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"Yeah, this is what I was telling you guys," Mark whispered excitedly. "This is just like she was with me before! Then she wanted me to put my finger in her hole and finger-fuck it up and down inside her like it was a prick!"

"Shit no, kid," Joey groaned. "With a snatch that sweet, you gotta lick it. Move over and I'll show you how."

"Right on, man!" Don Watson prompted as he took Miriam's arm and put it around his neck for a cushion. "I'm sucking her tits, but if you don't go down on her, I'll be glad to lick her pussy instead!"

Miriam groaned in new-found shame, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she felt Mark moving away and Joey taking his place between her legs. He dropped excitedly to his haunches between her open thighs and then to his belly, his face hovering only inches above her loins. "Ohhh, I'm going to stick my tongue so far up her hot little hole, she'll be able to taste it up in her mouth!" he panted lewdly, and then he grabbed her widened thighs and pulled her hips down closer to him on the mat. The fearfully quivering woman moaned softly in a daze of horror and humiliation as her body slid unresistingly toward him, her legs collapsing outward in obscene angles on either side of his naked slim body. Above her she could see through her alcohol dimmed eyes the other two boys staring hungrily down at the sight of her velvet soft skin, curving in from her thighs to form the soft, blonde curls of her pink-hued cunt. With his thumbs placed firmly on the softly trembling vaginal lips, Mark began a slow, tormenting outward pressure to peel them slowly apart until the thin, vertical little mouth of her moist, tender pussy below was cringingly exposed to the gazes of the other boys. They all stared greedily at her defenseless vagina, for a thrilling moment, until with a low animal-like groan of desire, Mark Trenton dropped his head and buried the full length of his long, slippery tongue deeply into the warm, throbbing walls of Miriam's open cunt.

"Ahhh!" she jerked, feeling his moist young lips closing hotly over the soft, wet furrow. A convulsive spasm of delight spiraled up the length of her spine as she felt his searching tongue spread her blonde curling pubic hairs and lace snake-like into the naked tight slit of her cuntal mound. She ground her buttocks down hard against the mat, endeavoring to escape the teasing, youthful attack, a whimpering moan of defeat bubbling from deep within her chest. But the slaving boy seemed to know unerringly what to do, and his head burrowed further up between her open thighs, his gleaming ivory teeth fastening into the soft flesh of her belly. He spread the woman's fleshy cunt lips wider with his fingers, and with a maddening liquid suck of the lips, drew the tiny pink bud of her throbbing clitoris wetly into his hot moist mouth. He nibbled it with the sharp tips of his teeth, feeling it jerking back to life from the softness that her earlier fear had brought.

Miriam clenched her eyes tightly shut against the whirlpools of sensation that were beginning to shoot through her quivering loins against her will. She fought with all her inner strength against the betrayal of her body again, but the young boy's tongue continued its maddening licking against the straining pink bud of her sex, until she could only groan uncontrollably. His hot probing tip worked its way up and down the length of her narrow wet slit, starting at the lower curve of her belly and pressured its way down over the elastic-rimmed opening of her clasping vagina and into the crevice of her flexing buttocks, where it stopped momentarily to do a wet probing homage to her tight, pinkly throbbing anus. Her hips ground involuntarily into the rustling mat, soft mewling animal sounds escaping pitifully from between her passion-clenched teeth. Her loins jerked forward of their own desire, burying his flicking tongue to its roots. Fire rapidly replaced fear and everything else… until to Miriam nothing existed for except her flame-seared cunt.

She was that cunt! Oh God, she was that cunt!

Her entire body was flowering into a great open cavern that had to be filled, that had to be gorged and stuffed with hot young flesh. Nothing else mattered now – not fear, not principles, not humiliation; just the crawling reality of the flicking tongue that had crawled in between the hot steaming vaginal furrow down between her wide held thighs.

"Ohhhh, ohhhh, yess, suck my cunt like that! Suck it hard, my little darling! Ahhhhh!" she squealed, splaying her legs wider and wider to give young Joey greater access.

The lust-incited boy could stand it no longer. "Give me room, guys! I'm going to fuck Mrs. Dodge now!" He began to trace tiny round wet circles up over her body, moving forward over her flesh, licking at her navel and breasts and cheeks, his hot moist saliva soaking her skin. She rotated her passion-twisted face around, searching with her open mouth for his tender young lips. She found them and sucked his tongue deep into her throat with a low animal groan. His saliva flowed into her in unimpeded torrents, and she swallowed greedily, mewling for more.

Her loins ground frantically up off the mat below, searching with her hot gaping pussy for his hard virile penis that was going to rip deliciously into her hungry belly. The passion-aroused boys gathered around the mat gasped as Joey's throbbing cock-head found her excitedly pulsating pussy opening. They watched with grinning, eager faces as it jostled for a moment against her pink ragged edges of flesh, insinuating itself gently between her moistly parted cuntal lips. Then, with a flick of his hips, the grinning adolescent forced his blood-filled tip brutally into the throbbing opening of her hair-lined cunt, stretching her resisting rubbery flesh almost to the bursting point.

Miriam threw her head wildly to the side and sighed delightedly. "Aaaahhhhggggg!"

His hardened penis sunk a delicious inch, the struggling woman trying desperately to jerk her hips up and absorb more of the punishing impalement up inside her wildly aroused belly. Joey Gore levered up on his hands in the push-up position. He flicked again, his grin widening, and his relentless hardness slid inside another searing inch.


Another taunting inch…


Hot panting breaths coursed over her naked sweating body as the other two boys crowded in closer. Their youthful features hung within inches of her straining nudity, watching hypnotically as their writhing English teacher was being fucked and skewered like a fresh young virgin by their teenage buddy. Miriam was dimly aware of the leering boys kneading hotly at her breasts, their fingers and hands teasing over every part of her flesh until it felt as though she were covered with tiny crawling animals. The storage room had become to her like a giant octopus with thousands of grasping tentacles reaching out obscenely to crush her into helplessness.

"Ohhh… Oh, Godddd, ohhhhh…" she moaned hysterically, tears gushing from her open but unseeing eyes.

Her sobbing, struggling response only incited the immature excitement of young Joey Gore, and he lunged down upon her, thrusting his virile young penis deep into her tight resisting passage. Miriam jerked convulsively as the slender pulsing cock raced into her belly, pushing great ripples of pink soft flesh in rolling waves before it. It was an uncontrollable monster crawling around inside her, filling her every crevice and pushing her inner organs into tiny tight balls that could not breathe or move. It felt to her as if it was coming out of her throat, curling around her shoulders and neck to crush her life away, ripping her soul from her body and devouring her in great fires of depraved sensuality.

"Ahhhhh!" her lips breathed in welcome relief.

Joey flexed his imbedded cock-head, bringing a deep mewl from her lips, her teeth reclenching. He flexed again – another moan – a lesser moan, as her now hotly clasping cuntal passage grew accustomed to the young boy's shaft. Then he began a slow revolving motion with his pelvis, grinding his virile cock tightly into her naked loins, expanding the still cringing walls of her vagina until she wanted to beg for more. Dear God, he was torturing her beyond endurance!