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Mother’s Worry at 1st Tank Battalion’s Tank Park. Welcome to Vietnam.
Better Living Thru Canister sinking into what appeared to be dry ground outside Da Nang during what became known as Johnstone’s Folly.
The author after completing the paint job on the gun tube.
The crew of Better Living Thru Canister during Allen Brook. (Left to right standing: author, SSgt. Bob Embesi and Sergeant Hearn. Richards, the driver, is sitting on tank.)
Forty-two and still counting on Better Living Thru Canister. (Author and Richards)
The author wearing Korean Marine utilities after his fell apart.
The fire control tower where spotters for the USS New Jersey would call in fire from her huge 16-inch diameter guns.
Pray for Slack on top of the dune with gun facing due west.
One of two Army M42 Dusters at Oceanview.
A grenade clears off the scum of the swimming hole.
The pool cleaning bomb takes care of all the dud grenades.
North Vietnamese 152mm artillery round lands near author’s tent at tank park in Dong Ha.
Author’s prized fireman boots cut in half by shrapnel; it could have been the author!
The crew of Pray For Slack (Standing: Bob Steele, Bob Truitt; Driver, and author on the tank.)
Tank hits mine inside the perimeter at Oceanview.


First published in 2004 by Zenith Press, an imprint of MBI Publishing Company, Galtier Plaza, Suite 200, 380 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN 55101-3885 USA

© Robert E. Peavey, 2004

All rights reserved. With the exception of quoting brief passages for the purposes of review, no part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from the Publisher.

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ISBN 0-7603-2050-0

Edited by Eric Hammel

Cover design by Tom Heffron

Layout by Lynn Dragonette

Printed in the United States of America

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