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Varvara Golitsyna, nee Engelhardt, Potemkin's niece who married Prince Sergei Golitsyn

Praskovia Golitsyna, married to Prince Mikhail Golitsyn, Potemkin's 'last mistress'

William Gould, Potemkin's English gardener

Sir James Harris, British envoy to Petersburg, later Earl of Malmesbury Henry of Prussia, younger brother of Frederick the Great John Paul Jones, legendary American admiral regarded as founder of US Navy

Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor or Kaiser 1765-90, co-ruler, then ruler of

Habsburg lands 1780-90 Alexander Khrapovitsky, diarist and Catherine's secretary Elisabeth Duchess of Kingston, Countess of Bristol, English adventuress and bigamist

Alexander Lanskoy, Catherine's favourite 1779-84

Leopold, Holy Roman Emperor, brother of Joseph II and his successor 1790-2

Prince de Ligne, European aristocrat, Austrian courtier and field-marshal Lewis Littlepage, American from Virginia, Polish courtier and officer in

Potemkin's flotilla Alexander (Dmitryev-)Mamonov, Catherine's favourite 1786-9 Maria Theresa, Empress-Queen, ruler of Habsburg lands 1740-80, mother of Joseph

Francisco de Miranda, South American revolutionary, later dictator of Vene­zuela

Prince de Nassau-Siegen, European aristocrat and soldier of fortune

Grigory Orlov, leader of Catherine's coup and favourite 1761-72

Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky, 'Scarface', murderer of Peter III and victor of

Battle of Chesme, brother of above Nikita Panin, governor of Grand Duke Paul, then Catherine's foreign minister Peter Panin, brother of above, general and subjugator of Pugachev Grand Duke Paul, Catherine and Peter Ill's son, Emperor 1796-1801, assas­sinated

Peter III, nephew of Empress Elisabeth; husband of Catherine II, Emperor 1761-2

Reginald Pole Carew, English gentleman, traveller and friend of Potemkin, later MP

Stanislas Poniatowski, Catherine's second lover, later Stanislas-Augustus last

King of Poland Vasily Popov, Potemkin's head of chancellery

Pavel Potemkin, the Prince's cousin, general and viceroy of the Caucasus Praskovia Potemkina, wife of above and mistress of the Prince Emelian Pugachev, pretender, Cossack, leader of peasant rebellion 1773-4 Alexei Razumovsky, Cossack chorister who became Elisabeth's favourite Kirill Razumovsky, brother of above, Hetman of Ukraine until 1764, courtier Jose (Osip) de Ribas, Neapolitan adventurer, Potemkin crony and admiral

Due de Richelieu, officer in Potemkin's army, later builder of Odessa, prime

minister of France Ivan Rimsky-Korsakov, Catherine's favourite 1778-9 Peter Rumiantsev-Zadunaisky, military hero in First Turkish War Serge Saltykov, Catherine's first lover

Alexander Samoilov, Potemkin's nephew and general, later procurator-general Ekaterina Samoilova, wife of above and probably Potemkin's mistress Comte de Segur, French ambassador to Russia Selim III, Ottoman Sultan, 1788-1807

Major James George Semple, English conman - 'Prince of Swindlers' Shagin Giray, Russian ally, descendant of Genghis Khan, and last Khan of the Crimea

Stepan Sheshkovsky, secret policeman - the 'knout-master' Ivan Shuvalov, Empress Elisabeth's favourite who invited Potemkin to Peters­burg

Ekaterina Skavronskaya, 'angel' and 'kitten', nee Engelhardt, Potemkin's niece

Alexander Suvorov, military hero, Potemkin's favourite general Alexander Vassilchikov, Catherine's favourite 1772-4, nicknamed 'Iced Soup' Alexander Viazemsky, administrator of internal affairs, procurator-general Simon Vorontsov, Russian ambassador to London Alexander Vorontsov, brother of above, minister of commerce Sophie de Witte, slavegirl, courtesan, mistress of Potemkin, then Countess Potocka

Alexander Yermolov, Catherine's favourite 1786

Tatiana Yusupova, nee Engelhardt, married to Mikhail Potemkin, then Prince Yusupov

Alexander Zavadovsky, Catherine's favourite 1776-7, courtier, minister Joshua Zeitlin, Jewish merchant, rabbinical scholar, Potemkin's friend Semyon Zorich, Catherine's favourite 1777-8, founder of military school Platon Zubov, Catherine's last favourite 1789-96









Reigning Tsars and Emperors of Russia - The Romanovs

= Mikhail Romanov


(ii) Eudoxia Streyhneva

(i) Maria Dolgorukaya



(ii) Natalia Naryshkina

(i) Maria Miloslavskaya



Ivan V


= Praskovia Saltykova

Catherine Duchess of Mecklenburg

Anna = Prince Anton of Brunswick


Duchess of


and Empress 1730-40 (i) Eudoxia Lopukhina


= Peter I = (ii) Catherine I

the Great

1682- 1725

Anna = Duke of Holstein- Gottorp




Peter II


Ivan VI


Catherine II the Great

Sophia of Anhalt-



Peter III

December 1761- June 1762



(ii) Sophia Dorothea of Wurttemberg

(Maria Fyodorovna)

(i) Wilhelmina of Hesse-Darmstadt (Natalia Alexeevna)

Alexander I


Nicholas I


Alexander П


Alexander П1



Nicholas II


This family tree shows the families of ruling Tsars and Emperors (in bold and dates of reign). After 1801 only ruling Emperors are shown