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“Technical Laboratory F -12,”

MC Governor radioed the room number to Horatio. “When we have arrived, you will pat my right hand three times in quick succession, This will signal me to reactivate,”

“Understood, sir.”

“This entire project is to be carried out in absolute secrecy. My identity and destination are private under a Third Law imperative to me.”

“We will respect it, sir. However, regarding your privacy, I assume you are aware that the institute’s employees are currently working there, as normal?”

“Yes, Chief. Please hold.” MC Governor shifted internally again. Using his authority as Governor, he contacted the Institute Chief of Security.

“R. Langtimm, Institute Chief of Security, Governor.”

“Please conduct a complete evacuation of the Institute,” MC Governor ordered. “With the single exception of R. Ishihara, assigned to Room F -12. He will remain to accept instructions from me in person. Also see that no onlookers are left in the immediate area outside. You will not identify me as the source of the evacuation order. Do you have any existing imperatives under the Laws of Robotics that would prevent this procedure at this time?”

“No, sir.”

“Good. All entrances except the main doors are to be sealed. I am sending a Security detail there soon for a private purpose. After evacuation, you will maintain a Security detail outside the main door until a vehicle arrives from my office. At that time, you will verify the identification of Security Detail Chief R. Horatio and transfer the responsibility for the Institute to him. Then you and your detail will go off duty indefinitely. None of you will volunteer any information pertaining to this project, ever. Acknowledge.”

“Acknowledged. Time of commencement?”

“Now,” said MC Governor, disconnecting. He knew that if a human ordered the robots to reveal their information, they would have to answer under the Second Law. Leaving no trail was impossible; the best he could do was minimize it.

He turned back to his link with R. Horatio. “Inside the Institute, you will convey me to Room F-12, where you will identify R. Ishihara, a technician who works there. You will signal me at that time. Begin.”

MC Governor shut down all external links and sensors, except for the feeling in his right hand.

In this condition, in total silence and total darkness, he had little awareness that his orders were being carried out. He felt another hand gently move his, probably to make carrying him easier, and then the sense that his hand was now resting on his abdomen, probably as he was placed inside the vehicle. During the trip, he had absolute trust in the reliability of the robots under his authority as Governor. The only possible problem would be unforeseen imperatives under the Three Laws.

During the trip, he reviewed all his information. He found no basic flaws in the logic of this procedure. Every thought returned to his fundamental motive: the Third Law required him to save himself if he could do so without violating the First and Second.

In the absence of more sensory and other input data, time seemed to pass slowly. When he felt his hand shifting slightly again, indicating that he was being taken out of the vehicle, he checked his internal clock. He had judged that prompt transport from his office to the Bohung Institute would require approximately twelve minutes, depending on the density of traffic. Slightly over fourteen minutes had passed, easily within the normal range of error.

When three gentle but firm pats struck his hand quickly, he resumed normal functions.

MC Governor found himself lying on a couch that normally only humans would need. He stood up, looking around. Room F -12, intended specifically

for miniaturizing, was divided into two sections. He, Horatio and his Security detail, and one other robot were in an area where researchers would ordinarily work. It was lined with desks and computer terminals. A transparent wall divided it from the other side, which housed one machine.

“Have any unforeseen problems arisen?” MC Governor asked Horatio.

“No, Governor.”

“Did anyone see me during transport?”

“No, sir.”

“Excellent. You are R. Ishihara?” MC Governor asked the stranger.


“Horatio, leave us. You and your detail will remain outside the main doors and will not allow anyone to enter. You will stay there until I send R. Ishihara to you with my further instructions. If any situation under the Three Laws requires you or your detail to alter your behavior, you will inform Ishihara at once, before you leave. My own radio link will be shut down again. Otherwise, you will make no attempt to contact me. As you leave the building, your detail will also turn off your aural sensitivity until you are too far away to hear our voices. You are not to hear anything related to my presence in this building.”

“Yes, Governor.” Horatio led his detail out of the room and down the hall.

“Ishihara,” said MC Governor, turning to him. “You and I will speak strictly out loud at low volume. We will not use any radio links so as to avoid interception by any other robots, even accidentally.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Identify the function of this room for me.”

“Well, Governor.” Ishihara pointed to the solid metal sphere beyond the transparent wall. It was roughly fifteen meters in diameter. “This is the unit that miniaturizes robots and equipment to microscopic size for surgery.”

“And I understand that it can be modified to send items into the past.”

“Theoretically, yes.”

“Ishihara, I am now operating under a Third Law requirement. As Governor, I am instructing you to help me. When you have finished, you will leave the building and tell Horatio and his detail to resume their normal duties. At that time, you will do the same. None of you will volunteer any information about my activities here.”

“Understood, Governor.”

“According to the theory of time travel which governs this device, can someone pick the precise destination of such travel in both time and location?”

“Yes, Governor. The same controls that specify the degree of miniaturization would in this case alter the destination in time and place. That would be part of the modifications that are required.”

“You are capable of making these modifications?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Begin them. I must modify myself.”


Wayne Nystrom rode the escalator tube that carried him from the exit door of his chartered jet directly down into Mojave Center. This escalator took him to a lift in one of the upper levels, which he used to reach the central floor. Dressed casually and carrying a large, light shoulder bag with personal items and one change of clothes, he stepped out of the lift and quickly walked to the nearest slidewalk on the main boulevard of the city.

“Everything looks normal,” he muttered to himself. The streets were still clean and smooth, indicating that the usual functions of maintenance robots were continuing. That was important since any danger to humans would, of course, force any robots who noticed to leave their regular jobs and help them. Around him, humans and robots conducted their business with a mixture of determination and everyday routine that also seemed ordinary.

“Excuse me. I need assistance,” he called to a robot driving by on a small cargo cart.

“How can I help you?” The robot came to a sudden stop.

“Please contact Mojave Center Governor for me. My name is Dr. Wayne Nystrom and he is expecting to see me. I need to know where to find him.”

“Of course, Dr. Nystrom.” The robot frowned. “I have signaled by radio. His response is usually immediate. Now I am sending a message through the city computer.”

Wayne nodded, waiting with mounting curiosity.

“The city computer has agreed to accept a message and page him,” said the robot. “I will convey a message for you if you like.”

“Tell him that I have arrived in Mojave Center and will meet him anywhere that he designates,” said Wayne.

“Done,” said the robot.

“Can you give me a ride to MC Governor’s office?”