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B&F vol 1 pp 154-8, Cobenzl to JII 23 May 1781; p 207, Cobenzl to JII 26 August 1781. JII-CII (Arneth) letter XXXII, JII to CII, and letter LXXXIV, CII to JII.

B&F vol 1 p 141, Cobenzl to JII 5 April 1781. Harris p 367, H to Stormont 8/19 June and 25 June/6 July 1781.

B&F vol 1 p 197, JII to Cobenzl 19 August 1781; p 207, Cobenzl to JII 26 August 1781. PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 65/3 no 94, Harris to Stormont 25 June/6 July 1781.

RGADA, L 146, CII to GAP. Harris p 382, H to Stormont 14/25 July 1781.

chapter 16: three marriages and a crown

JII-CII (Arneth) letter XLIX, CII to JII 7/18 December 1781. B&F vol 1 p 170, Count Cobenzl to JII 5 July 1781.

Harris p 391, H to Viscount Stormont 10/21 and 17/28 September 1781; pp 399- 408, 21 October/i November 1781; p 394, 21 September/2 October 1781. B&F vol 1 p 209, Cobenzl to JII 26 August 1781.

B&F vol 1 p 226 12 September 1781; p 291, 18 January 1782; vol 2 p 75, 1 November 1786, all Cobenzl to JII. Wiegel quoted in RP 3.1 p 10.

RGADA, L 148, CII to GAP.

Casanova vol 10 ch 8 pp 190-7.

Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) p 189.

RGADA 11.867.12, Grand Hetman Branicki to GAP 9 April NS 1775, Warsaw. RGADA 11.867.1-60, unpublished. The correspondence of Branicki with GAP is a study of the Russo-Polish relationship between 1775 and 1791. I have used it to illustrate the relationship between uncle and nephew and GAP's Polish policies, but its window into Polish relations is much too detailed for this book, though future scholars will find it invaluable. As early as 1775, it was accepted at the Court that

GAP was protecting Branicki and fostering his power as his Polish party. For example, see SIRIO (1911) 135.68, Vice-Chancellor Ivan Osterman to О. M. Stackelberg 7 December 1775, Moscow.

Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 291.

Dimsdale 27 August 1781.

There is a legend that the marriage of Nadezhda Engelhardt and Shepelev was the latter's reward for killing Prince Peter M. Golitsyn in a duel in 1775. Shepilev is supposed to have killed Golitsyn at Potemkin's request because Golitsyn was flirting with Catherine. There is no evidence for any of this: Golitsyn was actually killed by a man named Lavrov and not by Shepelev at all. The marriage did not take place for another five years - a long time for Shepilev to wait for his reward. In any case, a vindictive duel was not Potemkin's style. See Catherine's letter to GAP on the duel, RGADA 1.1/1.54.130, L 79, probably in October/November 1775.

B&F vol 1 p 291, 18 January 1782; vol 2 p 75, 1 November 1786; vol 1 p 93, 13 December 1780, all Cobenzl to JII.

RGADA 11.901.5, P. M. Skavronsky to GAP 20 June 1784, Vienna. RGADA 11.901.19, Skavronsky to GAP 4/15 June 1785, Naples, unpublished.

Vigee Lebrun vol 1 pp 192-4.

RGADA 11.857.8, Countess A. V. Branicka to GAP ud, unpublished.

RGADA 11.857.40, Branicka to GAP ud, unpublished.

Wiegel 1 (1891) p 43.

Harris p 391, H to Stormont 7/18 September 1781.

B&F vol 1 p 282, Cobenzl to JII 18 January 1782. Harris p 412, H to Stormont 9/20 November 1781; p 408, 21 October/i November 1781.

Arneth, Joseph II u. Leopold von Toscana vol 1 pp 114-24, 5 June 1782. B&F vol 1 p 301, JII to Cobenzl 19 February 1782. Roderick E. McGrew Paul I p 129. SIRIO 23: 145 and SIRIO 23: 157-9, CII to Paul 25 April and 7 June 1782. D. M. Griffiths, The Rise and Fall of the Northern System' p 565. Ransel, Politics p 211. SIRIO 9: 64. B&F vol 1 p 342, JII to Cobenzl 13 November 1782.

B&F vol 1 pp 262, 318, Cobenzl to JII 4 December 1781 and 18 July 1782.

RGADA 7.2.2607, GAP to CII, CII to Prince Viazemsky etc.

SIRIO 23: 621, CII to Grimm 6 April 1795.

B&F vol 1 p 318, 18 July 1782.

RGADA, L 150, CII to GAP 3 June 1782. Also RGVIA, M. S. Potemkin to GAP 1 June 1782, unpublished.

Harris p 447, H to Charles James Fox 10/21 June 1782.

JII-CII (Arneth) p 136, JII to CII and CII to JII 12 July and 5/26 July 1782.

JII-CII (Arneth) p 169, letter XXIV, JII to CII 13 November 1782; letter LXV, CII to JII 10 September 1782. B&F vol 1 p 344, Cobenzl to JII 4 December 1782. Harris, H to Lord Grantham 23 December/3 January 1783.

B&F vol 1 p 344, Cobenzl to JII 4 December 1782.

Segur, Memoires 1827 vol 2 pp 401, 382-3. Castera vol 3 p 307.

AVPRI 5.585.294, L 317, GAP to CII 29 September 1788.

RGADA, L 256, CII to GAP 23 November 1787.

RGADA, L 154, CII to GAP.

chapter 17: potemkin's paradise: the crimea

This account of the Crimean Khanate and its annexation uses Baron de Tott's Memoirs esp. vol 2; N. F. Dubrovin (ed) Prisoyedineniye Kryma k Rossii (reskripty, pisma, relatsii, doneseniya) vol 2 and N. F. Dubrovin (ed), Bumagi knyaza Grigoriya Alexandrovicha Potemkina-Tavricheskogo 1774-88 SB VIM vol 1 and 6; Alan W. Fisher's two works The Crimean Tartars and The Russian Annexation of the Crimea. Also Alexander, CtG pp 246-55, and Madariaga, Russia pp 386-91.

Fisher, Crimean Tartars, pp 7-69.

De Tott, Memoirs vol 2 p 98. Fisher, Russian Annexation pp 6-21.

SIRIO 8.227, CII to Voltaire.

Fisher, Russian Annexation p 95.

Among the Christians from the Crimea, there were Greeks and Armenians. The Greeks were settled in Taganrog and Mariupol, alongside 'Albanese' who had fought for the Russians in the First Turkish War. There were huge problems and the Russians, particularly GAP, must take the blame for the shambles that followed. There were complaints and near mutinies. The Archbishops Voulgaris and Theotokis acted as the Greeks' spokesmen to GAP, who sorted out the problems and arranged benefits and favoured status. He learned from this first experience of settlement and became involved in the smallest details during the 1780s. The Armenians received their own towns, Gregoripol and Nakhichevan, and many also settled in Astrakhan, where GAP appointed Joseph Argutinsky as their archbishop. See Chapters 18 and 19. See also Bruess pp 122-7, RGADA 16.689.2.1.29 for GAP granting Taganrog benefits. RGADA, L 151, GAP to CII. He was also sending orders to I. A. Hannibal in Kherson to prepare in case of war: ZOOID 11: pp 324-6, N. N. Murzakevich, The materials for a history of the principal town of a province - Kherson GAP to I. A. Hannibal 11 August 1782.

RGADA, L 152, CII to GAP 19 September 1782.

RGADA, L 152, CII to GAP 30 September 1782.

RGADA, L 154, CII to GAP.

RGADA, L 154, CII to GAP 18 October 1782.

Dubrovin, Prisoyedineniye Kryma vol 2 pp 98, 318-19, 322, 550, 558, 752-3, Prince Prozorovsky to GAP; GAP to Prozorovsky; Count P. A. Rumiantsev to GAP; General Alexander Suvorov to GAP. Charter to Greeks PSZ 21 May 1779 14879; Charter to the Armenians PSZ 14 November 1779 14942. ZOOID 2 (1848-50): 660. ZOOID 1: 197-204. IV (i860) pp 359-62. Fisher, Russian Annexation pp 131-4. Marc Raeff, 'The Style of Russia's Imperial Policy and Prince Potemkin' pp io-II.

Harris p 483, H to Lord Grantham 8/19 November 1782.

RGADA 11.893.6 Prince de Ligne to GAP 23 May 1787?, unpublished. See also Semple in Dictionary of National Biography (1903).