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RGADA 11.946.119-23, Richard Brompton to GAP 21 June 1782, Tsarskoe Selo, unpublished.

Cross, By the Banks of the Neva pp 309-10. Bentham quoted in Cross p 310.

Segur, Memoires (1826) vol 2 p 341. Also Lincolnshire Archives Office, Lincoln, Yarborough Collection, Worsley MS no 24 f205 quoted in Cross, By the Banks of the Neva pp 357-8. Worsley was one of the English gentlemen who now included Petersburg in their Grand Tours. He met Lady Craven, Prince Pavel Dashkov and the Benthams. In Segur's story, Potemkin and Catherine were closeted for one hour, but Worsley says two.

BM 33540 fi68, Landsdowne to JB ud.

BM 33540 ffi96,199, 201, 219, 226, 232, 240, 256, JB's trip to Krichev September 1785-January 1786.

BM 33540 fi63, 18/29 June 1785.

Miranda pp 234-5, 9 January 1787. Druzhinina, Severnoye prichernomorye p 136П. Christie, Benthams in Russia p 148.

BM 33540 fi63, SB to JB 10 June 1785.

BM 33540 ff318-21, JB to Christian Trompovsky 18/29 December 1786.

BM 33540 £339, JB to SB February 1787.

BM 33540 £432, JB to Charles Whitworth ud.

BM 33540 £31, 19/30 December 1786.

BM 33540 £151, JB to Jeremiah Bentham 27 March 1785.

BM 33540 f64, SB to Reginald Pole Carew 18 June 1784, Kremenchuk.

Christie, Benthams in Russia pp 166.

E. P. Zakalinskaya, Votchinye khozyaystva Mogilevskoy gubernii vo vtoroy polo- vinye XVIII veka pp 37, 41-3. See I. R. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham and the Western Colony at Krichev' p 140-50.

BM 33558 ££422-3, SB to Jeremiah Bentham 14/25 February 1788, Elisabethgrad.

Jeremy Bentham, Correspondence vol 3 p 443, J В to Jeremiah Bentham 28 April/9 May 1785.

BM 33540 £296, JB to Prince Dashkov 19 July 1786.

Soloveytchik, Potemkin.

Jeremy Bentham, Correspondence vol 3 pp 599-611, Diary of JB's Departure.

Zakalinskaya pp 37, 41-3. Christie, Benthams in Russia p 206. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham at Krichev' p 197.

Lincolnshire Archives Office, Lincoln, Yarborough Collection, Worsley MS 24 pp 182-4. Sir Richard Worsley also met Lady Craven and was, like Samuel Bentham, friends with Prince Pavel Dashkov. Cross, By the Banks of the Neva pp 357-8.

BM 33540 f88, SB to JB 18 July 1784.

chapter 21: the white negro

SIRIO 23 (1878): 319, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 14 September 1784. Masson p 107. Alexander, CtG pp 216-19, and Madariaga, Russia pp 354-6.

Parkinson pp 45-9. Dashkova pp 215, 229-30. RA (1886) no 3 pp 244-5, zapisok doctora Veikarta. Masson p 107.

SIRIO 26: 280-1, A. A. Bezborodko to GAP 29 June 1784.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 244, CII to Grimm 29 June 1782, and SIRIO 23: 316-17, 7/18 June 1784.

SIRIO 23: 316-17, CII to Grimm 25 June 1784.

SIRIO 23: 344.

AKV 21: letter 6 p 464, E. Poliasky to Simon Vorontsov 18 August 1784. SIRIO 23: 317-18, CII to Grimm 9/18 September 1784. AKV 31, Alexander Vorontsov to Simon Vorontsov 21 July 1784, Riga.

B&F vol 1 p 17, Count Cobenzl to JII 5 May NS 1780.

Harris p 366, H to Viscount Stormont 14/25 May 1781.

Harris, H to Stormont 21 July/i August 1780.

RGADA 1.1/1.54.45, L 203, CII to GAP. RGADA, L 204, GAP to CII.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.63, L 204.

554 notes

Engelhardt 1868 p 49.

Saint-Jean ch 6 pp 40-8.

SIRIO 23: CII to Grimm 31 August 1781. It was at this time that Catherine is said to have had the short affair with Semyon Fyodorovich Uvarov, the Guards officer who entertained GAP by playing his bandore and dancing the prisiadka. However, if true, this short interlude led to nothing and Uvarov returned to his respectable career in the Guards. For an example of this story, see Vitale p 143.

Dashkova vol 1 p 218.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin pp 89-90.

Dashkova vol 1 pp 341-2.

Author's visit to Anichkov Palace 1998, guided by Ina Lokotnikova. Engelhardt 1997 PP 39-40.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin pp 89-90. Engelhardt 1868 pp 50-1.

B&F vol 2 p 37, Cobenzl to JII 14 May 1785. V. I. Levashov's friendly letters to GAP, dating from 1774, are in RGADA 2.1.946.2-3 and RGVIA

B&F vol 2 p 37, Cobenzl to JII 14 May 1785.

Damas p 97.

SIRIO 42: 123, CII November 1790.

Dimsdale 27 September OS 1781. Anspach, Journey p 134, 18 February 1786.

Golovina p 6.

Masson p 93. Dimsdale p 51, 27 August 1781. This description of Tsarskoe Selo draws on Shvidkovsky pp 41-106.

SIRIO 23: 89, CII to Grimm 16 May 1778.

Shvidkovsky p 191.

Dimsdale p 72, 25 September OS 1781; p 62, 27 August 1781.

Damas p 95.

BM 33539 f39, SB 8 April 1780, St Petersburg.

Dimsdale, p 51, 27 August 1781.

SIRIO 23. 438, CII to Grimm 22 February 1788.

Damas p 97.

Harris p 304, H to Stormont 13/24 December 1780.

M. Garnovsky, Zapiski: RS (1876) 15, 16, 17; see 15 p 699, January 1788. Mikhail Garnovsky sent these reports to V. S. Popov, who digested the news and passed it on to GAP.

RGADA, L 274, CII to GAP 8 March 1788.

Pushkin, Polnoye Sobranige Sochineniya vol 11 p 16.

Engelhardt 1868 p 29. Anonymous, с 1787, General Observations Regarding the Present State of the Russian Empire p 29. Harris p 413, H to Stormont 16/27 November 1781.

SIRIO 23 (1878), CII to Grimm 30 June 1785, Peterhof.

Garnovsky, RS (1876) 15 p 226, 3 February 1789.

Garnovsky, RS (1876) 16 p 9.

Dashkova vol 1 pp 291-5.

Segur, Memoires 1827 vol 3 p 46, CII on the 'eye of the master'. Masson p 79.

Segur, Memoirs 1827 vol 2 p 359.

SIRIO 23 (1878): p 353, CII to Grimm June 1785. SIRIO 23: 353, CII to Grimm 1 June 1785.

Segur, Memoirs 1827 vol 2 pp 393, 419.

B&F vol 2 p 75, Cobenzl to JII 1 November 1786.

Segur, Memoirs 1827 p 418.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin pp 98-103.

Khrapovitsky 30 May 1786.

Segur, Memoirs 1827 vol 2 pp 418-19.

GARF 728.1.416.54, L 206, CII to GAP (after 28 June 1786?). KFZ 17-28 June 1786.

B&F vol 2 p 75, Cobenzl to JII 1 November 1786.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin pp 103-4.

Khrapovitsky p 13.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.1-16, L 206, GAP to CII (July 1786?).

Khrapovitsky p 13.

B&F vol 2 p 75, Cobenzl to JII 1 November 1786.

RGADA 11.902, Count A. D. Mamonov to GAP ud.

Segur, Memoirs 1827 vol 2 p 420.

Garnovsky, RS (1876) 15 pp 15-16, December 1786; p 474, October 1787. Damas

P 109.

Davis p 148.

Corberon vol 2 p 365, 19 September 1780.

Miranda p 204, 22 November 1786.

Saint-Jean ch 6 p 40.

chapter 22: a day in the life of grigory alexandrovich

IV (1889) vol 37: 683-4, G. P. Alexeev.

Thiebault vol 2 p 78.

RA (1877) 1 p 479 Ribeaupierre.


Castera vol 3 p 296.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 300, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 5 April 1784.

M. Fournier-Sarloveze, Artistes Oublies, pp 95-6.

Segur quoted in Castera vol 2 p 3 3 3.

Masson p no.

Davis p 148. SIRIO 54 (1886): 148-9, Due de Richelieu, 'Journal de mon voyage en Allemagne'.

Segur quoted in Castera vol 3 p 3 3 3.