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CtG, 'Last Thoughts of HIM Elisabeth Petrovna' pp 329-38. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 26-7.

M. Semevsky, 'Shest mesyatsev iz russkoy istorii XVIII veka. Ocherk tsarstvovaniya Imperatora Petra III 1761-2', OZ vol 173 p 161. Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth pp 242-3, 245-8. FtG quoted in David Fraser, Frederick the Great p 457/8.

Dashkova p 45.

CtG, 'Last Thoughts of HIM Elisabeth Petrovna' p 331.

CtG, 'Last Thoughts of HIM Elisabeth Petrovna' pp 329-38.

PSZ xv no 11, 445, 21 February 1762; PSZ xv no 11, 444,18 February 1762; PSZ xv no 11, 481, 21 March 1762; PSZ xv no 11, 538, 18 May 1762.

RA (1907) 11, pp 130-2.

Krasnobaev, pp 488-9.

PSZ xv no 11, 445, 21 February 1762; PSZ xv no 11, 444,18 February 1762; PSZ xv no 11, 481, 21 March 1762; PSZ xv, no 11, 538, 18 May 1762.

Soloviev vol 13 p 73, quoted in Madariaga, Russia p 25.

Dashkova pp 78-9.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 341-9; CtG to Stanislas Poniatowski 2 August 1762.

General Baron von Ungern-Sternberg in Masson p 137.

The main sources for this account of the coup are Catherine's own Memoirs particularly her letter to Stanislas Poniatowski dated 2 August 1762 and also published in SA, Memoires, vol 1 p 377. CtG, Memoirs, also in CtG, Sochineniya imperatritsy Ekaterina II ed A. N. Pypin, vol 12 p 547. See also Dashkova pp 74- 80. SIRIO 12 (1873): 2-4, Robert Keith to Mr Grenville, 1 July/12 July 1762, St Petersburg. Madariaga, Russia pp 21-37. Alexander, CtG pp 5-16.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 341-2..

CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 343, CtG to SA.

RA (1867) 4 pp 482-6. CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 343, CtG to SA 2 August 1762.

Prince M. M. Shcherbatov, On the Corruption of Morals in Russia p 229.

Dashkova p 74.

Dashkova pp 45-6.

A. F. von der Asseburg, Denkwurdigkeiten pp 316-17.

David L. Ransel, The Politics of Gatherinian Russia: The Panin Party pp 11-20, 65.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 341-9, CtG to Poniatowski 2 August 1762.

Dashkova p 74.

Dashkova pp 78-80.

Reginald Pole Carew, Russian anecdotes in the Antony Archive CO/R/3/92, unpub­lished. These anecdotes are clearly based on the Englishman's conversations with the eminent Russians he met during his long stay in 1781: he spent the most time with GAP, riding round in his carriage visiting his estates and factories. He probably heard these stories of the coup from GAP himself. The story of GAP riding on Catherine's carriages with Vasily Bibikov places GAP during these hours for the first time.

Pole Carew, Russian anecdotes, Antony Archive CO/R/3/62.

RA (1867) 4 pp 482-6, Horse-Guards in June 1762.

CtG to S. Poniatowski 2 August 1762, CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 343.

Dashkova p 80.

Dashkova pp 80-1.

Alexander, CtG pp 10-11. Madariaga, Russia p 31.

chapter 3: the empress's reckless suitor

Segur, Mimoires 1859 pp 348-9.

Jean-Henri Castera, The Life of Catherine II vol 2 p 269. One of the first biographies

518 notes

of CtG published in 1798, there is much debate on how much was added by its translator Tooke and its sources. Samoilov cols 597-8. Engelhardt 1868 p 42.

Segur, Mimoires 1859 pp 348-9.

Anonymous, Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin pp 16-17. This translation of Cerenville, and adaption of Helbig tells the legends current about GAP during his lifetime. (It is not a fake autobiography of GAP.)

Ustinov pp 70-8.

R. Nisbet Bain, Peter III p 160, quoted in Alexander, CtG p 11.

Asseburg p 315. Ustinov pp 70-8.

V. A. Bilbasov, Istoriya Ekateriny II vol 2 p 74.

CtG, Memoirs 1955 pp 341-9, letter to S. Poniatowski 2 August 1762.

Dashkova pp 80-107.

SIRIO 7: 108-20. SIRIO 42: 475, 480.

RA (1867) 4 pp 482-6.

Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth p 245.

O. A. Ivanov, Tayna Pisma Alexyey Orlova iz Ropshi', Moskovskiy zhurnal (1995) no 9 p 15. Ivanov has cast serious doubts on the famous 'third letter' from A. G. Orlov to CtG confessing to the killing of Peter III in a drunken brawl and implicating Prince Fyodor Bariatinsky. Also CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 350.

Moskovskiy zhurnal (1995) no 9 p 18. AKV 21: 89. CtG, Memoirs 1955 p 351.

Dashkova p 107. Countess V. N. Golovina, Souvenirs p 37.

Alexander, CtG p 15.

S. M. Soloviev, Istoriy rossii s drevneyshikh vremyon vol 13 pp 114-15.

P. Morane, Paul I pp 57-8. Also Arthur M. Wilson, Diderot, quoted in Alexander, CtG p 14. GAP later himself told the Comte de Segur that Dsahkova overreached herself with her haughtiness and irritated CtG (Segur 1825-7 vol 2 p 228).

RGADA 268.890.291-4 Geroldmeysterskaya contora (Heraldic Office).

RA (1867) 4 pp 482-6. Information about Horse-Guards in June 1762. See also I. Annenkov, History of the Cavalry Guards Regiment. Alexander, CtG p 64.

Thiebault vol 2 p 78. RA (1907) 11 pp 130-1, legend about Prince Potemkin- Tavrichevsky. Krasnobaev, p 489. For Potemkin's talent for mimicry, see SIRIO 26 (1879): 315. Marchese de Parelo, Despatches. Derzhavin, The Waterfall, in Segal vol 2 p 302. Samoilov cols 597-8. Engelhardt 1868 p 42.

Sochineniya vol 12 pp 546-63, CtG to S. Poniatowski 9 August, 12 September, 27 December 1762. (See also Memoirs 1955).

SIRIO 7: 162. Alexander, CtG pp 67-8. Madariaga, CtG: A Short History, pp 137-8. Madariaga, Russia pp 559-60.

Ransel, Politics p 79.

SIRIO 7: 206.

CtG, Sochineniya vol 12 p 559, CtG to S. Poniatowski.

Ransel, Politics pp 111-15.

AKV 31: 260-72, Mikhail L. Vorontsov to Alexander R. Vorontsov 8 December 1763 and 9 March 1764.

Masson pp. 331-2.

Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 86.

AXC 798 f527, S. Poniatowski to CtG 2 November 1763. SA, Memoires p 33.

Madariaga, Russia pp 33-7, 187-204. Alexander, CtG pp 61-76. Ransel, Politics pp 104-11. Zamoyski, Last King of Poland pp 61-100.

Baron de Breteuil quoted in Waliszewski, Autour dyun trone vol 1 pp 96-7. Bilbasov, Istoriya vol 2 p 281.

Ransel, Politics pp 116-27. Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 pp 96-7.

Legend, for example, recounted in Great Moscow Guide p 318.

Anisimov, Empress Elisabeth p 200. Anisimov quotes the story of S. S. Uvarov that A. G. Razumovsky responded to Catherine's desire to avoid marriage to G. G. Orlov.