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(defun foo (x &optional y &key z) (list x y z))

If called like this, it works fine:

(foo 1 2 :z 3) ==> (1 2 3)

And this is also fine:

(foo 1) ==> (1 nil nil)

But this will signal an error:

(foo 1 :z 3) ==> ERROR

This is because the keyword :z is taken as a value to fill the optional y parameter, leaving only the argument 3 to be processed. At that point, Lisp will be expecting either a keyword/value pair or nothing and will complain. Perhaps even worse, if the function had had two &optional parameters, this last call would have resulted in the values :z and 3 being bound to the two &optional parameters and the &key parameter z getting the default value NIL with no indication that anything was amiss.

In general, if you find yourself writing a function that uses both &optional and &key parameters, you should probably just change it to use all &key parameters—they're more flexible, and you can always add new keyword parameters without disturbing existing callers of the function. You can also remove keyword parameters, as long as no one is using them.[60] In general, using keyword parameters helps make code much easier to maintain and evolve—if you need to add some new behavior to a function that requires new parameters, you can add keyword parameters without having to touch, or even recompile, any existing code that calls the function.

You can safely combine &rest and &key parameters, but the behavior may be a bit surprising initially. Normally the presence of either &rest or &key in a parameter list causes all the values remaining after the required and &optional parameters have been filled in to be processed in a particular way—either gathered into a list for a &rest parameter or assigned to the appropriate &key parameters based on the keywords. If both &rest and &key appear in a parameter list, then both things happen—all the remaining values, which include the keywords themselves, are gathered into a list that's bound to the &rest parameter, and the appropriate values are also bound to the &key parameters. So, given this function:

(defun foo (&rest rest &key a b c) (list rest a b c))

you get this result:

(foo :a 1 :b 2 :c 3) ==> ((:A 1 :B 2 :C 3) 1 2 3)

Function Return Values

All the functions you've written so far have used the default behavior of returning the value of the last expression evaluated as their own return value. This is the most common way to return a value from a function.

However, sometimes it's convenient to be able to return from the middle of a function such as when you want to break out of nested control constructs. In such cases you can use the RETURN-FROM special operator to immediately return any value from the function.

You'll see in Chapter 20 that RETURN-FROM is actually not tied to functions at all; it's used to return from a block of code defined with the BLOCK special operator. However, DEFUN automatically wraps the whole function body in a block with the same name as the function. So, evaluating a RETURN-FROM with the name of the function and the value you want to return will cause the function to immediately exit with that value. RETURN-FROM is a special operator whose first "argument" is the name of the block from which to return. This name isn't evaluated and thus isn't quoted.

The following function uses nested loops to find the first pair of numbers, each less than 10, whose product is greater than the argument, and it uses RETURN-FROM to return the pair as soon as it finds it:

(defun foo (n)

(dotimes (i 10)

(dotimes (j 10)

(when (> (* i j) n)

(return-from foo (list i j))))))

Admittedly, having to specify the name of the function you're returning from is a bit of a pain—for one thing, if you change the function's name, you'll need to change the name used in the RETURN-FROM as well.[61] But it's also the case that explicit RETURN-FROMs are used much less frequently in Lisp than return statements in C-derived languages, because all Lisp expressions, including control constructs such as loops and conditionals, evaluate to a value. So it's not much of a problem in practice.

Functions As Data, a.k.a. Higher-Order Functions

While the main way you use functions is to call them by name, a number of situations exist where it's useful to be able treat functions as data. For instance, if you can pass one function as an argument to another, you can write a general-purpose sorting function while allowing the caller to provide a function that's responsible for comparing any two elements. Then the same underlying algorithm can be used with many different comparison functions. Similarly, callbacks and hooks depend on being able to store references to code in order to run it later. Since functions are already the standard way to abstract bits of code, it makes sense to allow functions to be treated as data.[62]

In Lisp, functions are just another kind of object. When you define a function with DEFUN, you're really doing two things: creating a new function object and giving it a name. It's also possible, as you saw in Chapter 3, to use LAMBDA expressions to create a function without giving it a name. The actual representation of a function object, whether named or anonymous, is opaque—in a native-compiling Lisp, it probably consists mostly of machine code. The only things you need to know are how to get hold of it and how to invoke it once you've got it.

The special operator FUNCTION provides the mechanism for getting at a function object. It takes a single argument and returns the function with that name. The name isn't quoted. Thus, if you've defined a function foo, like so:

CL-USER> (defun foo (x) (* 2 x))


you can get the function object like this:[63]

CL-USER> (function foo)

#<Interpreted Function FOO>

In fact, you've already used FUNCTION, but it was in disguise. The syntax #', which you used in Chapter 3, is syntactic sugar for FUNCTION, just the way ' is syntactic sugar for QUOTE.[64] Thus, you can also get the function object for foo like this:

CL-USER> #'foo

#<Interpreted Function FOO>

Once you've got the function object, there's really only one thing you can do with it—invoke it. Common Lisp provides two functions for invoking a function through a function object: FUNCALL and APPLY.[65] They differ only in how they obtain the arguments to pass to the function.



Four standard functions take both &optional and &key arguments—READ-FROM-STRING, PARSE-NAMESTRING, WRITE-LINE, and WRITE-STRING. They were left that way during standardization for backward compatibility with earlier Lisp dialects. READ-FROM-STRING tends to be the one that catches new Lisp programmers most frequently—a call such as (read-from-string s :start 10) seems to ignore the :start keyword argument, reading from index 0 instead of 10. That's because READ-FROM-STRING also has two &optional parameters that swallowed up the arguments :start and 10.



Another macro, RETURN, doesn't require a name. However, you can't use it instead of RETURN-FROM to avoid having to specify the function name; it's syntactic sugar for returning from a block named NIL. I'll cover it, along with the details of BLOCK and RETURN-FROM, in Chapter 20.



Lisp, of course, isn't the only language to treat functions as data. C uses function pointers, Perl uses subroutine references, Python uses a scheme similar to Lisp, and C# introduces delegates, essentially typed function pointers, as an improvement over Java's rather clunky reflection and anonymous class mechanisms.



The exact printed representation of a function object will differ from implementation to implementation.



The best way to think of FUNCTION is as a special kind of quotation. QUOTEing a symbol prevents it from being evaluated at all, resulting in the symbol itself rather than the value of the variable named by that symbol. FUNCTION also circumvents the normal evaluation rule but, instead of preventing the symbol from being evaluated at all, causes it to be evaluated as the name of a function, just the way it would if it were used as the function name in a function call expression.



There's actually a third, the special operator MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL, but I'll save that for when I discuss expressions that return multiple values in Chapter 20.