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"On your knees, wife," Roger commanded from beside her. "Get down on the floor. Now!"

What else could she do? she thought, then suddenly felt the smarting whack of the enraged man's hand upon her buttocks. "Do as I say, Miriam," he snickered lewdly. "A husband's word is law!" Another resounding painful smack stung at her backsides, and she almost leaped as she hurried to kneel and obey his maddened commands. She helplessly cowered in front of his wide-spread legs, but as she looked up at him pleadingly, she suddenly gasped for breath.

Roger Trenton was unbelting his pants with almost feverish haste. He dropped his shorts and slid off his pants, throwing them and his shirt in every direction. Within seconds he stood towering over the stricken, terrified woman, his naked, muscular body gleaming softly in the dim room's lamp-light. Miriam's eyes trailed down his maturely developed chest, and groaned abjectly as her panicked gaze locked upon his erect penis. She had felt it in her hands and on her inner thighs before, up there on the picnic blanket the previous Saturday afternoon. But now she saw its length and breadth for the first time, and its enormous size filled her with dreaded awe. In comparison to the little teenage boys she'd known – even in terms of her ex-husband's normal size – Roger's throbbing fleshy hardness was monstrous! She could feel her insides cringe at the thought of trying to accommodate even half of it. He grinned luridly down at her, enjoying her openmouthed terror, and dropped one hand to lightly stroke the heavy foreskinned shaft when he caught her stare fixed upon it.

"Like it, my bitch of a make-believe wife?" he leered with vulgar delight. "I think this will satisfy your hunger where lots of younger boys have not!"

"Roger, you… you can't do this to me!" she whispered weakly, aware that little Mark was standing by. "My God, you'll kill me. I can't take a thing like that up inside me!"

"Yes," Roger smilingly taunted down at her. "You are, Miriam. Or would you prefer me going to the police?"

"Ohhhh," she groaned, hopelessly sobbing. Tears now streamed in flowing wet rivulets down the sides of her cheeks, and despite her gripping terror, she knew she would give in to him. She knew she had no choice even with his fourteen year old son watching. "Oh, God, then do it to me quick, and get it over with. Please, Roger, please…"

Roger gazed down at the moaning, pleading woman, and something inside his heart began to soften his savage sense of hurt. Damn, Miriam was so luscious, so curvaceous. He had only to look down at the distorted expression of pain and suffering which twisted her lovely face… and at the way she pressed her thighs back from his expected assault… and he knew deep down that unwillingly he was weakening to her charms again. He realized belatedly that much of his anger at what Mark had told him was envy at the thought of the beautiful woman being fucked by his young son's cock; that he was as jealous as he was enraged. He knew that now to be the truth, and he felt a little twinge of shame mixing with his burgeoning raw lust for her.

"No, my make-believe wife," he said in a slightly softer tone. "No, I'll try and make you love it, even if it takes me two weeks to do it!"

He dropped to his knees beside her, pushing her backward with his hands upon her softly trembling breasts, until she lay spread out flat on her back upon the spongy soft carpet. Miriam closed her eyes tight again to close away the shame and fear of lying under him stripped naked and defenseless against his cold cruel gaze. The further humiliation of having young Mark standing there watching her like this momentarily made her want to scream. She opened her mouth in torment, but was too paralyzed with guilt to make a sound. Instead, all she could do was lie still, with her thighs wide apart, her breath coming so fast she felt as though her lungs would burst. Her belly quivered and heaved as though he already had the long thick cock extending out from his loins sunk deep inside her belly.

Roger bent over her prostrate body, fastening his teeth harshly into the nipple of her heaving left breast. She groaned in pain, attempting to twist away from the sudden sharp torture, but his hands, playing over the softness of her thighs and hips, held her tightly to him. His lips and tongue roamed wetly over the palpitating mounds, and though she tried to stop the feeling, a tiny tendril of sensation unwantedly descended feather-like to her naked loins below. God, she couldn't be reacting this way to a full grown man now even in the smallest bit! It was insane! But as he continued the slow tortuous licking of her flesh with his tongue, a blissful little twitch made her buttocks begin a slow, hardly noticeable grinding down into the rug.

"I'm going to fuck you," Roger moaned as his lips caressed over the soft sensitive skin of her breasts, his eyes still hard and cruel with the greed of his desire. "I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. I want little Mark to see you twist and squirm when a man-sized cock sinks into your baby-loving little cunt. I want him to hear you beg and scream for me."

Miriam lay frozen under the prodding of his obscene words. Their very lewdness seemed to excite her a tiny bit more, but again she thought of how he wanted to merely use and humiliate her, and the beginning desire vanished from her mind. To lie beneath the man she'd thought loved her as nothing more than a receptacle for his lewdly gushing sperm and lust was a thousand times more degrading than even the three young boys' rape of her last night. The hateful mauling of her body by a father whose young son and huge dog eagerly were viewing was too much for even her to take! She could never respond passionately to him; she knew she couldn't! She would submit because she had to, but only in tormenting pain…

Suddenly Roger slipped down on the carpet beside her and wrapped his arms around her naked body, pulling her tightly to him. They lay pressed together, his rigid cock insinuating all the way through her soft inner thighs and trapped on the other side between the crevice of her fear-clenched buttocks, his lips clamped wetly over hers. He moved his loins hungrily against her hips, and then she felt his long, sensitive finger slowly smoothing down their naked bodies to teasingly find her throbbing, tight vaginal mound. He dipped a little lower, down between the soft, hair-fringed pussy lips, spreading them open against her will to tease her tiny clitoris. Miriam couldn't hold back a soft mewling cry from the tingling sensation, and as she parted her lips, he thrust his tongue deep inside her saliva-moist mouth. She groaned around his long wet tongue with helpless despair, futilely trying to keep control of her perversely rising emotions.

Then, without warning, the older man rolled her over so she was lying on top of him. "It'll be easier on you if you ride up and down on my cock," he murmured huskily. "Kneel on either side of my hips, and ride me like a pony. Come on, do it!"

Miriam complied without hesitation, knowing full well that he would only hit her again if she defied him further. She levered up on her arms, her long blonde hair flowing down over her head and sweeping the naked man's chest, her breasts swaying sensuously with their erect little nipples lightly touching against his skin. She kneeled, straddling with her thighs splayed widely on either side of Roger's hips. She could sense his hardened penis pointing directly upward at the finger-moistened slit of her pussy.

She thought of what was going to follow, and tossed her head from side to side, tears streaming down the delicate conformity of her cheeks. Through her tear-blurred eyes, she could see him holding the length of his cock in his hand and taunting it up against the spread pink flesh of her cunt with its hardened blunted head. The immediate contact of its satiny warmness against the tingling skin of her vaginal opening instigated unwanted little carnal sensations which instantly spiraled upward through her naked loins. But then…