She repeats it.]
HAGEN. No. no!
EST. Why-what's the matter?
HAGEN. That music! What is it?
EST. It's some of the Nibelung music. Gerald had it here.
HAGEN. Don't play it! [Hesitating.] Music jars on me now. I've too much on my mind.
EST. [Rising.] Oh. very well. It is time for tea, anyway. Have you talked with father today?
HAGEN. Three times. He is in the thick of the fight. He plays the game well.
EST. He has played it a long time.
HAGEN. Yes. ['Phone rings.] Ah! What is that? [Takes receiver.] Hello!
Yes. oh, Isman! I see' More trouble in Fifth Avenue, hey? Well, are the regulars there? Why don't they fire? Women and children in front! Do they expect to accomplish anything by that? No, don't call me up about matters like that, Isman. The orders have been given. No.
not an inch! Let the orders be carried out. That is all. Good-bye.
Hangs up receiver.
EST. [Has been listening in terror.] Prince Hagen!
HAGEN. Well?
EST. What does that mean?
HAGEN. It means that the slums are pouring into Fifth Avenue.
EST. [A pause.] What do they want?
HAGEN. Apparently they want to burn my palace.
EST. And the orders. what are the orders?
HAGEN. The orders are to shoot, and to shoot straight.
EST. Is it for me that you are doing this?
HAGEN. How do you mean?
EST. You told me you brought all the world and laid it at my feet. Is this part of the process?
HAGEN. Yes, this is part.
EST. [Stares at him intently; whispers.] How do you do it?
HAGEN. What?
EST. What is the secret of your power? They are millions, and you are only one. yet you have them bound! Is it some spell that you have woven? [A pause; HAGEN stares at her. She goes on, with growing intensity and excitement.] They are afraid of your gold! Afraid of your gold! All the world is afraid of it! It is nothing — it is a dream
it is a nightmare! If they would defy you. if they would open their eyes. it would go as all nightmares go! But you have made them believe in it! They cower and cringe before it! They toil and slave for it! They take up arms and murder their brothers for it!
They sell their minds and their souls for it! And all because no one dares to defy you! No one! No one! [In a sudden transport of passion.]
I defy you! [PRINCE HAGEN starts; she gazes at him wildly.] I will not marry you! I will not sell myself to you! Not for any price that you can offer. not for any threat that you can make! Not in order that my mother may plan wedding breakfasts and triumph over Mrs.
Bagley-Willis! Not in order that my father may rule in Wall Street and command the slaughter of women and children! Nor yet for the fear of anything that you can do!
HAGEN. [In a low voice.] Have you any idea what I will do?
EST. [Desperately.] I know what you mean. you have me at your mercy! You have your guards — I am in a trap! And you mean force.
I have felt it in all your actions. behind all your words. Very well! There is a way of escape, even from that; and I will take it!
You can compel me to kill myself; but you can never compel me to marry you! Not with all the power you can summon. not with all the wealth of the world! Do you understand me? [They stare at each other.]
I have heard you talk with my brother, and I know what are your ideas.
You came to our civilization, and tried it, and found it a lie. Virtue and honor. justice and mercy. all these things were pretenses. snares for the unwary. There was no one you could not frighten with your gold! That is your creed, and so far it has served you. but no farther! There is one thing in the world you cannot get. one thing that is beyond the reach of all your cunning! And that is a woman's soul. [With a gesture of exultant triumph.] You cannot buy me!
HAGEN. Estelle!
EST. Go!
HAGEN. [Stretching out his arms to her.] I love you!
EST. You love me! The slave driver. with his golden whip!
HAGEN. Even so. I love you.
EST. What do you know of love? What does the word mean to you? Before love must come justice and honor, with it come mercy and selfsacrifice. all things that you deride and trample on. What have you to do with love?
HAGEN. [With intensity.] I love you! More than anything else in all the world. I love you!
EST. [Stares at him.] More than your power?
HAGEN. Estelle! Listen to me! You do not know what my life has been!
But I can say this for myself. I have sought the best that I know. I have sought Reality. [A pause.] I seek your love! I seek those things which you have, and which I have not. [Fiercely.] Do you think that I have not felt the difference?
EST. [In a startled whisper.] No!
HAGEN. That which you have, and which I have not, has become all the world to me! I love you. I cannot live without you. I will follow you wherever you command. Only teach me how to win your love.
EST. I cannot make terms with you. I will not hear of love from you while you have force in your hands.
HAGEN. I will leave your home. I will set you free. I will humble myself before you. What else can I do?
EST. You can lay down your power.
HAGEN. Estelle! Those are mere words.
EST. No!
HAGEN. Who is to take up the power? Shall I hand it back to those who had it before? Are Plimpton and Rutherford better fitted to wield it than I?
EST. [Vehemently.] Give it to the people!
HAGEN. The people! Do you believe that in that mass of ignorance and corruption which you call the people there is the power to rule the world?
EST. What is it that has made the people corrupt? What is it that has kept them in ignorance? What is it but your gold? It lies upon them like a mountain's weight! It crushes every aspiration for freedom… every effort after light! Teach them… help them… then see if they cannot govern themselves!
HAGEN. I meant to do it…
EST. Yes… so does every rich man! When only he has the time to think of it! When only his power is secure! I have heard my father say it… a score of times. But there are always new rivals to trample… new foes to fight… new wrongs and horrors to be perpetrated! The time to do it is now… NOW!
HAGEN. Estelle…
CAL. [Enters hurriedly.] Prince Hagen!
HAGEN. What is it?
CAL. A message from Isman. There is bad news from Washington.
HAGEN. Well?
CAL. A. bill has been introduced in Congress… it is expected to pass both houses to-night… your property is to be confiscated!
HAGEN. What!
CAL. The sources of natural wealth… the land and the mines and the railroads… all are to become public property. It is to take effect at once!
EST. [Pointing at him in exultation.] Aha! It has come!
[They stare at each other.]
CAL. I tried to get more information… but I was cut off…
HAGEN. Cut off!
CAL. I think the wires are down… I can't get any response.
HAGEN. I see! [Stands in deep thought; laughs.] Well… [To ESTELLE.]
At least Plimpton and Rutherford are buried with me! [To CALKINS.]
Send to town at once and have the wires seen to. And try to learn what you can.
CAL. Yes, sir… at once! [Exit.]
EST. They have done it themselves, you see!
HAGEN. Yes… I see.
GER. [Enters, centre; stands looking from one to the other.] Well, Prince Hagen… it looks as if the game was up.
HAGEN. You've heard the news?
GER. From Washington? Yes. And more than that. Your guards have revolted.
HAGEN. What! Here?
GER. Yes. We're prisoners of war, it seems.
EST. Gerald!
HAGEN. How do you know?
GER. They've sent a delegation to tell us. They've cut the telephone wires, blocked the roads, and shut us in.