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“That doesn’t sound like Bram. He’s not the bad boy type. And he’s very discreet…or so I thought.” Luke shrugged. “Bram’s always been a mystery to all of us.”

“Why hasn’t Bram told us about you being there?”

“Why do you think? He’s protecting me.”

“He thinks you murdered Decameron?”

“Who the hell knows what he thinks? When Bram decides not to talk, he doesn’t talk. Look, I was there. But I didn’t kill anyone. You want me to make a more complete detailed statement, I’ll be happy to comply. Just spring my brother. I’m tired of him being my fall guy.”

“You were willing to pin it on him yesterday. You stood by while we arrested him.”

“I was in shock, I don’t do well under pressure.” He lowered his head. “And I was mad.”


Luke sighed. “I always knew Bram wasn’t exactly girl crazy. As a matter of fact, the guy never had a girlfriend after Dana…my wife. He used to date my wife. They broke up in high school and I never thought about her. We remet at our five-year high school reunion. She thought I was Bram. Bram didn’t show. Anyway, we talked and one thing led to another.”

“How does Bram feel about you marrying his ex-girl?”

“He never stated an opinion on it. Truthfully, I think he feels I was stupid for marrying her.”

“Maybe he’s jealous.”

“Nah, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Dana. Maybe that’s why I knew that he was probably that way.”

“You mean gay?”

“Yes. Okay, if you’re gay, okay. But be private about it, for God’s sake. Especially if you’re a priest! Yesterday, after seeing that shit, I thought to myself…why should I fuck myself up over his perversions. Especially if he was going to be so careless about leaving it around.”

“So why are you here?”

Luke buried his head in his hands, then looked at Decker. “Because, as corny as it sounds, I love my brother. I would never hurt him…not intentionally…not anymore…”

He looked up, spoke to the ceiling.

“A long time ago, Bram and I had a falling-out. My fault. I don’t think he suffered much, but I sure as hell did. I missed him. Missed…talking to him. People talk to Bram. Because he truly listens.”

He made a swipe at his eyes.

“Are you going to spring him or not?”

“First, I’ll have to evaluate what you’ve told me. Then I’m going to need a formal statement from you. Someone else will have to take it. Agreed?”

“Fair enough.”

“You’re going to be detained for a while. Anyone you want to call?”

“No one.”

“A lawyer?”


“You may want to call your family. Let them know what’s going on.”

“They’ve been calling here left and right. They’re furious at you.”

“No doubt.”

“I’ll call Paul. Get them off your back if you want.”

“Up to you.”

“I’ll do it.” Luke said. “I owe you something for listening to me. By the way, I know why you took yourself off the case.”

Decker said nothing.

Luke said, “Ten years ago, my parents threw us boys…the triplets…a twenty-fifth birthday party. Tons of people. I hated every minute of it. Actually, I think Bram and Paul hated it, too. We went along with it for my parents’ sake…actually for my mother’s. She loves playing hostess…showing off her cooking. Anyway…like I said, there were lots of people there.”

He paused, regarded Decker with arched eyebrows.

“Lots of people. But your wife’s face is a hard one to forget.”

Decker was silent.

Luke said, “I saw her picture on your desk. Recognized her right away. Her husband had been Bram’s friend. I guess you knew that.”

Decker remained quiet.

“Her late husband’s loss was your gain-”

“You get a charge out of pissing me off?”

“It’s a free country.” Luke’s smile turned into a grin. “Better behave, Lieutenant. There are video cameras on you.”

Without speaking, Decker walked out of the room.


“You see!” Decker yelled at Marge as he paced. “That’s precisely why I shouldn’t have talked to him! Personal involvement is personal involvement no matter how seemingly small-”

“I think we should go to the jail to check out Bram’s belongings.”

“Don’t interrupt me!” Decker fired out. “I’m not done ranting!”


Decker paced a few more moments. Then he stopped, took a deep breath in, and let it out. “Fine. Let’s check out Bram’s evidence bags.”

“Are you all right?”

“No, I’m not all right! What a prick! Like I gave the guy a brain tumor to get to Rina-”

“I think you’re making too much out of this.”

“I don’t care what you think!”

Marge said nothing, calmly sitting with her hands in her lap. Today she wore a caramel-colored pants suit over a bone top. Quite elegant except for the Nikes on her feet. Serviceability took precedence over fashion.

Decker said, “I’m having a difficult time with this.”

“It’s hard to stand on the sidelines.”

“No, I don’t miss getting my hands dirty. It’s the personal aspect. You know at first, I thought they might have been involved.”

“Who’s they?”

“Rina and…him…Bram.”

Marge shot him a quizzical look. “Oh, you mean romantically involved. I thought you were talking about involved in the murder.” She laughed. “I’m thinking, ‘What the heck does Rina have to do with any of this?’”

Decker wagged his finger. “See, you’re thinking business. I’m thinking about my wife. Not good.” He paused. “Tell you the truth, I was relieved to find out he’s gay. Not that I would have cared if he and Rina-”

“Not much,” Marge whispered under her breath.

“What was that?”


The room fell still.

“Okay. I might have cared a little.” Decker frowned. “Or maybe the thought that he isn’t still preys in the back of my mind. Because I don’t really buy any of this.”

“Buy what?”

“That Bram’s gay. Believe me, I saw the way he looked at my wife.”


“At the memorial service.”

Marge said, “You’re telling me that Bram-a priest, at his father’s memorial service, in full view of everyone, including you-leered at your wife?”

Decker sighed, rolled his tongue in his cheek. “Okay. So maybe it was my imagination.”

“I think so.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that the whole thing stinks.”

“What in particular?”

“Bram hiding the bloody clothes with the fuck mags in his apartment. Even if he was protecting someone, why would he keep incriminating material in his possession?”

“Like Luke said, maybe he didn’t have time to find a safe dumping ground.” Marge thought a moment. “Or if he’d been hiding magazines for someone, maybe Bram figured that the someone would want them back.”

“But Luke said the wrappers had his name on them. I can’t see Bram subscribing to that stuff for someone else.”

Marge shrugged. “So Luke’s lying. Maybe the wrappers had Luke’s name on them and Bram’s protecting Luke just like Luke stated.”

No one spoke for a moment.

“We should set up a polygraph for both of them,” Marge stated.

“Bram isn’t talking.”

“So we’ll go for Luke. One out of two ain’t bad.”

“Fine. We can do it after we check out Bram’s belongings.”

Marge stood. “Is Bram still at Van Nuys or did they move him downtown?”

“No, he’s at Van Nuys.”

“You want to come with me?” Marge smiled. “For old times’ sake?”

Decker smiled back. “Sure.”

“Are we going to spring him?”

“Well, if we find the cross in Bram’s belongings, and Luke swears he was at Decameron’s house, it’s pointless to keep Bram locked up.”