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Pushkin, Polnoye Sobraniye Sochineniya vol 12 p 156. Madariaga, Politics and Culture p 167.

AVPRI 5.585.168, L 266.

AVPRI 5.585.128-31, L 388, GAP to CII December 1789. RGADA 4, L390, CII to GAP.

no Segur, 1826 vol 1 p 539.

in Edvard Radzinsky, Rasputin p 501. Radzinsky is describing Rasputin and not GAP. Though the Prince was an aesthete of high culture and a nobleman, while Rasputin was an uneducated Siberian peasant, they did share this quintessential^ Russian characteristic. Potemkin was after all raised among the peasants of Chi­zhova and carried some of their ideas and habits with him to Court. They were both the closest advisers of Russian empresses yet they had precisely the opposite effect on history. While GAP vastly strengthened the Empress and Empire, and left great works behind him, Rasputin undermined, tainted, and contributed to the destruction of, his Empress and Empire, and left nothing behind him.

Pushkin, Polnoye Sobraniye Sochineniya 12 p 811.

Amanda Foreman, Georgianaf Duchess of Devonshire pp 42-3, 126-7, 133. Hoyle's Games, new rev edn by C. Jones, London 1796, quoted in John Masters, Casanova pp 46-7.

Moskvityanin zhurnal (1852) January book 2 pp 3-22, 97-8.

Castera vol 2 p 279.

RS (1875) 7 Р 681, anonymous woman to GAP.

RGIA, unpublished.

chapter 23: the magical theatre

RGADA, L 348, CII to GAP 13 May 1789, Tsarskoe Selo.

Miranda pp 204-19, 22 November-28 December 1786.

Miranda p 219, 30 December 1786.

Due de Cars, Mdmoires du due de Cars vol 1 pp 268-79.

Davis p 88. In this chapter, the source for the portrait of Prince de Nassau-Siegen is Aragon; and for Francisco de Miranda his diary (references given); Isabel de Mad­ariaga, The Travels of General Francisco de Miranda in Russia; Benjamin Keen and Mark Wasserman, A History of Latin America pp 154-8; and Adam Zamoyski, Holy Madness pp 136-43, 152-3. The epigram on Nassau and his wife's expectations in marriage belongs to Zamoyski, Last King of Poland, p 260.

Miranda pp 220-4, 31 December 1786-3 January 1787.

B&F vol 2 p 75, Count Cobenzl to JII 1 November 1786.

Miranda pp 224-7, 25-29 December 1786 and 5 January 1787.

Anspach, Journey p 144, Lady Craven to Anspach 29 February 1786, Moscow.

Miranda pp 225-38, 25 December 1786-15 January 1787.

Aragon p 115, Prince Charles de Nassau-Siegen (N-S) to wife January 1787.

Miranda p 242, 8 January 1787. M. M. Ivanov later painted GAP's deathscene.

B&F vol 2 p 86, Cobenzl to JII 1 November 1786.

Miranda p 241, 16 January 1787.

Miranda p 244, 20 January 1787.

Engelhardt 1997 p 53.

SIRIO 23 (1878): p 392, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 19 January 1787, Krichev.

Jeremy Bentham, Collected Works p 525 (Bowring vol 10 pp 168-71), JB to George Wilson 9/20 February 1787.

Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) p 218.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 65, Prince de Ligne to Coigny. Ligne did not join the voyage until Kiev.

Khrapovitsky 17 January 1787.

Jeremy Bentham 19/30 January 1787, quoted in Christie, Benthams in Russia p 177.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 393, CtG to Grimm 23 January 1787, Novgorod Severskiy.

Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) p 222.

Urszula Mniszech, Listy pani mniszchowej zony marszalka w. koronnego, in, Rocznik towarzystwa historyczno literackiego p 192.

GIM OPI 1.139.32, L 214, GAP to CII 7 January 1787, Simferopol.

Aragon p 121, N-S to wife 13/24 January 1787.

Miranda pp 245-53, 23 January/7 February 1787.

Davis pp 148-9.

Segur, Мётопе$ 1859 vol 2 p 4.

Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 260. Davis pp 27, 119, 213.

Miranda pp 294-5, 26 March 1787. Segur, 1890 vol 1 pp 422-3, quoted in Mansel, p 106.

Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 17-19.

Ligne, Melanges vol 21 p 9 and Letters (Stael) p 33, Ligne to Coigny. Segur, (Shelley) Р224.

Miranda pp 255, 257, 7 and 12 February 1787.

Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 p 17. Aragon p 138, N-S to wife. Miranda p 257, 14 February 1787.

Aragon p 138, N-S to wife. Stephen Sayre quoted in Joseph O. Baylen and Dorothy Woodward, 'Francisco Miranda and Russia: Diplomacy 1787-88', Historian xiii (1950) 52-68.

B&F vol 2 p 134, Cobenzl to JII 25 April 1787, Kiev.

Miranda p 261, 20 February 1787; p 269, 28 February 1787.

Saint-Jean pp 63-75.

Miranda p 279, 14 March 1787; p 262, 18 February 1787; pp 263-4, 19 February 1787; p 291, 22 March 1787.

Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) pp 227-9. SIRIO 23: 399, CII to Grimm 4 April 1787.

RGADA 11.867.1-60, Grand Hetman K. Branicki to GAP, unpublished.

Miranda pp 220-4, 31 December 1786-3 January 1787.

Miranda p 271, 4 March 1787.

Edward Rulikowski, 'Smila'

Prince K. F. Lubomirski was one of GAP's top timber contractors - GAP made deals with Lubomirski and some of the Potockis in 1783. AVPRI 2.2/83.21.39.

AVPRI 5.585.157, L 257, GAP to CII 25 December 1787. J. M. Soloviev, Istoriya padeniya polshi, p 198, and Khrapovitsky p 16, 16/17 March 1787.

RGADA RGVIA RGVIA RGVIA 52.2.74. RGVIA 52.2.39. These documents cover GAP's interminable cor­respondence with his Polish homme d'affaires Count Moczinski; the Russian Ambas­sador to Warsaw, Count О. M. Stackelberg; and Prince K. G. Lubomirski and his family, about the Smila and Meschiricz transactions. Some of the Lubomirskis challenged Prince K. F. Lubomirski's ownership of, and therefore right to sell, these estates. Finally, in 1790, GAP offered his Dubrovna estate (which was next to Krichev, near Orsha on the Dnieper) as a further payment to the Lubomirskis to settle the disagreements. Also RGADA 5.166.8-14. Correspondence between SA and GAP on Smila and his estates: GAP recruited the King to aid his litigation as well as Branicki and other magnates in the Polish Sejm. These are all unpublished and form a fascinating picture of GAP's labyrinthine affairs and of the relationship between Russia and Poland - but are beyond the scope of this book. See Chapter 29, notes 93 and 97.

SIRIO 23: 393, 8 February 1787. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 34, Ligne to Coigny. Miranda p 259, 15 February 1787.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 34, Ligne to Coigny letter 1.

Aragon p 126, N-S to wife February 1787, Kiev.

Segur, Memoires 1855 vol 2 p 27.

Kukiel p 18.

Aragon p 131, N-S to wife February 1787, Kiev.

Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 295. Mniszech p 199.

Miranda, pp 265-6, 22 February 1787.

Aragon p 134, N-S to wife. Madariaga, Russia p 370. Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 294.

SA to Kicinski 21 March 1787, BP 38 p 59 quoted in Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 294.

Aragon p 134, N-S to wife March 1787. X. Liske, Beitrage zur Geschichte der Kaniower Zusammenkunft (1787) und ihr Vorlaufer; cited in Madariaga, Russia p 370.