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Segur, Мётопеэ 18 59 pp 192-3. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 43-4 and 75-83.

Reginald Pole Carew, 'Manners and Customs', Cornwall County Archive, Antony, CO/R/2/3. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 65, Ligne to Coigny.

Masson p 318. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 43-4 and 75-83. Catherine quoted in Anisimov p 76. Shcherbatov quoted in Anisimov p 77.

John LeDonne, Ruling Russia p 189. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 75-9.

Local research in Chizhova by the author 1998.

Anspach, Journey p 154,9 March 1786. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 69, Ligne to Coigny letter IX, 1787.

RS (1875) vols 12-14. M. I. Semevsky, Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky p 487. Karabanov p 46.

Semevsky, GAPT pp 486-8. Karabanov p 463. RA (1882) no 2 pp 91-5, papers of Count A. N. Samoilov. Metropolitan Platon to Count A. N. Samoilov 26 February 1792; p 93, GAP to Metropolitan Platon; Priest Antip Matveev to P. V. Lopukhin.

RGADA 286.413.638-48. Istochnik (1995) no 1 PP 16-25.

V. I. Ustinov, 'Moguchiy velikoross', VIZ (1991) no 12 p 701.

D. I. von Vizin, Sobraniye sochineniya vol 2 pp 87-93.

N. F. Shahmagonov, Hrani Gospod' Potemkina pp 8-9.

Semevsky, GAPT pp 486-8. Shahmagonov pp 8-9. В. I. Krasnobaev, Russian Culture in the Second Part of the Eighteenth Century and at the Start of the Nineteenth p 143.

Anspach, Journey p 133, 18 February 1786.

Segur, Memoires 1859Р192.

Memoirs of CtG 1955 p 60. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 216-17.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 186. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 168-9 and 176-7.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 124, 150. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 168-9.

Pushkin, Polnoye Sobraniye Sochineniya 8: part one, 1948, s 2 p 42. Gosti s'ekhalis na Dachu.

Marquis de Custine quoted in Weidle p 39. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 26-7 and 144.

L. W. B. Brockliss, 'Concluding Remarks: The Anatomy of the Minister-Favourite', in J. H. Elliott and L. W. B. Brockliss (eds), The World of the Favourite pp 278- 303.

Shahmagonov pp 8-9.

Adam Czartoryski, Memoirs p 87. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth p 24.

Princess Dashkova, Memoirs vol 1 p 318.

J. Cook, Voyages and Travels through the Russian Empire vol 1 p 42.

Masson p 206. A. S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter p 190.

D. Thiebault, Mes souvenirs de vingt ans sejour a Berlin vol 2 p 78. Plutarch, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Athens Penguin Classics edn, pp 245-87. Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, Penguin Classics edn, pp 375-8, 382-4, 400-87, 544-78, 583- 604. Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlon and Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, Ancient Greece: A Political, Social and Cultural History p 303.

Semevsky, GAPT pp 488-9. Krasnobaev, p 223.

AAE (Quai d'Orsay) 20: 60, Comte de Langeron.

SIRIO 72: 209-10, Count Solms to FtG 27 July 1772.

Czartoryski p 87. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth p 24.

Mimoires du roi Stanislas-Auguste (SA) vol 1 pp 136-7. CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 240-50.

chapter 2: the guardsman and the grand duchess: catherine's


This account of Catherine's life up to the coup is based on Catherine's own Memoirs, Anisimov's Empress Elisabeth, pp 230-45, Madariaga's Russia pp 1-30 and J. T. Alexander Catherine the Great: Life and Legend pp 17-60.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 87.

Alexander, CtG pp 3 2-3.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 182, 101.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 PP II4~I5> I4I- See Chancellor A. Bestuzhev's instructions to Grand Duke Peter on his rudeness and silliness quoted in Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 234-5. Alexander, CtG pp 42-3.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 P I][8-

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 196, 200, 161.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 225.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 211.

CtG, Memoirs 1955Р301. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 242-3.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 240. Madariaga, Russia pp 15-37. Alexander, CtG pp 1-4, 55-60.

SA, Memoires vol 1 p 42.

Derek McKay and H. M. Scott, The Rise of the Great Powers 1648-1815 pp 181- 92. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 109-16 and 244-5. Adam Zamoyski, The Last King of Poland pp 54-66.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 288.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 307-9.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 310.

PRO SPF 91/82, Charles, Lord Cathcart 29 December 1769, St Petersburg.

Anspach, Journey p 145, 29 February 1786.

Sabatier, French diplomat, in 1772, quoted in Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 124.

Baroness Elisabeth Dimsdale, English Lady at the Court of Catherine the Great, ed Anthony Cross p 54, 27 August 1781.

Sir Horace Walpole, 14 November 1775, quoted in Anthony Cross, By the Banks of the Thames.

Durand de Distroff, French charge d'affaires, quoted in Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 129.

Semevsky, GAPT pp 488-9. Krasnobaev, p 223. Madariaga, Russia pp 15-17.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 'Last Thoughts of HIM Elisabeth Petrovna' pp 329-38 is the major source for this account of the death of the Empress Elisabeth. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 245-8. Also Philip Longworth, The Three Empresses pp 228- 9, Robert Coughlan, Elisabeth and Catherine pp 172-4.

Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 241, 242-3, 245-8. Catherine II's letter to Sir Charles Hanbury Williams quoting from Count Stanislas Poniatowski's letter to herself is cited in Anisimov, pp 240-1. General Lieven is quoted in CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 267.