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“Hiding porno,” Oliver said. “Told you it was his den of iniquity.”

“You need a safe to hide porno magazines?” Marge asked. “You stick them under a mattress.”

Everyone was silent.

Marge said, “Sparks’s cross just happens to be left at the scene of the crime, a key to his apartment just happens to be in Decameron’s pocket. Then Bram, who by all accounts is a smart guy, brilliantly decides to hide incriminating evidence in a safe inside his apartment with explicit, raunchy gay porno.”

“I told you it smells like a setup,” Oliver said.

“But he was there,” Webster said.

“Yeah, he was there,” Marge said. “But in what capacity?”

Oliver laughed. “He gave Decameron last rites.”

Again, everyone was quiet.

Oliver laughed again. “Aw, c’mon!”

Webster said, “If someone’s setting him up, why isn’t he protesting?”

Marge said, “Because he’s protecting someone.”

Decker thought a moment. “Could be. Trouble is, the guy’s not talking.”

Webster said, “One of the most frustrating suckers I ever did meet. Couldn’t squeeze a word out of him.”

Martinez said, “He’s a priest. Maybe by talking, he’d be violating his sacramental seal.”

“Did he claim priest confidentiality?” Oliver asked.

“No, he didn’t claim anything,” Webster said. “Just sat there, stoiclike, telling me he was sorry he couldn’t help me.”

“Hate to be a broken record, but he’s protecting someone,” Marge stated.

“You know, you can protect someone without deliberately screwing yourself up,” Martinez said. “I still think it was a lover’s spat. I think Bram went too far. And after he realized what he’d done, he panicked and fled, stuffed his clothes in the safe until he could figure out what to do.”

Marge poured herself a glass of water. “You all realize that just because Bram was looking at porn, doesn’t mean he was actually doing anything.”

Oliver smiled at her. “Right!”

Webster said, “The lady has a point. I’ve taken many a gander at hetero porn. But I don’t cheat on my wife.”

“Yeah, but you fuck your wife,” Oliver said. “The priest has no release.”

“He has his hands,” Gaynor said.

“Masturbation’s a sin,” Martinez said.

“So is buggery,” Oliver stated. “And didn’t you just tell me you thought it was a lover’s triangle?”

Martinez said, “You know, for either sin, Bram as a priest was going to have to do major penance. As long as he had to atone, maybe he figured why not go all the way.”

Webster said, “Well, I reckon I could see Decameron jumping at the occasion to bugger a priest.”

“I liked Reggie,” Oliver said.

“I have nothing against the man,” Webster stated. “But he was unconventional. Taking risks with his job, knowing his boss is a major Fundamentalist, just to pick up a couple of hookers.”

Decker checked his watch. “Has Bram met bail?”

“Nope,” Gaynor said. “Bail’s two hundred thou. Lot of bread. Still, given his bank account, posting a ten-percent wouldn’t have been a problem for the priest.”

“But he hasn’t posted,” Decker said. “He’s doing penance of some kind.”

Martinez said, “You bet he’s doing penance. Betcha he’s been doing it for a long time…asking Jesus to forgive him for being gay, figuring if he prayed hard enough, Jesus would make him normal.”

“No, I don’t agree with that,” Decker said. “He once mentioned to me that being gay wasn’t a choice, but an inborn preference. So if he’s gay, maybe he doesn’t feel guilty about it.”

“No way, Jose,” Martinez countered. “We Catholics feel guilty when the weather turns bad. Intellectually, Bram may know being gay isn’t his fault. But emotionally, he’s doing penance for it.”

Too many questions. Decker said, “Since you like Berger as a baddie, Scott, go over to New Chris tomorrow and feel him out.”


“Tom, you like Waterson and the bikers. Go see what they’re up to.”

“Mah pleasure.”

“Farrell, you’re doing the FDA connection.”

“I’ll give it my best shot.”

“Good.” Decker turned to Martinez. “You give Bram a try tomorrow. You’re Catholic. Maybe he’ll relate to you.”

“Why don’t you do it, Loo?”

“I can’t. Conflict of interest. My wife knows Abram Sparks from the past.”

Five pairs of eyes were suddenly upon him.

He shrugged. “No big deal. Just don’t want to give grist to the mill should this case turn nasty, say I have a personal involvement. Which I don’t. But…” He shrugged again. “You know how it works.”

Marge said, “How well did she know him?”

“Pretty well at one time.”

Again, the room went dead. Martinez broke the silence. “He isn’t going to talk. He’s a priest.”

Webster said, “Not that I’m defending the guy, but if he did kill Decameron and Leonard, what’s the reason?”

“You have to go with the gay angle,” Martinez said. “The porno in the safe, the key in Decameron’s pocket…it’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“It was Shockley,” Oliver announced. “He’s the only one that makes sense.”

“So why does the priest have bloody clothing?” Marge asked.

“We’re repeating ourselves,” Decker said. “Let’s finish up the paperwork and sleep on it.” He stood up and opened his office door. “Tomorrow’s another day.”

The house was dark and quiet. Decker tiptoed into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. A moment later, Rina came in.

“You have the ears of a bat,” Decker said.

“It’s called Husband Echolocation.” Rina kissed his cheek. “Sit. I’ll make you tea. You look tired.”

“I’m beat!” Decker took off his jacket and pulled up a chair at the kitchen table. “How’re my children?”

“Hannah’s asleep, but the boys are still up.”

“Dare I see them?”

“Depends on how intact your ego is.”

“Not too great right now. Think I’ll wait a bit.” He smiled at Rina. “How are you?”

Rina leaned against the counter and looked upward. “Not too great.”

“So you’ve heard the news.”


“I can’t talk about it.”

“I know. I had no intention of pressing you for details.”

“Thank you.” Decker loosened his collar, removed his tie. “His parishioners are keeping a nice little vigil.”

“Bram wouldn’t want that. He doesn’t like attention.”

“Maybe he appreciates the support.”

Rina was silent.

“I’m sorry.” Decker waited a beat. “If you want to talk to me, I’ll listen.”

“What’s the point?” Rina bit her nail. “There’s no point.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“Oh, Peter, of course not!” She sat next to him. “You’re one of the most honest people I’ve ever met.”

“One of the most?”

“There are a few others.”


“My parents, Rav Schulman, my late husband…Bram.”

Decker paused. “O-kay.”

Rina bit her nail again. “So I won’t bother telling you that you’re wrong-”

“No, don’t bother-”

“Or that you made a terrible mistake-”

“No, don’t bother with that at all.”

Rina’s eyes misted. She tried to cover it with a smile. Decker took her hand. “I know you’re hurting. And I feel lousy that I’m a part of it. It’s my own damn fault. I should have removed myself as soon as you told me you knew him.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Ego and curiosity. It was stupid of me to go this far…to execute the warrant. Ah well.”

The water began to boil. Rina got up. “So you’ve washed your hands of the case?”

“No, I’m still supervising. But I’m not doing any interviewing…no direct contact with any of the parties involved.”