially with a mindset against it.

How Often Should I Practice?

Every time you feel sad or down. The more you remind yourself that it’s a fleeting emotion and not how you permanently feel then life becomes so much easier later.

Life Without This Change

You’ll likely continue to feel like your emotions in the moment should define your day. By using emotions in this way you also greatly limit how far you can go.

Life With This Change

However, making the change means that when negative emotions come along they are less likely to hold you back as you know that, in time, these feelings will pass along.

Sitting Outside

Why Will This Help Me Become More Positive?

I found that simply ten minutes of time spent around nature reminded me how beautiful the world that we live in can be, when we stop concentrating on the negativity around us.

Applying The Action For Increased Positivity

The easiest one yet; just go and sit outside! Leave the phone inside and just appreciate the world around you. Listen to the animals and just enjoy tranquility.

How Often Should I Practice?

Every day that you have time and weather permits. Spending time outside in the world can be great for just letting the world pass you buy and letting your mind reset.

Life Without This Change

You’ll continue to live your life in strict in|out methods. Instead, try and concentrate on less binary thinking and spend a little bit of each day outside enjoying reality.

Life With This Change

This improves mentality massively as you should find it much easier to appreciate where you are at as a person whilst also helping your mind slow down a little bit.

Mental Redirection

Why Will This Help Me Become More Positive?

Do you find yourself always going to the negative first? Then look at the thoughts prior to the negativity; what caused it?

Applying The Action For Increased Positivity

Basically, I found by just looking at what took me down a negative path I could find solutions and avoid that in future.

How Often Should I Practice?

It’s hard; in my mind it happens a lot. Just re-directing the horror of a problem to why it occurred can be very useful, though.

Life Without This Change

You’ll just continue to feel upset and angry, never looking at why negativity wins.

Life With This Change

If you change, you can start challenging negativity and finding solutions to what causes this thinking.

Lifestyle Habits

In this group we want to help people consider and understand why values matter so much. Many people don’t put much stock in having good lifestyle habits, but as this section will show it can be an invaluable trait to consider.

Having a strong range of habits in day to day life will ensure you can get the kind of help that you need in terms of making sure your lifestyle can keep improving. I found that each of these habits helped me become more productive and positive at home and in the office, ensuring my day-to-day would continually improve.

What’s Your Values?

Why Will This Help Me Become More Positive?

Another set of common issues is not knowing what we stand for. Having values helps us to define where we want to be and, crucially, if our mindset allows it.

Applying The Action For Increased Positivity

The best thing that I ever done was look to change my mindset. Make sure that your core decisions and values reflect the roles you want to achieve in life.

How Often Should I Practice?

It’s a hard one – it takes many hours of inspection of who you are. Look at what makes up your core ideals, though, and see how your world reflects that.

Life Without This Change

Without having or knowing your main values most people will just go from day to day, never really progressing to who they want to be. They may progress, but never to where they intended.

Life With This Change

If you start to make decisions based on if it fits our values, you’ll become stronger mentally and more committed to achieving your goals and dreams.