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Davis p 148.

Miranda p 261, 21 February 1787; p 265, 22 February 1787; p 278, 11 March 1787.

Miranda p 305, 11 April 1787; p 309, 21 April 1787.

B&F vol 2 p 120, Cobenzl to JII 9 April 1787. Miranda p 300, 1 April 1787.

chapter 24: cleopatra

This account of the cruise is based mainly on the descriptions of the Comte de Segur, Prince de Nassau-Siegen and the Prince de Ligne, as well as on Madariaga, Russia PP 393_5j and Alexander, CtG pp 256-7. References are given below.

Aragon pp 141-4, N-S to wife. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 37, Prince de Ligne to Coigny. Segur, Memoires (Shelley) pp 230-1. Also Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 3 p 30. Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 2 p 233. Segur calls Catherine 'Cleopatra of the North'.

This description of the Kaniev meeting is based on the following unpublished materials: RGADA 5.166.14, SA to GAP 16/17 February 1787. RGADA 5.166.9, SA to GAP 7 May 1787. There are numerous letters between these two from 1774 to 1791 which are immensely informative about their relationship and that of Russia and Poland. This work only uses a small fraction of this unpublished correspondence. Also SIRIO 26: 284. SIRIO 23: 407-8. RGADA, L 215, CII to GAP 25 April 1787. RGADA, L 215, CII to GAP 25 April 1787. RGADA, L 215. Khrapovitsky p 33, 26 April 1787. SA to Kicinski 8 May 1787, Kalinka. Ostatnie Lata, vol 2 p 42, quoted in Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 297. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 40, Ligne to Coigny. Ligne quoted in Mansel, Charmeur p hi. Segur, 1859 vol 2 p 39.

RGADA 5.166.14, SA to GAP, 16-17 February 1787, unpublished.

Segur, Mimoires 1859 vol 3 pp 30-46. Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 297. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 82. Aragon p 144, N-S to wife May 1787. SIRIO 23: 408, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 26 April 1787.

SIRIO 26, 284. SIRIO 23: 407-8. RGADA, L 215, CII to GAP 25 April 1787. RGADA, L 215, CII to GAP 25 April 1787. RGADA, L 215. Khrapovitsky p 33, 26 April 1787. SA to Kicinski 8 May 1787, Kalinka. Ostatnie Lata, vol 2 p 42, quoted in Zamoyski, Last King of Poland p 297. Ligne Letters (Stael) p 40, Ligne to Coigny. Ligne quoted in Mansel, Charmeur p hi. RGADA 5.166.9, SA to GAP 7 May 1787, unpublished. There are many letters from SA to GAP at this time in this font. SA promises to help GAP protect his estates in Poland. Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 p 39.

RGVIA, JII to GAP 25 November 1786, Vienna. This unpublished archive contains much of GAP's correspondence with JII, his successor Leopold and their Chancellor Prince Kaunitz. B&F vol 2 p 117, Count Cobenzl to JII 25 February 1787. JII-CII (Arneth), Briefe Joseph II an den Feldmarschall Grafen Lacey, p 277, JII to Kaunitz 19 August and 12 September 1786, and JII to CII 15 February 1787.

SIRIO 23: 408, CII to Grimm 3 May 1787. B&F vol 2 p 141, Cobenzl to JII 11 May 1787. Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) pp 232-3. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 40, Ligne to Coigny.

BM 33540 SB to JB 16 May 1787, Kremenchuk. M. S. Bentham p 82. Christie, Benthams in Russia pp 186-7.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 40, Ligne to Coigny. Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) p 234. JII- CII (Arneth) p 356, JII to Lacey 19 May 1787, Kaidak. B&F vol 2 p 140, Cobenzl to JII 6 May 1787, Kaniev.

и JII-CII (Arneth) p 356, JII to Lacey 19 May 1787, Kaidak. SIRIO 23: 410, CII to Grimm 15 May 1787, Kherson.

Khrapovitsky pp 30, 29, 15-20. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 pp 4-8.

Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 46-7. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 pp 4-8. Dne­propetrovsk State Historical Museum, author's visit 1998.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin p 118. Segur, Memoires vol 3 p 220.

JII-CII (Arneth) p 355, JII to Lacey 19 May 1787, Kherson; p 358, 30 May 1787, Aibar, Crimea. Khrapovitsky pp 35, 36, 15 May 1787.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 410, CII to Grimm 15 May 1787. Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 p 47. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 42, Ligne to Coigny.

Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 47-8.

Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 54-5.

Aragon p 154, N-S to wife May 1787. JII-CII (Arneth) p 358, JII to Lacey 30 May 1787.

Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) pp 238-9.

B&F vol 2 pp 147-50, Cobenzl to Kaunitz 3 June 1787, Sebastopol. Segur, Mem­oires 1859 vol 2 pp 54-5.

Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 54-5.

Author's visit to Crimea 1998. Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 54-5. Aragon p 155, N-S to wife JII-CII (Arneth) p 361, JII to Lacey 1 June 1787.

JII-CII (Arneth) p 361, JII to Lacey 1 June 1787. Aragon pp 155-8, N-S to wife. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 44, Ligne to Coigny. SIRIO 23 (1878): 411, CII to Grimm 21 May 1787, Bakhchisaray. B&F vol 2 p 148, Cobenzl to Kaunitz 3 June 1787, Sebastopol. RA (1865) p 622, L 216 CII to GAP 28 May 1787, St Petersburg.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 11.

Ligne, Milanges vol 24 pp 4-7. Aragon pp 158-61, N-S to wife 1 June 1787, Sebastopol. B&F vol 2 pp 150, Cobenzl to Kaunitz 3 June 1787 .JII-CII (Arneth) Р 363, JII to Lacey 3 June 1878; p 292; JII to Kaunitz 3 June 1787. Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 66-7.

Ligne, Мё1а^е$ vol 24 pp 4-8. SIRIO 23 (1878): 412, CII to Grimm 23 May 1787. JII-CII (Arneth) p 363, JII to Lacey 3 June 1787; p 292, JII to Kaunitz 3 June 1787. B&F vol 2 pp 150-1, Cobenzl to Kaunitz 3 June 1787.

B&F vol 2 pp 150-1, Cobenzl to Kaunitz 3 June 1787. JII-CII (Arneth) p 364, JII to Lacey 5 June 1787.

RGVIA, N. Pisani to Ya. Bulgakov 1/12 May 1787, unpublished. The reports of the professional Ottoman diplomatic dynasty, the Pisanis, via Bulgakov to GAP, are invaluable evidence of how Istanbul was already in a state of war-fever. RGVIA, N. Pisani to Bulgakov 1 June 1787. Here again Pisani reported that recruits were already marching through Istanbul to prepare for war. This is significant evidence since most histories blame the entire war on GAP's mishandling and provocations to the Sublime Porte. Segur, Memoires 1859 vol 2 pp 52-3. Aragon pp 158-61, N-S to wife 1 June 1787.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 50, Ligne to Coigny. Mansel, Charmeur p 113. Aragon p 173, N-S to wife.

chapter 25: the amazons

i Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 64, Prince de Ligne to Coigny, Kaffa. Note on Amazon Company, Moskvityanin zhurnal (1844) no 1 pp 266-8, note by G. Dusi based on

Elena Sardanova's memories. Herodotus, The Histories pp 306-8. See also Neal Ascherson, Black Sea pp 111-14.