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RGADA 11.941.4, Prince Alexander Mavrocordato to GAP 10 July 1791, Eli- sabethgrad. Coxe vol 2 p 461. RA 3 (1879) p 19. Ypselotate kai Eklamprotate Prinkips in T. Georgikon ta D'vivilia en eroika to metro, St Petersburg 1786, and GAP to Voulgaris, both quoted in Batalden pp 71-2. Also ZOOID 9 (1875) 281- 2. GAP was cultivating three leading Greek bishops who all served as propagandists for his Byzantine-Russian project. Nikiforos Theotokis wrote Greek paeans to Grand Duke Constantine, hailing him as the future Byzantine emperor. When GAP moved Theotokis to be archbishop of Astrakhan and Stavropol, he was succeeded on 28 November 1786 by Ambrosius. See Bruess pp 85-6, 117, 128, 170.

AKV 13: 223-8, Count A. A. Bezborodko to Count P. V. Zavadovsky 17 November 1791, Jassy. О. I. Yeliseeva, 'The Balkan Question in G. A. Potemkin's Projects of Foreign Policy', in The Century of Catherine II: Russia and the Balkans pp 63-8. AVPRI 5.591.1.99-113 the reverse. AVPRI 5.591.1.105-6 the reverse. SIRIO 26: 93, 399, 369-70, A. A. Bezborodko, 'Picture or Short Note on Russia's Wars with Tartars, Begun in the Middle of the Tenth Century and Uninterruptedly Lasting for Almost Eight Hundred Years' ud, 1776. SIRIO 26 (1879): p 385, 'Memorial Brigadra Alexandra Andreevicha Bezborodka po delem politicheskim'. Batalden pp 96-7. О. I. Veliseeva, GA Potemkin's Geopolitical Projects, Associates of Catherine the Great pp 26-31. O. P. Markova, 'O proiskhozhdenii tak nazyvayemogo Gre- cheskogo Proekta'. Hugh Ragsdale (ed), Imperial Russian Foreign Policy pp 75- 103.

Segur, Мётопез vol 2 p 393. Masson p 203. RP 2.1.9. Mikhail Garnovsky to Vasily Popov August 1787, quoted in Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone pp 30-3. Goertz p 45.

AKV 13: 84-7, Bezborodko to S. R. Vorontsov 29 July 1785.

Harris p 281, H to Sir Joseph Yorke, 14/25 July 1780.

B&F vol 1 p 6, Prince Wenzel von Kaunitz to Count Cobenzl 14 April 1780, Vienna.

A. A. Bezborodko, Pisma A. A. Bezborodka p 57, Bezborodko to P. A. Rumiantsev- Zadunaisky 4 February 1780. RA (1872) p 992, CII to D. M. Golitsyn, Vienna.

RGADA, L 137. RGADA, L 138. RGADA, L 138. RGADA, L 139. RGADA, L 138. All CII to GAP.

chapter 15: the holy roman emperor

Josef II und Katharina von Russland. Ihr Briefwechsel ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, letter III, CII to JII 19 May 1780.

Maria Theresa und Josef II. Ihre Correspondenz ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, vol 3 p 246, JII to Maria Theresa 2 June NS 1780, Mogilev. SIRIO 27: 182, CII to GAP 11pm 23 May 1780, Shklov.

B&F vol 1 p 1, JII to Count Cobenzl 13 April 1780, Vienna.

This profile of Joseph II is based on the following: Mansel, Charmeur p 80. Ligne, Fragments vol 1 310. Ligne, Melanges vol 20 p 79. Ligne, Letters (Stael) vol 2 p 34, Ligne to CII 12 February 1790. SIRIO 23: 440, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 19 April 1788. Edward Crankshaw, Maria Theresa pp 254-68. Andrew Wheatcroft, The Habsburgs pp 226, 232, 236. Т. C. W. Blanning, Joseph II pp 47-67, 151-5. Beales, pp 31-89, 306-37, 431-8.

Maria Theresa - JII (Arneth) vol 3 p 246, JII to Maria Theresa 2 June 1780.

Engelhardt 1997 pp 26-30. SIRIO 23: 175-82, CII to Grimm.

Engelhardt 1997 pp 27-30.

Jerzy Lojek, Stanislas Poniatowski: Pamietniki synowca Stanislawa Augusta przekl, Instytut Wydawniczy PAX 1979 p 58.

L p 709. V. M. Zheludov articles, including Tsarski Kolodets' [The Tsarina's well]', all Rayonnay Gazeta of Dukhovshchina Region of Smolensk Oblast. RGADA, L 140, CII to GAP.

Maria Theresa - JII (Arneth) vol 3 pp 250 and 260, JII to Maria Theresa 8 and 19 June 1780.

Dimsdale p 70, 7 September NS 1781, Tsarskoe Selo.

Maria Theresa - JII (Arneth) vol 3 p 270, JII to Maria Theresa 4 July 1780, St Petersburg. SIRIO 23 (1878): 183, CII to Grimm 24 July 1780, Peterhof.

Corberon vol 2 p 287, 18 August 1780. Harris, H to Viscount Stormont 2/13 October 1780.

Harris, H to Stormont 2/13 October 1780. Fraser, FtG, p 561.

RGADA, Prince Henry of Prussia to GAP 2 August 1780, Rheinsburg, unpublished. Harris p 285, H to Stormont 28 August/8 September 1780.

Sources for Ligne: see next two notes.

The main sources for the portrait of the Prince de Ligne are Mansel, Charmeur as well as Ligne's own Melanges, Fragments and Letters, and the unpublished letters from him to GAP in RGADA and RGVIA which are cited later. Francisco de Miranda, Archivo del General Miranda p 294, 26 March 1787, Kiev. Corberon vol 2 pp 274-5, 8 August 1780. Ligne, Letters (Stael) vol 2 p 71 letter 11, Ligne to Coigny 8 August 1780. Mansel, Charmeur pp 21, 29, 65, 93. SIRIO 23 (1878): 185, CII to Grimm 7 September 1780. B&F vol 1 p 53, Cobenzl to JII 17 September NS 1780. Harris p 287, H to Stormont 22 September/3 October 1780.

B&F vol 1 p 91, Cobenzl to JII 13 December 1780.

RGADA 11.893.9, Ligne to GAP 6 December NS 1780, Vienna, unpublished. B& F vol 1 p 113, Cobenzl to JII 4 February 1781.

GARF 728.1.416.42, L 144, CII to GAP ud.

Harris p 321, H to Stormont 13/24 December 1780.

Harris p 314, H to Stormont 13/24 December 1780; pp 380-1, H to Stormont 14/25 July 1781. SIRIO 23 (1878): 431, CII to Grimm 30 November 1787. Harris p 275, H to Stormont 15/26 June, 6/17 October, 24 November/5 December 13/24 December 1780. Madariaga, Russia pp 385-7. AKV 13: 75-83, A. A. Bezborodko

538 notes

to S. R. Vorontsov July 1785. PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP106/67, William Fawkener to Lord Grenville 18 June 1791, unpublished. Harris pp 431-2, Charles James Fox to H and H to Fox 19/30 April 1782; pp 342- 50, H to Stormont 13/24 March 1781, H to Stormont 30 April/i 1 May 1781. William Coxe, Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon vol 3 p 448 (the £2 million stores on Minorca), quoted in Madariaga, Britain, Russia and the Armed Neutrality p 297.

GARF 728.1.416.47, L 145, and RGADA, L 146, CII to GAP.

Cyrus Ghani, Iran and the Rise of Reza Shah - Qajar Collapse to Pahlavi Power PP 1-2..

Pole Carew CO/R/3/95, May 1781, unpublished. On Persian expedition: AAE Memoires et Documents Russie vol 10 pp 113-224 esp. 139 and 191, including account of Hablitz and Comte de Segur to Comte de Vergennes 15 October 1786. Passe Turco-Tatar Present Sovietique (1986): Michel Lesure, L'Expedition d'As- trabad 1781-2: Est-il Encore un Secret d'Etat? 3 September 1780 Order of Prince Potemkin to College of Admiralty - Opisanie del Arkhiva Morskago ministerstva za vremya s poloviny XVIII-go do nachala XIX stoletiya, St Petersburg 1877-82 vol 3 p 629 no 724/111, cited in Lesure. On the Armenian question: GAP wanted to create an 'Armenian Project' to run parallel with his 'Greek Project' and through­out his career he pursued the idea, promoting Armenian clergymen just as he did Greek ones. Bruess, РР196-7. For more on this, see Chapters 17, 18, 19.