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Since the evaluator doesn't evaluate the elements of the macro form before passing them to the macro function, they don't need to be well-formed Lisp forms. Each macro assigns a meaning to the s-expressions in the macro form by virtue of how it uses them to generate its expansion. In other words, each macro defines its own local syntax. For instance, the backwards macro from Chapter 3 defines a syntax in which an expression is a legal backwards form if it's a list that's the reverse of a legal Lisp form.

I'll talk quite a bit more about macros throughout this book. For now the important thing for you to realize is that macros—while syntactically similar to function calls—serve quite a different purpose, providing a hook into the compiler.[51]

Truth, Falsehood, and Equality

Two last bits of basic knowledge you need to get under your belt are Common Lisp's notion of truth and falsehood and what it means for two Lisp objects to be "equal." Truth and falsehood are—in this realm—straightforward: the symbol NIL is the only false value, and everything else is true. The symbol T is the canonical true value and can be used when you need to return a non-NIL value and don't have anything else handy. The only tricky thing about NIL is that it's the only object that's both an atom and a list: in addition to falsehood, it's also used to represent the empty list.[52] This equivalence between NIL and the empty list is built into the reader: if the reader sees (), it reads it as the symbol NIL. They're completely interchangeable. And because NIL, as I mentioned previously, is the name of a constant variable with the symbol NIL as its value, the expressions nil, (), 'nil, and '() all evaluate to the same thing—the unquoted forms are evaluated as a reference to the constant variable whose value is the symbol NIL, but in the quoted forms the QUOTE special operator evaluates to the symbol directly. For the same reason, both t and 't will evaluate to the same thing: the symbol T.

Using phrases such as "the same thing" of course begs the question of what it means for two values to be "the same." As you'll see in future chapters, Common Lisp provides a number of type-specific equality predicates: = is used to compare numbers, CHAR= to compare characters, and so on. In this section I'll discuss the four "generic" equality predicates—functions that can be passed any two Lisp objects and will return true if they're equivalent and false otherwise. They are, in order of discrimination, EQ, EQL, EQUAL, and EQUALP.

EQ tests for "object identity"—two objects are EQ if they're identical. Unfortunately, the object identity of numbers and characters depends on how those data types are implemented in a particular Lisp. Thus, EQ may consider two numbers or two characters with the same value to be equivalent, or it may not. Implementations have enough leeway that the expression (eq 3 3) can legally evaluate to either true or false. More to the point, (eq x x) can evaluate to either true or false if the value of x happens to be a number or character.

Thus, you should never use EQ to compare values that may be numbers or characters. It may seem to work in a predictable way for certain values in a particular implementation, but you have no guarantee that it will work the same way if you switch implementations. And switching implementations may mean simply upgrading your implementation to a new version—if your Lisp implementer changes how they represent numbers or characters, the behavior of EQ could very well change as well.

Thus, Common Lisp defines EQL to behave like EQ except that it also is guaranteed to consider two objects of the same class representing the same numeric or character value to be equivalent. Thus, (eql 1 1) is guaranteed to be true. And (eql 1 1.0) is guaranteed to be false since the integer value 1 and the floating-point value are instances of different classes.

There are two schools of thought about when to use EQ and when to use EQL: The "use EQ when possible" camp argues you should use EQ when you know you aren't going to be com-paring numbers or characters because (a) it's a way to indicate that you aren't going to be comparing numbers or characters and (b) it will be marginally more efficient since EQ doesn't have to check whether its arguments are numbers or characters.

The "always use EQL" camp says you should never use EQ because (a) the potential gain in clarity is lost because every time someone reading your code—including you—sees an EQ, they have to stop and check whether it's being used correctly (in other words, that it's never going to be called upon to compare numbers or characters) and (b) that the efficiency difference between EQ and EQL is in the noise compared to real performance bottlenecks.

The code in this book is written in the "always use EQL" style.[53]

The other two equality predicates, EQUAL and EQUALP, are general in the sense that they can operate on all types of objects, but they're much less fundamental than EQ or EQL. They each define a slightly less discriminating notion of equivalence than EQL, allowing different objects to be considered equivalent. There's nothing special about the particular notions of equivalence these functions implement except that they've been found to be handy by Lisp programmers in the past. If these predicates don't suit your needs, you can always define your own predicate function that compares different types of objects in the way you need.

EQUAL loosens the discrimination of EQL to consider lists equivalent if they have the same structure and contents, recursively, according to EQUAL. EQUAL also considers strings equivalent if they contain the same characters. It also defines a looser definition of equivalence than EQL for bit vectors and pathnames, two data types I'll discuss in future chapters. For all other types, it falls back on EQL.

EQUALP is similar to EQUAL except it's even less discriminating. It considers two strings equivalent if they contain the same characters, ignoring differences in case. It also considers two characters equivalent if they differ only in case. Numbers are equivalent under EQUALP if they represent the same mathematical value. Thus, (equalp 1 1.0) is true. Lists with EQUALP elements are EQUALP; likewise, arrays with EQUALP elements are EQUALP. As with EQUAL, there are a few other data types that I haven't covered yet for which EQUALP can consider two objects equivalent that neither EQL nor EQUAL will. For all other data types, EQUALP falls back on EQL.



People without experience using Lisp's macros or, worse yet, bearing the scars of C preprocessor-inflicted wounds, tend to get nervous when they realize that macro calls look like regular function calls. This turns out not to be a problem in practice for several reasons. One is that macro forms are usually formatted differently than function calls. For instance, you write the following:

(dolist (x foo)

(print x))

rather than this:

(dolist (x foo) (print x))


(dolist (x foo)

(print x))

the way you would if DOLIST was a function. A good Lisp environment will automatically format macro calls correctly, even for user-defined macros.

And even if a DOLIST form was written on a single line, there are several clues that it's a macro: For one, the expression (x foo) is meaningful by itself only if x is the name of a function or macro. Combine that with the later occurrence of x as a variable, and it's pretty suggestive that DOLIST is a macro that's creating a binding for a variable named x. Naming conventions also help—looping constructs, which are invariably macros—are frequently given names starting with do.



Using the empty list as false is a reflection of Lisp's heritage as a list-processing language much as the use of the integer 0 as false in C is a reflection of its heritage as a bit-twiddling language. Not all Lisps handle boolean values the same way. Another of the many subtle differences upon which a good Common Lisp vs. Scheme flame war can rage for days is Scheme's use of a distinct false value #f, which isn't the same value as either the symbol nil or the empty list, which are also distinct from each other.



Even the language standard is a bit ambivalent about which of EQ or EQL should be preferred. Object identity is defined by EQ, but the standard defines the phrase the same when talking about objects to mean EQL unless another predicate is explicitly mentioned. Thus, if you want to be 100 percent technically correct, you can say that (- 3 2) and (- 4 3) evaluate to "the same" object but not that they evaluate to "identical" objects. This is, admittedly, a bit of an angels-on-pinheads kind of issue.