In the absence of a physical form, there is no possibility of direct communication or conversation on the physical plane. How great it would be in these difficult situations to ask Sathya Sai Baba questions and receive wise instructions.
Globally, the events unfolding today are a great transformation of humanity as it enters a new stage in its development. Spiritual values and meditation practices are beginning to play an increasing role in people's lives.
It is becoming clear to many that the events taking place are beginning to resemble the Apocalypse, which means it’s time to seriously consider the frailty of this life and eternal divine treasures, such as, love for one's neighbor, and compassion and respect for all living things.
45. One sun and many rays
Now in 2023 there are several candidates claiming to be Prema Sai Baba. Half of them are already teenagers or young men, about whom there is information in open sources. Half of the candidates are newborn babies, about whom nothing is known for certain, so there’s a chance the information about them is someone's fantasy.
Some even ask about the possibility of Prema Sai Baba's birth outside of India, for example, in Europe, America or Russia. Hypothetically, this may well be, because the incarnation of God is a universal phenomenon.
Of course, we have several sayings by Sathya Sai Baba that an Avatar can only incarnate in India, since the cultural environment of this country is most suitable for the birth of an Avatar and the development of his mission.
What if, over time, there will be even more candidates? How is this possible? How can you know who is real? Can Sai consciousness incarnate simultaneously in many bodies? Why did God need to manifest himself through many forms? Over time, I think we will get answers to these difficult questions.
It can be assumed that some of the candidates are ordinary scammers or mentally ill people. However, some of them still have great spiritual powers, clairvoyance and healing abilities. It can be assumed that God can manifest himself not in one, but in several bodies at once.
Prema Sai Baba incarnated in all his divine fullness in the village of Doddamallur. However, other candidates may well be aspects of divinity. They develop their traditions, build ashrams and attract many followers.
Most likely in the near future there will be several ashrams of Prema Sai Baba all over India, where different groups of devotees will gather. This is the game of the Lord God.
The incarnation of God is an event that is relevant to absolutely every person, regardless of which religious or esoteric tradition they reside in. To be honest, I was among those who, during the life of Sathya Sai Baba, said there would be several candidates for Prema Sai Baba; so the current situation does not surprise me.
Intuitively, it always seemed the next coming of God would be accompanied by the appearance of many candidates. Prema Sai was discovered by two saints from the Himalayas named Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi (Manipur State).
These two saints, whilst in deep meditation, received instructions from Sathya Sai Baba and were able to locate the child when he was only two and a half years old. Devotees from the state of Manipur told me that even when Prema Sai Baba was in the womb at the beginning of 2012, Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi already knew about it.
When the divine child was born and drank his mother's milk for the first time, the Himalayan holy women saw this in their meditations. It was only when Prema Sai Baba was two and a half years old that a message was received from the subtle plane that it was time to start searching for him.
Immediately after the divine boy was found, another saint came to Doddamallur, whose name is Jaya Lakshmi Amma. Many Indian and European esotericists and spiritual teachers have already recognized this child as the incarnation of God on Earth.
Now many spiritual teachers prefer to maintain respectful silence, for the child should grow up quietly. If Prema Sai Baba is still a child, then is it right to give open information about him? Yes, it is, because that's his will. Information about Prema Sai Baba is given very carefully to the general public
Back in 2018, I learned about three applicants, and then the number grew to five, and then seven. Now I've lost count. I think there are about a dozen candidates now.
We only have information on some candidates because not all of them want to openly publish details about themselves on the Internet. About some candidates we have only rumors, and no details. Some candidates are already teenagers or young adults and you can see their photos and videos on the Internet. Some candidates have even begun to build their own ashrams and organize public meetings.
There are several candidates, who at the moment are only newborns, although rumors about them are already spreading. When I talk about a dozen candidates, half of them are just babies at the moment, and all we know about them is only fragmentary rumors. Already, there are groups of followers around these babies who carefully guard any leak of information.
Everyone must decide for themselves how to respond to the current situation. Some firmly deny all candidates. Some devotees start supporting their candidate. Unfortunately, this leads to intellectual conflicts. Various groups of devotees begin to defend their position, accusing other devotees of cheating. It is obvious quite a few Sai devotees prefer to distance themselves from this discussion altogether.
The suggestion that Prema Sai Baba's consciousness could manifest in several bodies looks a bit Buddhist. We know that knowledge about reincarnation appeared in the context of Vedic Hinduism; however, this knowledge was most thoroughly developed and formulated in the context of Buddhism, primarily Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.
For the Buddhist tradition, there is no doubt that consciousness does not have a strict separate existence, which in Sanskrit is called Anatma. This most important term provides the key to understanding that a separately existing consciousness is a flow of energy and information, which is interconnected with other energy-informational flows in the universe.
These streams of consciousness do not have a strict separation of their existence as they can pass from body to body in a variety of ways. In accordance with this teaching, after death, the consciousness of any person can hypothetically reincarnate into several bodies.
46. Stages of the great awakening
Is an Avatar born perfectly perfect? Is it possible that the Avatar also goes through the path of spiritual development? I think the Avatar is born perfect from the start. Most likely, the Avatar goes through the path of gradual disclosure of his potentials, which he initially possesses.
The Avatar gradually reveals his spiritual and energy potentials. He has no transformation and development; he is originally and eternally perfect. What is happening is the gradual inclusion of infinite potential.
Some suggest that the boy Prema Sai Baba at some point should gain enlightenment or receive some special knowledge, and others say that the Divine Spirit should descend upon him.
I respect all points of view on such a complex issue. However, it is quite obvious to me enlightenment can and should be received by those who are not originally enlightened.
Enlightenment is received by one who is in a state of ignorance. How can one talk about the enlightenment of God? The only thing worth talking about is that the Avatar is gradually revealing its true greatness.
We can note some of the most important milestones in the development of Prema Sai Baba's mission to date (2023). On June 28, 2012, he was born in the village of Doddamallur. On April 12, 2015, he was discovered and identified by a group of devotees from the Himalayan state of Manipur.