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The outer call to html expands into code that does something like this:


(write-sequence "<ul>" *html-output*)

(dolist (x '(foo bar baz)) (html (:li x)))

(write-sequence "</ul>" *html-output*))))

Then if you expand the call to html in the body of the DOLIST, you'll get something like this:


(write-sequence "<ul>" *html-output*)

(dolist (x '(foo bar baz))


(write-sequence "<li>" *html-output*)

(write-sequence (escape (princ-to-string x) "<>&") *html-output*)

(write-sequence "</li>" *html-output*)))

(write-sequence "</ul>" *html-output*))

This code will, in fact, generate the output you saw.

FOO Special Operators

You could stop there; certainly the FOO language is expressive enough to generate nearly any HTML you'd care to. However, you can add two features to the language, with just a bit more code, that will make it quite a bit more powerfuclass="underline" special operators and macros.

Special operators in FOO are analogous to special operators in Common Lisp. Special operators provide ways to express things in the language that can't be expressed in the language supported by the basic evaluation rule. Or, another way to look at it is that special operators provide access to the primitive mechanisms used by the language evaluator.[318]

To take a simple example, in the FOO compiler, the language evaluator uses the embed-value function to generate code that will embed the value of a variable in the output HTML. However, because only symbols are passed to embed-value, there's no way, in the language I've described so far, to embed the value of an arbitrary Common Lisp expression; the process function passes cons cells to embed-code rather than embed-value, so the values returned are ignored. Typically this is what you'd want, since the main reason to embed Lisp code in a FOO program is to use Lisp control constructs. However, sometimes you'd like to embed computed values in the generated HTML. For example, you might like this FOO program to generate a paragraph tag containing a random number:

(:p (random 10))

But that doesn't work because the code is run and its value discarded.

HTML> (html (:p (random 10)))



In the language, as you've implemented it so far, you could work around this limitation by computing the value outside the call to html and then embedding it via a variable.

HTML> (let ((x (random 10))) (html (:p x)))



But that's sort of annoying, particularly when you consider that if you could arrange for the form (random 10) to be passed to embed-value instead of embed-code, it'd do exactly what you want. So, you can define a special operator, :print, that's processed by the FOO language processor according to a different rule than a normal FOO expression. Namely, instead of generating a <print> element, it passes the form in its body to embed-value. Thus, you can generate a paragraph containing a random number like this:

HTML> (html (:p (:print (random 10))))



Obviously, this special operator is useful only in compiled FOO code since embed-value doesn't work in the interpreter. Another special operator that can be used in both interpreted and compiled FOO code is :format, which lets you generate output using the FORMAT function. The arguments to the :format special operator are a string used as a format control string and then any arguments to be interpolated. When all the arguments to :format are self-evaluating objects, a string is generated by passing them to FORMAT, and that string is then emitted like any other string. This allows such :format forms to be used in FOO passed to emit-html. In compiled FOO, the arguments to :format can be any Lisp expressions.

Other special operators provide control over what characters are automatically escaped and to explicitly emit newline characters: the :noescape special operator causes all the forms in its body to be evaluated as regular FOO forms but with *escapes* bound to NIL, while :attribute evaluates the forms in its body with *escapes* bound to *attribute-escapes*. And :newline is translated into code to emit an explicit newline.

So, how do you define special operators? There are two aspects to processing special operators: how does the language processor recognize forms that use special operators, and how does it know what code to run to process each special operator?

You could hack process-sexp-html to recognize each special operator and handle it in the appropriate manner—special operators are, logically, part of the implementation of the language, and there aren't going to be that many of them. However, it'd be nice to have a slightly more modular way to add new special operators—not because users of FOO will be able to but just for your own sanity.

Define a special form as any list whose CAR is a symbol that's the name of a special operator. You can mark the names of special operators by adding a non-NIL value to the symbol's property list under the key html-special-operator. So, you can define a function that tests whether a given form is a special form like this:

(defun special-form-p (form)

(and (consp form) (symbolp (car form)) (get (car form) 'html-special-operator)))

The code that implements each special operator is responsible for taking apart the rest of the list however it sees fit and doing whatever the semantics of the special operator require. Assuming you'll also define a function process-special-form, which will take the language processor and a special form and run the appropriate code to generate a sequence of calls on the processor object, you can augment the top-level process function to handle special forms like this:

(defun process (processor form)


((special-form-p form) (process-special-form processor form))

((sexp-html-p form) (process-sexp-html processor form))

((consp form) (embed-code processor form))

(t (embed-value processor form))))

You must add the special-form-p clause first because special forms can look, syntactically, like regular FOO expressions just the way Common Lisp's special forms can look like regular function calls.

Now you just need to implement process-special-form. Rather than define a single monolithic function that implements all the special operators, you should define a macro that allows you to define special operators much like regular functions and that also takes care of adding the html-special-operator entry to the property list of the special operator's name. In fact, the value you store in the property list can be a function that implements the special operator. Here's the macro:

(defmacro define-html-special-operator (name (processor &rest other-parameters) &body body)



The analogy between FOO's special operators, and macros, which I'll discuss in the next section, and Lisp's own is fairly sound. In fact, understanding how FOO's special operators and macros work may give you some insight into why Common Lisp is put together the way it is.