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Отпечатано на полиграфкомбинате ЦК ЛКСМ Украины "Молодь" ордена Трудового Красного Знамени издательско-полиграфического объединения ЦК ВЛКСМ "Молодая гвардия". 252119 Киев-119, ул. Пархоменко, 38-44.

MAKE USE OF MATHEMATICS by I. N. Sergeev, S. N. Olehnic, S. B. Gashkov.

A great number of problems are given in the book. They are all of practical character. Methods of fast counting are also considered as well as geometric constructions and measurements carried and with the help of a limited number of tools. The book also deals with methods of finding the most economic means for solving problems in various situations, also problems on mixing of substitunces, cutting up geometric figures, weighing, pouring and so on. All problems are supplied with solutions.

The aim of the book is to teach how to apply mathematical ideas and methods to finding a way out of various complicated situations that may arise.

The book is meant for schoolchildren, teachers and those who are interested in mathematics.

The authors are teachers of mathematics at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow University.

They have already published a number of books on mathematics for schoolchildren and college and university students. Some of the books have been published abroad.