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Minute tongues of carnal fire were beginning to lick tauntingly at the soft inner flesh of her white thighs and she could sense an unwanted moisture seeping from between the tight lips of her vagina. She could feel the strength steadily leaving her body as she kept remembering vividly the boyish penis pistoning in and out of her warm, willing cunt until it came and filled her wide-stretched pussy with wildly spurting young seed. Slowly and inexorably her breathing became more ragged, and beneath her short skirt and tight sweater she could feel her smooth warm flesh begin to seethe with newly-kindled desire…

"Stop it! Oh God, stop it!" she moaned incoherently to the silence of the tomb-like house. But deep down inside her heart she knew that she could not stop the chain of inexorable events she had unwittingly set in motion. Like a motor throwing its circuit breaker because of a short, Miriam's tortured mind could not take any more, and defensively it counteracted by spreading a sense of warm lethargy over the stricken woman. Aided by the alcohol she'd drunk, it let her drift drowsily… God, what was she going to do? Was there anything she could do at all…? She leaned back with her head resting against the top of the chair and stared at the ceiling above her, and for a long while she lay unmoving… and then her head drooped and she sunk into a fitful, restless sleep…

While Miriam Dodge was sleeping the sleep of the guilty, young Mark Trenton was visiting with Joey Gore, one of his friends from school, and another close pal named Donald Watson. The other two boys were freshmen students as he was, though both were a little older and more developed for their age. Mark had always been the junior member of the trio, often ignored and left out when Joey and Don would do things that were sort of "bad". His father had often told him that the boys were wrong influences on him, and that his grades would suffer if he continued hanging around with them, but in his youthful spirit of rebellion, his father's disapproval only made him want to be like them more than ever.

They'd been fooling around with Joey's model airplane collection, buzzing them around in mock dog-fights, recreating an imaginary air fight over Vietnam. But now they were tired, and were resting until a science fiction horror movie they wanted to watch came on the television. They were talking in loud whispers in Joey's bedroom at the back of the Gore house, Joey sprawled on the bed while Mark sat in a chair and Don read a comic book…

"Man, tomorrow starts another week of grinds," Joey sighed. "Shit on school, I say. I can't wait until I'm grown up and don't have to go anymore. Then every day can be like a Saturday and Sunday."

"Yeah, that would be keen," Don said, turning a page of the comic. "I'd sure hate to be a teacher like your dad, Mark. He has to go to school all his life. That's for the birds, all right."

"I dunno," Mark retorted, wanting to defend his father. "He's pretty smart, and he told me he'd hate to work in some factory where he was around nothing but dumb men all day."

Joey Gore laughed. "Yeah, you got something there, Mark. Hell, the scenery's better at least, especially with a knock-out like Mrs. Dodge around now. Man, she must have the finest set of knockers I've ever seen on a broad!"

"You ain't a-kidding," Don Watson chimed in with a low, appreciative whistle. "And what a nice ass she's got, too. She sure beats Miss Flannigan we had for English last year."

"At least old Flannel-face put out for us." Joey snickered. "Only way I graduated grammar school was by sticking it to her every week. She had a snatch like a berry-bush, but I got the passing grade, anyway."

"Same here," Watson boasted. "She wanted me to go down and lick her once, but that's where I drew the line. I'll stick my prick into anything but not my face."

"I'd sure love to get my nose down between Mrs. Dodge's legs, though," Gore sighed.

"You'll never get that," Watson sighed. "None of us will. Crap, and that's really a shame too. All that meat going to waste."

Young Mark Trenton suddenly wanted to brag about what he'd done that morning, unable to resist the chance to have the boys look up to him for a change. Shit, he'd never even gotten into Flannel-face – Miss Flannigan – on account his grades were always high enough otherwise.

But now, this time, he had something on Joey and Don! Eagerly, he dropped his voice to an excited whisper. "Yeah? Well, I've news for you two," he blurted. "I got into Mrs. Dodge!"

"Flake off, Mark," Joey snickered. "You've been dreaming too hard while jacking off."

"Right. You gotta be a real stud before that kind of pussy falls," Watson added. "A babe like her would chew your pecker clean off." And both the older boys laughed lewdly, tauntingly.

"I did!" Mark heatedly protested. "I sure as hell did! I saw right up inside her snatch and…"

"Bullshit," Joey sneered. "Only hole you ever saw is the one in your ass when you bend around and look at it in the mirror."

"Listen, you guys," Mark said, red in the face. "I tell you true. I was over at her house mowing the lawn like I do every Sunday, and Jesus! I look up once, and there she is, standing naked as a jaybird in the window!"

"Hey," Don said in a new, awed voice. "You're serious!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," Mark retorted, and seeing that he'd caught their attention, he talked on without thinking of what he was doing. "So then I heard her calling me a few minutes later, so I went in to see if something's the matter. This time I see her naked in the shower, and she's fingering herself!"

"No!" Joey blurted, his eyes widening with excitement. "Got her hand right up her pussy, huh? Then what happened?"

"Well, she saw me and stopped. Then instead of screaming or telling me to get the hell out, she stepped real slow out of the shower, like she was a stripper or something, and peels my clothes off until I'm as naked as she is! Then she takes me in the bedroom and before I know it, I've got my prick sliding up her cunt! She moaned and groaned, begging for it! Fuck me, Mark, she yelled at me. Fuck me hard!"

"Jesus Christ," Joey Gore groaned, "she ever say that to me, and I'd ram it clean out her belly for sure!"

"Why the hell did she pick a kid like you?" Watson snapped.

"I dunno. Maybe because I was there and you weren't. All I can tell you is that it happened, and man, she is one fine piece of ass!"

"Ain't that the shits," groaned Don Watson. "I'm dying for some of that, and look who ends up throwing a fuck to her. There ain't no justice in the world, I tell you true."

"No…?" A vicious gleam began to glitter in Joey Gore's beady little eyes. "Well, now, maybe we can work something out so there is. I mean, hell… if Mark could do it, I oughta be able to slide my meat into her with no trouble at all."

"How you going to get the chance?" Watson scoffed. "Take over mowing her lawn?"

"Naw. I could take her up in the hills, though. You could come along and hold her down if she gets scared. Then I'd do the same for you while you throw one into her."

Mark was suddenly very sorry he'd ever opened his mouth. Jesus, if Joey and Don ever roughed up Mrs. Dodge that way, he'd never forgive himself. He liked her, liked her a lot – and inwardly he blushed as he remembered how he'd confessed to her about wanting her to be his mother. "Hey, you rape her, and she can have you arrested," he said, attempting to persuade them from their plot.

"Right," Watson agreed. "If she said anything, we'd sure be up shit creek, that's for sure. I'm too young to go to jail."

Joey Gore rubbed the lobe of his large ear for a moment. Then he nodded, saying. "Maybe you're right. But hell, I sure want to grab a piece of that cunt for myself…" Then his eyes began to sparkle with new-found lewdness. "Okay, then we'll get her Friday night, during the dance."

Watson gasped. "How?"

"Simple. First we act real nice to her this week, so she won't think something's cooking. Then we'll give her drinks of that stupid punch during the dance, only we'll spike them first."