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Some names have been changed, others not. In Russia many of those who I need to thank are protected with a pseudonym. In Germany I am grateful to Prune Antoine, Holger Böken, Corinna Bröcher, Molly Brown, Martin Dammann, Nigel Dunkley MBE, Victoria Gosling, Matthias and My-Linh Kunst, Helena Palsson, Johannes Vogel and Yusra Mardini who took time away from her Olympics training and let me read the proofs of her biography Butterfly. In the Baltics I thank Jason Finch of Turku’s Åbo Akademi University, Kätlin Kaldmaa, Kristjan, Piret and Markus Moora and Keith Shannon, British Ambassador to Latvia. Elsewhere in Europe, the help of Paul-Henri Arni, Clifford Corzatt, Canada’s Ambassador to the EU Daniel J. Costello, Pascal Cuttat of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Jakub Kalensky of the East StratCom Task Force was invaluable.

In the UK, I am grateful to Lady Plaxy and Sir Michael Arthur, Rick Ball, Carole Cadwalladr, Clementine Cecil, David Chater, Susan Crean, Nick Danziger, Michael and Marlie Ferenczi, Ed Jones, Toby Latta, Rachel and Neil Moss, Mary Price, Joanna Prior, Douglas C. Rice, Varvara Shavrova, David Thomson and Marcus Warren. I am indebted to my agent Peter Straus, my editor Michael Fishwick and above all my resplendent wife Katrin (cue fanfare of trumpets) without whom neither Stalin’s Nose nor this book would have been written.

Finally, special thanks to Ekaterina Petrovna for sharing the secret of pipiska putina. Some days I wake up with my brain still sizzling. Nu pravda ze?

A Note on the Author

Rory MacLean is one of Britain’s most expressive and adventurous travel writers. His books – which have been translated into a dozen languages – include UK top-ten bestsellers Stalin’s Nose and Under the Dragon as well as Berlin: Imagine a City, which was named a Book of the Year by the Washington Post.


Stalin’s Nose

The Oatmeal Ark

Under the Dragon

Next Exit Magic Kingdom

Falling for Icarus

Magic Bus

Missing Lives

Gift of Time

Back in the USSR

Berlin: Imagine a City

In North Korea


Pictures of You



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First published in Great Britain 2019

This electronic edition published 2019

Copyright © Rory MacLean, 2019

Map © ML Design, 2019

Czesław Miłosz’s A Book in the Ruins from New and Collected Poems 1931–2001 © Estate of Czesław Miłosz, 1941. Reprinted with permission of Penguin Books

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell © George Orwell, 1949. Reprinted by permission of Bill Hamilton as the Literary Executor of the Estate of the Late Sonia Brownell Orwell

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize Lecture reprinted with permission © The Nobel Foundation, 1970

Dmitry Glukhovsky quoted with permission from his 2016 I’m Dmitry Glukhovsky reddit.com/r/books posts

‘Kocham wolność’ © Estate of Bogdan Łyszkiewicz, 1990. Reprinted with permission of Anna Łyszkiewicz

Parts of the Transnistria chapters first appeared in The Times and Back in the USSR: Heroic Adventures in Transnistria by Rory MacLean

Rory MacLean has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

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ISBN: HB: 978-1-4088-9652-5; TPB: 978-1-4088-9653-2; EBOOK: 978-1-4088-9654-9

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