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“Yes. It brings back memories that I’d just as soon forget.”

“I’m sorry, Rina. Inconsiderate of me.” Decker rubbed his neck. “Although I am curious how a yeshiva bocher like Yitzchak hooked up with a Catholic priest.”

Rina pretended not to hear, spotted Bram, his eyes searching the room. Once they found their target, Bram moved swiftly through the crowd, stopped at his twin’s side.

Decker straightened up, observing. Neither he nor Rina spoke.

Bram threw his arm around Luke’s shoulder, began to steer him toward the kitchen. Luke staggered as he walked, got sidetracked with people, giving them overstated hugs and big loopy smiles. But otherwise he made no attempt to break away from his brother.

“The roping of tranquilized steer,” Decker said. “Rein him in, he did.”

Rina said nothing.

“Guy has a bad chemical problem, doesn’t he?”

Rina shrugged ignorance.

Decker tried to appear casual. “Yesterday, Luke admitted having a past problem. Yesterday, he also claimed he’d been sober for three years. Obviously, that doesn’t appear to be the case. Wonder what else he’s been lying about.”

“Maybe the stress brought about a relapse.”

Decker rolled his tongue in his cheek. “Did Bram tell you that?”

Rina’s eyes met her husband’s. “No. Any more questions, Lieutenant?”

Decker held up his palms. “Okay, I’m pumping you. I’m just trying to get some insider background.”

“Peter, I wish I could help you solve this. I wish I could tell you more about the family’s dynamics. But honestly, I didn’t know them. Just Bram. And since he’s not a suspect, I don’t see how I’m of any use.”

Decker was quiet.

Rina said, “He’s not a suspect, right?”

“Right now I have no suspects. So everyone’s a suspect.”


“I’m serious-”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Rina, you’re entitled to your privacy. I won’t put you in the middle. But if something should happen, and your friend suddenly finds himself involved in this case, I don’t want you interfering on his behalf.”

“Bram can take care of himself.”

“No matter what, Rina. I’ve got a job to do. Which means I don’t want you talking to him until the case is resolved. Otherwise, my investigation will be tainted.”

“You’re right. I understand.”

Decker paused. “You do?”


Decker was in awe. “You’re being so reasonable.”

“It happens. But don’t get too used to it.”

“Nah, don’t want to spoil myself.”

Rina smiled, hugged his arm again. Bram was trying to come their way, but kept getting waylaid by grim ladies in gray suits embracing him. If he was annoyed by the interruptions, his face didn’t reveal it. He had almost made it over when an attractive but anorexic blond woman with a severe haircut grabbed his arm, yanked him to her. Rina couldn’t tell what she was saying, but she was giving him an earful. His expression grew impatient…drained. The woman, dressed in black, seemed vaguely familiar.


They looked funny together. Probably because his hair was so long and hers was so short. Within minutes, she broke down, wept on Bram’s shoulder. He held her, but wasn’t happy about it.

“Who’s that?” Decker asked.

“I thought you weren’t going to put me in the middle.”

“Simple identification question,” he scoffed.

“Peter, you’re being bad. But I’ll answer you anyway. I think she’s Luke’s wife, Dana. But I’m not positive.”

Bram was trying to direct the woman away from the crowd, but he was less successful with her than he had been with Luke. Feet rooted on the floor, she kept clinging to him, sobbing and talking at the same time.

Decker said, “He’s uncomfortable with her. Animosity, or is he like that with women?”

Rina stroked her husband’s cheek. “Do I look like Freud?”

Decker laughed. Rina hit his good shoulder and smiled.

But it was an astute observation.

Bram had always been reserved with women, including herself. He had only opened up after misfortune and grief had thrown them together. Rina had always chalked it off to his disastrous relationship with Dana. Her eyes moved away from Bram and landed on a well-dressed man talking expressively with his hands. Way too showy to be a member of the Sparks ’s Fundamentalist Church.

She said, “Do you know who that man is?”

“Which man?”

“All the way back and to the left. The one in the three-piece, pinstriped suit.”

Decker’s eyes skied across the room. “You know, I bet that’s…excuse me, darlin’.”

Decker walked away, leaving Rina alone. Her eyes went back to Bram and Dana. Amid the adult bodies, a little boy of around three pushed through everyone, ran up to Abram shouting, “Uncle Bram, Uncle Bram!”

The woman turned fierce, screamed loudly, “Can’t you see that I’m talking!”

People around them stopped conversing, stared at the woman. The boy’s face broke. Red-faced, Bram scooped the child into his arms, comforting him, patting his back as the boy snuggled into his uncle’s chest. The woman started crying again. This time, Bram was more forceful. Without grace, he grasped her arm and led her straight to the kitchen.

Five minutes later, the priest reemerged, still holding the child. He spotted Rina, came over. Rina smiled at the boy, brushed hair out of bright green eyes.

“Luke’s son?”


“He looks exactly like you.” Rina laughed. “I mean your brother.”

“I’ve got a great setup. The kid looks like me. I get all the fun and none of the responsibilities.”

“Does Uncle Bram baby-sit a lot?”

“Uncle Bram does baby-sit on occasion. But Uncle Bram has his own life. Where’s your husband?”

“Talking to that man over there.” Rina pointed. “Who is he?”

Bram’s eyes followed her extended finger. “Reginald Decameron. One of my father’s colleagues.”

“Snappy dresser.”

“Indeed, especially in this conservative crowd.” He spoke to his nephew. “You okay, Pooch?”

The little boy nodded.

“This is Peter. Peter the Pooch. As opposed to Peter the Lieutenant. We call him Pooch because no one can bark like Peter. You want to show Mrs. Laza-…show Mrs. Decker your bark, Pooch?”

The boy shook his head, nestled deeper into the priest’s chest. Bram shifted the boy’s weight in his arms.

Rina mouthed, “How’s Luke?”

Bram’s face fell, shook his head. “How about getting Uncle Bram a cookie, Peter. A chocolate cookie. Think you can do that?”

He set the child down, kneeled to talk to him.

“Here’s a dime. You get me a big chocolate cookie, I’ll turn this dime into two dimes. You know I can do that, right?”

Pooch nodded somberly. Bram kissed his cheek. “Go.”

The boy didn’t move.

“Come on. I’ll time you.” Bram looked at his watch and said, “Ready, set…go.”

The boy scooted off. Bram stood up. “Works every time.”

Rina hugged herself. “I’m sorry about Luke.”

“If he’s that selfish, getting drunk at a time like this, I’m not going to waste my energies on him. I’ve got my mother to think about.”

“How’s she doing?”

“Thanks for asking. Actually, she seems better. At least, she’s crying. I find that healthy.”

No one spoke.

Bram said, “These things are good for her.”

“What things?”

“People…gatherings. Keeps her occupied. When we were growing up, she was very involved with the church. She held some sway being Doctor Sparks’s wife. But she used her position to get people motivated. Raised money by doing bakeoffs and yard sales. She spent a lot of time visiting the sick, comforting the bereaved. I’ve always admired her charitable nature. She’d cringe to hear me say this, because she’s not fond of Catholics, but I owe who I am to her.”