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The Wider Family of Prince Potemkin

Alexander (Potempski)

Hans-Tarasy Potemkin

Ivan Illarion





Peter Ivanovich (diplomat of Tsars Alexei and Fyodor)







Alexander 1675-1746 = Daria V. Skouratova 1704-80


Prince GA Potemkin-Tavrichesky

= ? Catherine II the Great

Inner Family overleaf


Count Pavel Potemkin 1743-96 = Praskovia A. Zakrevskaya

Mikhail Potemkin

1744-91 = Tatiana Engelhardt


Count Grigory +Battle of Borodino 1812

This family tree shows the main characters featured in the book and is not meant to be complete - married + died

Count Sergei = Princess Elisabeth Trubetskaya

Alexander = Princess Tatiana Golitsyna

Ekaterina = Count Alexander Ribeaupierre

Anna 1740-1820 = MM Zhukov


1758-1829 ♦


Varvara 1757-1845 = Prince SF Golitsyn

Nadezhda 1761-1834 =

PA Ismailov

The Inner Family of Prince Potemkin including Favourite Nieces and Nephews


Marfa Elena = Vasily A. Engelhardt

PA Shepilev

Alexandra 1754-1838 = K.Branicki

issue including Elisabeth (Lise) 1792-1880 = Prince MS Vorontsov

issue including Princess Sophia

Vorontsova possible natural daughter of AS Pushkin

Tatiana 1769-1841= (i) Mikhail Potemkin + 1791




(ii) Prince NB Yusupov

(i) Count = PM Skavronsky + 1793

(ii) Lord Howden

Ekaterina = (ii) Count 1761- J. Litta 1829

issue including (i) Prince PI = Ekaterina = Bagratian Battle of Borodino + 1812

issue including Clementine natural daughter of Prince Metternich

This family tree shows the main characters featured in the book and is not meant to be complete

Prince Felix Yusupov-Elsten

murderer of Rasputin 1916

- married + died

Alexander Potemkin

1675-1746 = Daria V. Skouratova 1704-80

Prince GA Potemkin- Tavrichesky

= ? Catherine П the Great

Maria m. Nicolai B. Samoilov

Pelagia Daria Nadezhda

= Peter E. = Alexander +1757 Vysotsky A. Likachev

Count Alexander N.

Samoilov 1744-1814 = Princess Ekaterina Trubetskaya

(E. Temkina = IX Kalageorgi)

Ekaterina = (ii) LD = (i) NS Raevsky Davydov

issue including

Sofia = Count AA Bobrinsky





Nikolai N. Raevsky 1771-1829 = Sophia Konstantinova

AN Raevsky + 1790 Battle of Ismail

Alexander Nikolai Other issue

including Maria = Prince Sergei Volkonsky exiled after Decembrist Revolt


prologue: death on the steppes

V. S. Popov's reports to Catherine II on GAP's illness are the main source for this account of his demise unless otherwise ascribed: RGVIA and RA (1878) 1 pp 20-5. G. Derzhavin, The Waterfall, in H. G. Segal, The Literature of Eighteenth-Century Russia vol 2 p 302.

RGADA, L 153 / SIRIO 27: 217, CtG to GAP 30 September 1782.

Prince de Ligne, Letters and Reflections, ed Baroness de Stael vol 2 p 6, Prince de Ligne to Comte de Segur 1 August 1788.

M. M. Ivanov's print, Hermitage E: 22158. Commissioned by V. S. Popov and Countess A. V. Branicka. Oddly, though Popov was apparently awaiting the Turkish plenipotentiaries in Jassy and was not at the death scene, he is pictured there, doubtless on his own orders. Ivanov was GAP's house artist and travelled in his entourage. See Chapter 23. This is not the only print of GAP's death: see also Death ofG. A. Potemkin, an engraving by G. I. Skourodytov showing only head and torso of the dead Prince, arms crossed over his chest.

James Harris, Diaries and Correspondence p 281, Sir James Harris to Viscount Stormont 21 July/i August 1780.

Author's visit to Moldova 1998.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 97, Prince de Ligne to Prince Kaunitz November 1788.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 571, CtG to Baron E M. Grimm August 1792. K. Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 141.

AKV 13: 216-22, A. A. Bezborodko to P. V. Zavadovsky 5 December 1791, Jassy.

RGADA L 470, CtG to GAP 3 October 1791.

RGADA L 470, CtG to GAP.

RGVIA L 470, CtG to GAP October 1791.

C. F. P. Masson, Secret Memoirs p 109.

The author's visit to Moldova 1998.

RA 1867 A. N. Samoilov, 'Zhizn i deyania Generala Feld Marshal Knyazya Gri- goriya Alexandrovicha Potemkina-Tavricheskogo' col 1558.

Samoilov col 1558.

L. N. Engelhardt, Zapiski 1868 p 96.