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AVPRI 5.585.152, L 232, GAP to CII 24 September 1787, Kremenchuk; p 314, L 232, GAP to CII 24 September 1787. SBVIM issue IV pp 150-1, GAP to Rum­iantsev-Zadunaisky 24 September 1787.

chapter 26: jewish cossacks and american admirals: potemkin's


In Chapters 26-34, the description of the course of the Second Russo-Turkish War is based on the following works. The main source is A. N. Petrov, Vtoraya turetskaya voyna v tsarstvovaniye imperatritsy Ekateriny II1787-91. Others are V. S. Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov, A. V. Suvorov, Pisma ed V. S. Lopatin; A. Petrushevsky, Generalissimo Knyazi Suvorov, D. F. Maslovsky, Zapiski po istorii voiennogo iskusstva v Rossii; ZOOID 8, 4, 11. D. F. Maslovsky (ed), Pisma i Bumagi A. V. Suvorova, G. A. Potemkina, i P. A. Rumiantseva 1787-1789. Kinburn Ochakov- skaya operatsiya, SBVIM; N. F. Dubrovin (ed), Istoriya voyny i vladychestva russkikh na Kavkaze; Bumagi Knyaza Grigoriya Alexandrovicha Potemkina-Tav- richeskogo, ed N. F. Dubrovin, SBVIM; RS 1875 June> RS 1876 July and RA 1877, GAP's letters to A. V. Suvorov; I. R. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham and the Russian Dnieper Flotilla', and I. R. Christie, The Benthams in Russia; MIRF. In English and French, this account draws on Christopher Duffy, Russia's Military Way to the West; Alexandre, Comte de Langeron's accounts of the campaigns of the war 1787-91 in AAE vol 20; Roger, Comte de Damas, Memoires; the Prince de Ligne's Melanges and Letters (Stael); and the Due de Richelieu's 'Journal de mon voyage en Allemagne'. Langeron's papers have not yet been published in full. Langeron's and Ligne's accounts have been used widely against GAP. They are useful but clearly prejudiced. Langeron's account is balanced by his final tribute to GAP, while the unpublished letters between Ligne and GAP, used here for the first time, reveal much more about his motives. The rarely used Richelieu and Damas give a much more just account of GAP at war. If the reference is to a specific document, the reference is noted, but general information on the course of the war, mainly derived from Petrov, is not referenced. RGADA, L 233, CII to GAP 24 September 1787. RGADA, L 235, 25 September. RGADA, L 238, 2 October 1787.

AVPRI 5.585.365-7, L 358, GAP to CII 2 October 1787, Kremenchuk.

RGADA, L 240, CII to GAP 9 October 1787.

RS (1875) May vol 8 pp 21-33, letters of GAP to A. V. Suvorov 1787-8, 5 October 1787.

Byron, Don Juan Canto VII: 55.

Duffy, Russia's Military Way pp 185-7.

AAE 20: 20, Langeron, 'Armees Russes and Turques\ Damas pp 34-5. Engelhardt 1868 p 183. Duffy, Russia's Military Way pp 192-3.

AAE 20: 95-7, Langeron, 'Resume des campagnes de 1787, 1788, 1789'.

RS (1875) May vol 8 p 21, GAP to Suvorov 5 October 1787; p 28,1 January 1788.

AVPRI 5.585.190, GAP to CII 1 November 1787.

RS (1875) May vol 8 pp 21-33, letters of GAP to Suvorov 5 November 1787.

Aragon p 189, N-S to wife (Paul's wish to join army and take wife). RGADA, CII to GAP 24 September 1787. RGADA 5.181.7, Grand Duke Paul Petrovich to GAP June 1788, Pavlovsk. RGADA 5.181.11 Grand Duke Paul Petrovich to GAP 26 September 1789, Gatchina. RGADA 5.182.2-3 and 181.1, 6, Grand Duchess Maria to GAP, Pavlovsk and Gatchina. Segur, Memoirs (Shelley) p 265. Damas pp 100-7. RS (1876) 15 p 484, Garnovsky November 1787. SIRIO 42: 191, CII to Grand Duke Paul Petrovich 1791.

B&F vol 2 p 231, JII to Count Cobenzl 11 December 1787, Vienna.

RGVIA, JII to Prince de Ligne 25 November 1787, Vienna, unpublished.

Ligne, Melanges vol 7 p 152, Ligne to Comte de Segur 1 December 1787, Elisabethgrad.

AVPRI 5.585.312, L 254, GAP to CII 12 November 1787, Elisabethgrad.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 15.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 72, Ligne to JII December 1787, Elisabethgrad.

Pishkevich p 128.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 pp 11-15.

Damas pp 23-5.

Ligne, Melanges vol 21 pp 296-7.

AAE 20: 64, Langeron, 'Resume des campagnes de 1787, 1788, 1789'.

RGVIA, Segur to GAP 7 January 1788, St Petersburg, unpublished.

Damas p 25.

RGVIA, GAP to Cobenzl 15 October 1787, Elisabethgrad, unpublished.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 17. RGVIA, GAP to Ligne ud, unpublished.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 18. AVPRI 5.585.179-80, L 282, GAP to CII; and RS (1873) November pp 727-8, L 283, 5 May 1788, Elisabethgrad.

Count Fyodor Rostopchin, La Verite sur I'incendie de Moscou, p 27. Aragon p 180. Waliszewski, Autour d'un trone vol 2 p 78. See also GAP on General V. S. Tamara's Mediterranean missions: RGVIA^ GAP to Prince Kaunitz October 1790, unpublished.

SIMPIK KV vol 2 p 9, GAP to Ataman Sidor Bely 2 January 1788, Elisabethgrad. AVPRI 2.2/83.21.96, L 261, GAP to CII 3 January 1788, Elisabethgrad. SIRIO 27 (1880): 494, CII thanks GAP for founding Cossack forces 20 May 1788, pp 486-7, CII rescript to GAP agreeing to his proposal to complete Cossack forces with coachmen and bourgeois 20 April 1788. GAP's passion for Cossacks: AKV 13: 227, A. A. Bezborodko to S. R. Vorontsov 17 November 1791. SIRIO 27 (1880): 332-3 CII's rescript to GAP on precautions to be taken on arranging the return of Nekrazovsky and Zaporogian Cossacks 15 April 1784. Both CII and GAP were initially cautious but GAP ultimately persuaded the Empress. See also Longworth, Cossacks p 229.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 74, Ligne to JII December 1787. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 41, Ligne to JII 2 March 1788; p 57, Ligne to JII 6 April 1788; vol 21 pp 180-1, 'Memoire sur les Juifs'. D. Z. Feldman, Svetleyshiy Knyaz GA Potemkin i Ros- siyskiye Evrei, p 186-192. N. A. Engelhardt, Ekaterinskiy kolloss. IV (1908) April p 55-57. Dudakov, S. Y., Istoriya odnogo mipha: Ocherki russkoy literatury XIX- XX, Moscow 1993 p 29-31. Both cited by Feldman. For Napoleon's Jewish cavalry officer: Berek Joselewicz, see Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoder, New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, London 1975.

BM 33540 f4o8, N. S. Mordvinov 21 September 1787; f442, SB to William Pitt.

BM 33540 f453, SB to Pleshichev 7 January 1788, Kherson.

Mordvinov to GAP 31 August 1787, quoted in I. R. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham and the Russian Dnieper Flotilla' p 176. BM 33540 f487, SB to Jeremiah Bentham 12/27 October 1787; ff365~6, SB to JB 16 May 1787, Kremenchuk; £391, SB to JB ud, 1787; £397, SB to JB 2/13 September 1787, Kherson.

MIRF 15: 99, 104, 123, quoted in I. R. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham and the Russian Dnieper Flotilla' pp 175-8 and Christie, Benthams in Russia, pp 218-221.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 pp 20-1.

Blanning,JII p 176. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 pp 44-6, February 1788, Elisabethgrad. AVPRI 5.585.160, GAP to CII 3 January 1788, Elisabethgrad. RGADA 4, L 260, CII to GAP 11 January 1788.