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GARF 728.1.425.1-5, CtG to GAP March 1774. CtG, Sochineniya vol 12 pp 697- 9-

Masson p 108.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin p 27.

Engelhardt 1868 pp 42-3.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin p 27.

GARF 728.1.425.1-5. CtG, Sochineniya vol 12 pp 697-9, CtG to GAP March 1774-

KFZ 4 February 1774.

RGADA, L 7, CII to GAP ud, February 1774. The basic source for the letters between CII and GAP is V. S. Lopatin's Perepiska but in various cases, the author has also used the originals. Hence references give both the place of document and its page in Lopatin's Perepiska as 'L' plus page number.

RGADA, L 7, CII to GAP ud, February 1774.

RGADA, L 8, CII to GAP ud, February 1774.

RGADA, L 8, CII to GAP ud, February 1774.

RGADA 5.1/1.1.213, L 14, CII to GAP ud, February/March 1774.

RGADA, L 56, CII to GAP ud.

RGADA, L 8, CII to GAP ud, February 1774.

RGADA, L 8, CII to GAP ud, February 1774.

RGADA, L 10, CII to GAP ud, February 1774.

3 2 Alexander Vassilchikov to French charge d'affaires, quoted in Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 145.

RA (1873) 2 PP I23~5- A. P. Barsukov, Knyaz Grigory Grigorevich Orlov p 127. Count Solms to FtG 25 March 1774.

SPBII 238.276a.7426.1/1, L 11, GAP to CII 27 February 1774.

RGADA 1263.1.7713.3, L 13, CII to GAP 28 February 1774.

SIRIO 19 (1876): 405.

RA (1873) no 2 pp 123-5, Count Solms to FtG 7 and 18 March 1774.

Frederick the Great, Politische Correspondenz 1879-1939 35 p 215 30 March 1774-

RA (1873) 2 p 125. Barsukov, Orlov. Count Solms to FtG 7 March 1774.

RS (1873) 8.9 p 342, General-Count P. I. Panin to Prince A. B. Kurakin 7 March 1774-

524 notes

RA (1873) 2 P I25- Barsukov, Orlov. Count Solms to FtG 7 March 1774.

Briickner, Potemkin pp 26-7, quoting from Blum, Ein russischer Staatsman, Count­ess Sievers to Count Sievers 31 March 1774.

Countess E. M. Rumiantseva, Pisma k ее muzhu grafu P. A. Rumiantsevu-Zadu- nayskomu 1762-1779 pp 179-81. See also: RA (1866) p 396 for General A. I. Bibakov's enthusiastic reaction to GAP's rise.

SIRIO 27: 52.

chapter 7: love

The descriptions of GAP are based on G. Lampi's unfinished portrait in the Her­mitage. Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 145. Stedingk p 98, J. J. Jennings to Fronce 17 March NS 1791. Also see the print of GAP as captain of the Chevaliers- Gardes, painter unknown. Thanks to V. S. Lopatin.

SIRIO 19 (1876) 405.

RA (1873) 2 pp 123 and 125, Count Solms to FII 4 and 7 March 1774.

Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 145.

Comte de Segur, Memoirs, ed Gerard Shelley p 186.

Nathaniel Wraxall, Some of the Northern Parts of Europe p 201.

AAE 11: 297, 1773.

RGADA, L 54. RGADA, L130.

RGADA, L 15.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.44, L 61.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.105, L 62.

Blum quoted in Bruckner, Potemkin pp 25-6. Countess Sievers to Count Sievers 28 April 1774.


Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Pamietniki czasow moich p 80.

RA (1877) 1 p 479 Ribeaupierre. SIRIO 23 (1878): 84, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 2/4 March 1778.

CII's rules for the Little Hermitage: Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 153.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 7, CII to Grimm 30 August 1774.

RGADA, L 59.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 3, CII to Grimm 19 June 1774.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.4, L 14.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 4, CII to Grimm 3 August 1774.

RGADA, L 94.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.42, L 18.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.6, L 24.

RGADA, L 10.

К. K. Rotikov Drugoy Peterburg pp 103-4.

RGADA, L 60.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.7, L 18. GAP's song to CtG, 'As soon as I beheld you', contains the line: 'Thy lovely eyes captivated me'. Masson p 108.

RGADA, L 11.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.16, L 15.

RGADA, L 44.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.12, L 23.

RGADA, L 11.

RGADA, L 15.

RGADA, L 12.


RGADA, L 57.

RGADA, L 64.

RGADA 1.1/1.1.213, L 14.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.27, L 32.

RGADA, L 37.

RGADA, L 87.


RGADA 1.1/1.54.3, L 87.

RGADA, L 37.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.11, L 27.

RGADA, L 59.

RGADA 10.1/1.54.19, L 16. SIRIO 13: 398.

RGADA, L 17.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.14, L 93.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.17, L 26.

GARF 728.1.425.1-5. CtG, Sochineniya vol 12 pp 697-9, CII to GAR

chapter 8: power

Unless specified, for the sources of general information about the Pugachev Rebel­lion, see Chapter 6, note 5. Masson p 108.

RGADA, L 14.

RGADA 1.1/1.1.213, L 14.

RGADA, L 10.

RGADA, L n-12.


Rumiantseva pp 179-80, Countess E. M. Rumiantseva to Count P. A. Rumiantsev.

Castera vol 2 p 401. Rumiantseva pp 179-80.

Bruckner, Potemkin p 26 Count Sievers 17 April 1774.

RA (1873) 2 p 125, Solms to FII 7 March 1774. Mansel, Pillars of Monarchy pp 31,93-

RGADA, L 14.

Rumiantseva pp 180-1.

Rumiantseva pp 179-80.


RGADA, L 16.

RGADA, L 22.

RA (1873) p 126, Solms to FII 18 March 1774. Rumiantseva p 183, 8 April 1774.

Khrapovitsky 30 May 1786. Rumiantseva p 183, 18 April 1774.

Durand de Distroff quoted in Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 1 p 146.

Waliszewski, Autour dyun trone p 146.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.64, L 27.

SIRIO 5: 413, Sir Robert Gunning to Suffolk.

RGADA, L 29. Dubrovin, Pugachev vol 3 pp 47-9.

Madariaga, Russia p 249.

RGADA, L 30.

SIRIO 19: 406, Gunning to Suffolk 10/21 June 1774.

E. R Karnovich, Zamechatelnyye bogatstva chastnykh v Rossii pp 265-7.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.25, L 25.

AKV 10: no, S. R. Vorontsov 12/24 July 1801, London. The procurement of these medals was given priority by Catherine and ministers. For example, CII herself wrote to Gustavus III of Sweden about GAP's Order of Seraphim (see SIRIO (1914) 145: 96), and on 12 March 1774 Nikita Panin ordered the Russian Ambassador to Poland, Otto-Magnus Stackelberg, to ask King Stanislas-Augustus to give GAP the White Eagle (see SIRIO (1911) 135: 68).

RGADA 1.1/1.54.22, L 30. SIRIO 19: 406, Gunning to Suffolk.

RGADA, L 31.

GARF 728.1.416.40, L 34. AGS: 1 part 1 p 452, St Petersburg.

3 3 Alexander CtG pp 176-8. Madariaga, Russia pp 249-51. Russkiy Biographicheskiy Slovar vol 14 (1904), Count P. S. Potemkin.