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He took another puff of the cigarette and forced the smoke into her mouth. She choked and gagged. He kind of laughed, and leaned away to put the cigarette out. Then he lay between her legs. Taking her white breasts between his fingers and thumbs, he pressed and squeezed them, rubbed them against each other, rolled them upwards and downwards, finally taking each delicate nipple in turn in his mouth and sucking it while his hands squeezed as if they were trying to milk her. He was making deep satisfied sounds. He kept one hand on her breast near his mouth, while the other hand roamed her body. He began kissing her neck viciously. She groaned and turned her face to one side, but he kept going, and moving himself onto her more, thrust himself in her body, fucking her deeply.

It was too painful, and her body began to jerk and twist and arch under his repeated assault, forcing her to resist him. He batted her hands out of the way, before he pushed her legs up and held them. He began to move differently, even deeper and harder. She cried out and hit at his face with her fists. He let go of her legs and grabbed at her hands, holding her wrists. She was thrashing wildly and crying, but he forced her over onto her belly, and lifted her hips, trying to sodomize her. Kicking and squirming, she tried to crawl away, but he kept pulling her toward him into a position where he could sink himself into her. He slammed the top of her head with his fist.

“You fucking bitch! You fucking bitch!” He hit her again, and again, and she went limp. He fell on her back, pinning her down. “Think you’re tough? Huh? You want to fight?” He held her face down into the mattress suffocating her, till she thought she was going to pass out, then he pulled her head back by her hair. She gasped and babbled and begged for him to stop.

“You deserve to be fucked by every man who looks at you. Tell me what a little slut you are. Tell me you’re a spoiled bitch.” He tore at her hair.

“I’m a spoiled bitch,” she said, desperately.

“And you deserve to be raped.” Her shoulders were shaking violently with her sobbing. “And you deserve to be raped!” he said again.

“And I deserved to be raped!” she screamed.

He kept his weight pressing on her back. She was sobbing and catching her breath. He suddenly got off her and she curled into a small shaken heap. He pushed the mattress, with her still on it, right up against the wooden beam so that it was touching. Her crying dried up instantly. She didn’t know what he was doing. She watched him with red, bleary eyes.

“No! No! Please,“ she begged when he grabbed her wrist and unlocked the padlock. He let go of her a moment while he wound the chain around the beam making the chain really short. She scrambled off the mattress and made a dash for the door. Just as she reached it, his body slammed into her, and he caught her in his arms. He carried her struggling and screaming back to the mattress. He wrapped the chain around both her wrists, not listening to her tearful and hysterical cries. The chain was so short she was forced to kneel forward on her knees and elbows, her wrists bound in front of her. He got behind her pressing his thighs and belly against her, and slipping his arm around her waist, lifted her hips, so that her hindquarters were raised. Every time she tried to drop down into a difficult position, he dragged her hips upwards again. He pressed the tip of his prick against her ass, and with a hard shove, succeeded in forcing its head inside her, in spite of her cries and frantic struggles. Gripping her tightly to him, he rammed fiercely into her, hurting her intensely. Her shrieks and cries rang through the room as he strove to get into her. She squirmed and twisted, crying hysterically, “Stop, stop!”

Falling on her, he clasped her in his arms and rammed himself well into her, till she felt his stomach against her bottom. He was shoving furiously in her, thrusting his dick as deeply into her as he could force it, harder and harder. She cried brokenly, “Ah! Ah! Ah!” as she felt the jets of his come shoot into her ass.

He rested motionless on her, his hands convulsively gripping and squeezing her hanging breasts. He and she both were breathing heavily. Her back was damp where his mouth was, as if he had dribbled on her. Still lodged in her, he brushed his face over and around her back. She was mute in the after-shock. He pulled out gingerly, with a groan, and collapsed beside her. She couldn’t lie down properly because of her restraints. She tucked her legs into her chest and lay on her side, facing away from him. She was in shock. She was white—white to the lips.

“You needed to learn that lesson,” she heard him say. She closed her eyes, and buried her face into her chained wrists. Her ass was stinging and felt as if he had torn her apart.

He left her chained the same way. All day she was alone. She turned herself occasionally to give her neck and shoulders relief, but all day she was chained in that awkward position. She hadn’t been able to use the bathroom and had wet herself and the mattress. She stared at the door most of the time, waiting, watching for hope. The whole time her bowels were cramped with fear. In the afternoon he came in holding a grocery bag.

“I got you some things,” he said, coming over. “A tooth brush, sanitary napkins, some more panties, I guessed your size, and some Advil.” He touched her cheek. She trembled nervously. He eased her up onto her knees and elbows again. “Let me have a look here. That’s going to be sore for a few days,” he said gently patting her ass, and feeling her up a little at the same time. She hated him so much. He kissed her backside before he retrieved her a glass of water.

He popped a pill into her mouth and held the glass to her lips for her. She hadn’t had any food or water all day and it was difficult to get the pills down. He hand fed her some bread and peanut butter.

“I know I hurt you pretty badly, but my God, it was like heaven to me!” he said. He kissed her face. “Do you need to use the bathroom? I won’t make you use the bowl.”

“I wet the mattress,” she said despondently. “You had me tied up all day.”

“I know, baby. I’m sorry. You pissed me off.”

He helped her to the bathroom. She could hardly walk. Every inch of her body ached. He stayed with her, as she knew he would.

Chapter 5

She was chained normally again, and was almost asleep, when he came over with her cell phone. “How often do you call your mom?” he asked.

“All the time.”

“Do you want to text her? Tell her you made it safely, and you’ll call her in a couple of days.”

Her eyes were blurry with fresh tears while she tried to focus on texting. She felt so trapped, knowing the false message would go to her mum, when all she really wanted to do was call her and tell her to come get her. He was sitting behind her watching what she said. He took it off her again immediately. “Good, baby, you did good.” He kissed her head. “We’ll work out what to tell your family later.”

He left her alone the rest of the afternoon and all evening. During the night she kept waking up, thinking he was standing over her.

She slept late into the morning. She didn’t know what time it was, but it felt like it was just before midday. He gave her some more Advil and offered her some toast, but she only took a few bites. She couldn’t stomach food. He stuck around for most of the day. He sat in front of the television watching pornos. She went in and out of sleep listening to the ridiculous moaning and grunting.

She flinched, and was suddenly wide-awake, when he touched her hair. He was crouching near her head. “I want to kiss,” he said in an intimate tone. He drew her face to his, and lowered his lips to her mouth. He was cradling her head, and pushed his kiss intently against her.