The next area was a courtyard with palm trees, moist and green. Just as she was wondering the source of the water, a sprinkler head popped up and misted the area.
She did a little victory dance. So far, perfect.
The more Olivia explored the conservatory, the more perfect it seemed. While the greenhouse areas were vulnerable, there was a large brick building in back that housed offices and classrooms that could be converted into an easily defendable living space for a large number of people.
Room after room of wild splendor teetering on the edge of ruin but not completely lost. Hard work could salvage it all but pretty plants weren’t what she needed. She needed crops to eat. It seemed like a shame to tear out the cultivated gardens to grow vegetables. The last and largest room, however, was labeled “Production Greenhouse” and was nothing short of a miracle. With the large bag of keva beans, she had everything needed to grow all the food they would ever need. It meant that no matter when the war ended, they could survive the winter and still have seed for next summer.
Her God was watching over her. He would provide.
She pressed her hands together and bowed her head in prayer. “Thank you for your wondrous bounty.”