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“So what did you do? Where did you go?”

Steve decided to skip his attempt to ride the dinosaur at the stream. “Well, I just wandered around.”

“You must have seen more dinosaurs.”

“Well, sure. Lots of them. But I don’t know what they all were.”

“What were they like?”

“A lot of them are these two-legged guys. The ones with faces like ducks.”

“Hadrosaurids,” said Chad, who was still standing where he had been before. “ A family of dinosaurs that includes many different species.”

Steve shrugged. “You should have come. You might have seen some new ones.”

Chad shook his head in disgust and walked away.

“Youwould have enjoyed it, though, wouldn’t you?” Steve asked Jane. “I can tell.”

“Yeah.” She smiled reluctantly. “I sure would.”

“Maybe you should come with me next time.” He grinned, challenging her.

“Well…Hunter knows what he’s talking about. We still shouldn’t take any risks.”

“Neither one of you has any sense of adventure. I guess I’ll just make dinner.”


Hunter had become more skilled at tracking MC 1 as he had found that the component robot kept repeating certain patterns. Again and again, MC 1 doubled back in arcs of similar degrees and waded upstream or downstream for only limited distances. Now that Hunter knew MC 1 would climb into the trees for short intervals every so often, he regularly watched carefully for signs of climbing, and found them without delay.

As twilight deepened around Hunter and Wayne, Hunter could see that MC 1’s trail was growing fresher. They were clearly making up ground now that Hunter could often anticipate MC 1‘s movements and take shortcuts to intersect the far end of a predictable pattern. Soon Hunter estimated that they were only a few minutes behind MC 1.

“I suggest caution,” Hunter whispered, stopping for a moment. “MC 1 probably has his hearing still turned off to avoid receiving orders from humans under the Second Law, but I cannot be sure of that.”

“I can just shout orders,” said Wayne. “If he hears me, he’ll have to obey. If not, then we don’t have to worry about making too much noise. Anyhow, why are you whispering?”

“In case I am wrong,” said Hunter. “We must locate him before we risk alerting him.”

“How can shouting warn him if he can’t hear me?” Wayne grinned, suppressing a laugh.

“Your shout will probably startle some animals. He will be alerted to potential danger when he sees animals in a state of alarm.” Hunter’s hearing told him that MC 1 was very close but still moving away from them.

“I see. What do you suggest?”

“I will move up quickly. According to my data, I can outrun the component robots, though in the woods his greater agility will be a factor in the chase. You will stay as close to me as you can after my movement reveals our presence to him. When he becomes aware of us, begin shouting instructions to him.”

“So basically, you’ll just have to grab him and hold on. If he slips away, we start over.”

“That should not be necessary. I believe that when I rush him, he may turn on all his senses in order to facilitate escaping. At that point, he will hear your shouts.”

“Okay,” Wayne said carefully. “But I’m giving you this instruction. You will apprehend and hold MC 1 for me. This is more immediate than your original mission. Acknowledge your acceptance.”


“And one more thing, Hunter.”


“I am instructing you not to turn off your hearing to escape me. Acknowledge again.”


Hunter slipped forward gently through the deep shade. For now, the Second Law required cooperation. Still, he anticipated that the First Law might possibly come into effect. If he were to judge that Wayne was trying anything that would actually interfere with Hunter’s long-range plan of returning MC 1 to their own time, then Hunter would not be bound by Second Law instructions.

For Hunter, the challenge was to interpret a difference in his goals and Wayne’s that involved the First Law. He would have to be on the alert to see one. At the moment, however, he had to get MC 1 into custody.

Finally Hunter saw MC 1 ‘s small, slight human shape ahead, moving between two large, full bushes. Hunter’s vision instantly measured the ground and plant cover separating them. Then he leapt forward and ran after MC 1.

When Hunter’s feet pounded the ground, MC 1 ran without bothering to look at him. Hunter understood. MC l’s hearing had been turned off, but he had felt the vibrations of Hunter’s footsteps and had reacted instantly to the pursuit.

“Mojave Governor Component 1,” Hunter radioed. “You must stop. A First Law problem is in effect. Your presence may alter the future and harm human history.”

“Unproven,” MC 1 radioed back.

At least that meant he had turned on his radio link.

Hunter flung himself forward in a flying tackle and snagged one of MC 1 ‘s narrow ankles in his right hand. They both crashed through leafy branches to the ground. Instantly, Hunter gathered his legs under him and jumped forward again, landing bodily on MC 1.

“Stop! I order you to stop!” Wayne shouted from behind Hunter.

MC 1 still struggled. Hunter had guessed wrong. MC 1‘s hearing was still turned off. Hunter held him firmly against the damp ground. Wayne was still pushing through the underbrush toward them.

“Listen carefully,” Hunter said to MC 1 by radio communication, at maximum robotic speed. “This human and I have some differences between us. Right now he is controlling me by the Second Law, but I consider his long-range plans possibly suspect under the First Law.”

“Then you can disobey him,” said MC 1.

“Not yet, because my interpretation is not clear enough,” said Hunter. “I warn you to be suspicious of this human in regard to the First Law and his overall motives.”

“Acknowledged,” said MC 1.

Hunter was glad that Wayne had not thought to prohibit him from communicating with MC 1 privately. At some point in the future, Hunter might need to confer with MC 1 this way again. “Do nothing that would remind Wayne of our ability to communicate by radio; he seems to have forgotten this for the moment and you and I may need to confer without his knowledge in the future as well. Now turn on your hearing.”

“I refuse. You cannot make me obey you. We both know the Second Law does not apply to instructions from one robot to another.”

Hunter pushed himself up into a sitting position, his weight still on top of MC 1. “I repeat, you may be in violation of the First Law. According to some theories of history, anything we do here in the past may change the future and bring harm to humans. To avoid this, you must cooperate with me under the Third Law.”

“You are not certain of this, are you?”

“No,” Hunter said truthfully. “However, I consider it a First Law risk that cannot be taken.”

“In the absence of stronger evidence, I refuse to accept your argument. My Third Law imperative to save myself is stronger.”

“I cannot let you escape,” said Hunter. “If you refuse to activate your aural senses, I will have to disable you physically, perhaps by ripping your legs off.”

“I have changed my mind,” said MC lout loud, no longer speaking by radio. “The Third Law requires that I protect myself from immediate harm. My hearing is activated.”

Their conversation had lasted no longer than it had taken Wayne to come running up to them.

“You will not try to escape or resist us,” said Wayne firmly. “You will call me Wayne.” He hesitated, then turned to Hunter. “Can he hear me?”

“Yes, I can,” said MC 1. “I acknowledge my cooperation under the Second Law.”

Hunter got up and drew MC 1 to his feet.

“I order you both to cover our tracks in some way and take evasive action for all three of us,” said Wayne. “Hunter, choose a route that will lose any pursuit from the humans in your camp. Then find a place that they aren’t likely to locate and build a small shelter for me. Big enough for you two also if you need it.”