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She tightened her arms around him in alcohol-dazed passion as his hotly searing mouth and tongue pressed hard against her open lips. His tantalizing fingers continued to tease sensuously along her naked breast and then down over her belly to slide between her smooth inner thighs and vibrant mound of her wetly spasming pussy.

"Ohhhhh, Roger… Don't, Roger don't…" she moaned, but her feeble pleas for mercy were unheeded by the passionately aroused man.

"Ohhhhhhhh, Rogerrrrrr…!"

She gasped with shuddering excitement as she felt his strong hands slowly and steadily draw her wetly moistened shorts and thin nylon panties down over her tightly clenched buttocks. She couldn't help herself from clenching her thighs harder together so he could easily slip the unwanted clothing down… down over her softly trembling thighs and her legs… They lay useless now on the mossy ground beside her, a flimsy flag of her ultimate surrender. She could feel with obscene delight the cool mountain air softly caress against her naked inner flesh and moistly pink vaginal crevice as her legs parted to him in lewd, uncontrolled invitation. "Oh God!" she panted up into Roger's lust-contorted face, her desire racing away with her mind. "Oh, God, we mustn't… I'm-I'm so afraid!"

"We must, darling. You know we must, and you want me to touch you between your legs as much as I do." He groaned with the boiling urgency now to possess with his rigid surging penis the warm pink-rimmed vagina that was slowly and inexorably devouring his fingers up inside. Her nakedly exposed flesh was making him quiver with delicious animal-like desire as he ground himself as tightly as he could to her passion-throbbing body. His burgeoning hardness surged with small aching throbs in his pants while he slid along the hot smooth skin of her slowly undulating thighs. Jesus, he couldn't remember when a woman had excited him more! He had to have her! He had to fuck her now, or his balls would burst wide open!

Maddening patterns of indecently delightful sensations continued to consume the rapidly weakening Miriam. She could feel the fleshy blonde-haired lips of her moist wet cuntal furrow assaulted with his ever-burrowing fingers and she groaned from deep in her throat as his probing finger tips taunted every inch of the fully exposed wet, slit. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and whimpered moistly into his ear, trailing soft, hot kisses while uncontrollably rotating her passion-driven thighs in helpless response. She splayed her trembling legs wide apart until one shoe-less foot was on the grass and the other was grazing against the thick comforting fur of Roger's dog, Buck. She knew in dazed, subconscious anguish that his German Shepherd was eagerly watching his master enflame her naked loins with wantonness and craving, but somehow the forbidden pleasure of being viewed by the huge animal only increased her unwanted passions. She rolled her head from side to side and ground her warmly quivering buttocks down into the blanket in a futile effort to escape his insistently probing fingers, a soul-searing moan of self-loathing and indecision bubbling from between her tightly clenched lips. Yet Roger's hands never stopped teasing the sensitive surrounding little fringe of blonde pubic curls as he made ecstatic contact with the straining pink bud of her erectly throbbing clitoris.

"Ooooooh God, darling," she groaned helplessly into his open mouth. There was no escape for her now and her affection for the older man only incited her further. She wanted him! Oh, God, at last she wanted a man, this man! Ohhhhhh, how she wanted him! She was fighting a battle with herself that she had desperately desired to lose for years!

And then she heard a short, quick hissing sound and knew it was the unmistakable sound of his pants being unzipped! She could feel that his hand was away from her breast and he was struggling to lower his jeans. She tried to scream in protest, but her voice froze in her tightly constricting throat. Spread-eagled, she could only stare with tear-wet eyes up at the crouching naked body of the man over her. To her pain-flecked eyes, Roger's heavily pulsating penis hovered rigidly, menacingly there, the huge, sperm-swollen testicles hanging soft and sensate at its base.

It was at that moment the vision of her ex-husband, Gregory, loomed back up in Miriam's tortured brain. He was there leering nakedly over her again – not Roger Trenton – and the face she imagined above her was contorted with a contemptuous sneer of lewd hatred. She could feel the thick rubbery head of his cock press down against the nakedly exposed lips of her cunt and she knew it was burgeoning with sexual ecstasy – an ecstasy she was still mortally afraid to accept!

She froze for an initial second and then her mind snapped with a spontaneous bursting of shattering force. "No! Oh, God, no!" she cried frantically. She came to life hysterically and squirmed and struggled with insane strength as she raked her fingernails into the flesh of his chest.

Roger grabbed her arms, pressing them down tightly to the blanket on either side of her wildly flailing head. "Miriam… darling… God, I want you!" he gasped desperately.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she babbled in near frenzy. "I won't let you! I can't let you!" She fought him savagely as he rolled over on top of her and guided his angrily throbbing penis toward her defenselessly open vagina. She tried to close her legs and lock her thighs together and cringe away from his relentlessly pressing hardness, but his strength was too great for her to resist.

"Miriam… Darling, I've got to fuck you…!" he breathed heavier, his chest a great weight upon her naked breasts.

"No! No! No!" she chanted in a high-pitched squeal, but the insanely struggling woman was unable to stop him from insinuating the huge throbbing head of his immense penis up between the softness of her desperately straining thighs. He ground his cock hotly down through the soft resilient curls of her tightly clenched vaginal slit, fighting madly to reach the mouth of the smoothly inflamed passage which she was holding from him between her tightly clamped legs. To Miriam's deliriously terrorized mind, Roger Trenton was now just like all other men who desired nothing more than to shove their lewdly brutal penises deep into her defenseless belly. She squeezed her thighs together until their muscles stood out in aching tautness and she squirmed and heaved against him in her wild efforts to dislodge his unwanted invasion.

"Good God, I can't wait any longer!" he cried out heatedly. "I'm going to cum and I want to cum inside you!"

"No, Roger!" she screamed in helpless torment. "I don't want it! Not ever… ever… ever!" She reached her hands down between their grinding sweat-slickened bodies in despairing panic and grasped the full throbbing length of his rock-hard shaft. She could feel the spasmodic throbbings against her tightly gripping palms and the wetness of the warm white seminal fluid that oozed in excited droplets from the blunt, lust-inflated head. She steeled herself to hold his penis back from between her desperately straining thighs in a final effort to keep its hardness from contacting the still fearfully cringing lips of her vagina.

"Damn it!" Roger shouted. "You can't stop me now, Miriam! Let go of me and let me fuck you! Ohhh, God, let go before I cum on your thighs!"

"No! Never! I don't want a man up in me!" She grasped tighter around the thickly ramming cock as he pumped wildly against her fear-clenched thighs. She squeezed and pulled with her tightly grasping fists until at last he gave forth a harsh half-strangling cry.

"Ahhhhh!" He shuddered violently. She could feel his penis expand and contract uncontrollably in her palms and she could dimly hear the heavy grunts of his frustrated passion pouring out from between his tightly gritting teeth. "Miriam! Miriam! I told you…! I… I'm cummmiiinnnng!"